Time flies, doesn’t it? As if it was yesterday we were looking for a fake ID to buy alcohol and cigarettes. Now there are white hairs on our heads and we have kids and families to take care of. Even the times when there was no digital photography and the personal computers had the size of a small Italian restaurant don’t look that far away and that scares us even more…
Today, the mobile technology develops so fast that if you’ll most likely miss something interesting if you close your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Last winter we tested the 5-megapixel cameraphones and we were wondering when the quality of their images will become identical with the pocket cameras having the same resolution. Then in the summer, Sony Ericsson announced C905 and the bar was raised. Samsung didn’t stay behind and was first to release not one but two models (INNOV8 and Pixon). Then followed LG with Renoir, and SE made its model available after everybody else although with a delay of just a few weeks. This race resulted in four 8-megapixel cameraphones available on the market almost at the end of 2008. But as they say in the commercials “that’s not all!” We have four multifunctional devices, which can satisfy the complicated needs of the modern consumer.
We have to note that this is not a regular comparison, because the phones are quite different from one another; Renoir and Pixon have touch sensitive displays, INNOV8 is a Symbian smartphone, and C905 is a non-smart cameraphone. The one thing they have in common is the camera resolution and the fact that they are the latest hi-tech models of their respective manufacturers. In other words „Get some popcorn and enjoy the clash of the 8-megapixel high-end phones, which you will witness on the next few pages!”
OK, how do we go about comparing four devices, two of which are touch screen and the others are sliders? We cannot simply divide them in two groups, because this would mean to have two separate comparisons. The only thing we can do is evaluate the elements present in all of them. We will not discuss the quality of the build since it is very good in all four and although it is not as exclusive as in the Arte series, it will satisfy the needs of every regular consumer. So we are left only with a few things to compare and they are as follows:
Display size:
“The bigger the better” is the usual rule here. In the same line of thoughts it comes out that we like Pixon best with its 3.2”, followed by Renoir 3”. Nevertheless, Samsung has done a good job with the 2.8” screen that can be seen in INNOV8. Last comes C905 with the “sad” 2.4” and is not what we’d expect from the best hi-tech model of the manufacturer.
We are not sure if the same can be applied to the colors of the display („the more the better”) and so we rolled our sleeves, loaded test pictures, and started comparing with glasses, binoculars and microscopes.
At the end of the day, we figured out that despite having the smallest display C905 offers the best saturated colors and contrast in the images.
Pixon, C905, Renoir, INNOV8
INNOV8 remained second no matter that it has the best display specification wise (16 million colors). The other Samsung fighter (Pixon) offers more warm colors, which turn the black into gray. The images made with Renoir are too blurry compared to the rest and the colors are somewhat unattractive.
Overall, we liked best the combination large screen – warm colors offered by Pixon. If only C905’s screen was larger...
No matter how large a phone screen is, it has to be user-friendly, and to a great extent this is defined by the software. The four models we have here have totally different interfaces, which is easily noticeable from their very home screens.
When we’re talking about a touch sensitive display we cannot deny that the iPhone is a standard in the field. Every application it has installed has an icon on the home screen. Pixon and Renoir have a different strategy; it is visualized in the face of a widget, which lets you decide what is that you want to have fast access to. Besides, part of them are active (the clock, weather forecast) and are updated in real time. This is a good idea, but like we’ve said before the space that a 3 or a 3.2-inch display is quite limited, and you cannot have everything you need on it. In Pixon there’s a variety of them, additional ones can be downloaded and you can rearrange them freely anytime. In the Renoir you have to be in widget mode in order to move them, but afterwards, you can scroll on the homescreen, and store everything you want.
The INNOV8 and the C905 are a different story, because of the lack of a touch screen. The Samsung runs on Symbian 9.3, S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2 and it comes with all its advantages and disadvantages. The application, which appears on the homescreen, gives you fast access to some functions and is very convenient. In addition, it has two variants of visualization. Sony Ericsson’s product offers less options, but the accelerometer defined wallpaper and the variety of themes are an eye candy. You can also place an application and the only preloaded one is Slideshow wallpaper, which does what its name says.
The C905 and INNOV8 employ the standard view of the main menu which is a grid by default. Both allow modifications with the first offering a bigger variety depending on the theme or your choice. In Renoir, it is divided in four tabs as in the first non-smart touch phone, the PRADA. The Pixon has a color menu which reminds us of the Care bears. Bringing memories of your childhood is not a bad thing, and the order is almost identical with the non-touch devices. Those used to Samsung will feel confident, and the rest will need just a little bit of time to adjust.
As it became clear, all four phones offer quite different interfacesolutions respectively with their own pros and cons. Therefore, wecannot give an excellent score to any of them, but we can choose themost user-friendly one. In that case, it is really up to the personalpreference and the time it takes for each person to get used to it.
Since we started talking about past times in the very beginning, let us remind you of something. Until now you had to carry a camera, music and a video (DVD) player if you wanted to be fully equipped multimedia wise. Following the all-in-one trend the modern phones offer a combination of these futures. We hope this will happen with people soon too so we’ll be able to find a top model girlfriend that is willing to cook and do the laundry.
Music player:
More than a year ago the iPhone showed us the proper way to control a music player. Although none of the four 8-megapixel phones is even close to that standard, they offer some interesting solutions. The Pixon’s interface is not that effective (lacks Cover Flow), but all options are available directly, and the album covers are visualized small but perfectly. The equalizer has seven modes, which really influence the sound.
Renoir’s player offers an old-fashioned design, but we could’ve been OK with that if the extras were fine. Unfortunately, this is the model that has the most problems reading ID3. Not only the album art doesn’t appear most of the time, but the artists are not correctly recognized. There are no sound effects except for the Dolby Mobile.
It’s almost the same story with the INNOV8 (most covers do not show), but at least the equalizer has 17 presets. Variety is a good thing, although we would have preferred to have the option to make our own EQ. This you can do in the C905, which has interface similar to the Walkman series, but with less extras. Overall, it is quite nice and only the covers are so small that even if they were of good quality we wouldn’t notice it.
All four models are equipped with FM radio, but the RDS option is not available in the Renoir. The C905 and Pixon get some extra points for offering the music recognition option. We have already tasted the precision of Sony Ericsson’s TrackID, and Samsung service doesn’t fall behind.
Loudspeaker sound quality:
Listening to music from your phone is generally a lonely activity that you do with your headphones on. However, sometimes you want to share your favorite tracks with other people and then you have to use the phone’s loudspeaker. You shouldn’t expect, though, that it’s loud enough to make a party (although we once succeeded in this with a N95 8GB).
Pixon is our favorite in this category, since it’s the loudest of all and, if the music is calm, it offers very good quality. If, for example, you’re listening to music featuring more guitars, the sound would be too sharp and annoying. The situation is similar with INNOV8, the only difference being that it produces a weaker sound. As far as sound quality is concerned, we’re very pleased with C905, at moments it performed even better than the Samsungs, but it’s too quiet and it’s hardly heard at the other end of a bigger room. Renoir offers even a weaker sound and you can as well assume that it’s unusable in circumstances slightly more noisy than being in a church.
Sound quality through the headphones:
So, we got to the most important criterion as far as listening to music on the phone is concerned. We have to underline that, in order to assess the sound quality we used the same headphones (sometimes with an adapter), and not the ones included in the sets. The test headphones are midmarket class - Alessandro MS1. On the whole, we are pleased with the performance of all four models and we can say they answer the needs of the mainstream user. There is, however, a small difference in the sound volume they provide.
INNOV8 and C905 are the loudest and the Sony Ericsson model offers a sound that is slightly clearer. The Pixon can achieve the same volume, but the sound is a little sharper, so you’ll have to turn it down a little. Renoir is a bit quieter compared to the competition. On the whole, none of the models offers a volume, comparable with that of the music champion from our comparative evaluation of the GSM touch-screen phones, iPhone. Furthermore, only INNOV8 has an in-built 3.5 mm jack, while Renoir and Pixon come with adapters. C905 does not provide a possibility for plugging in headphones of your choice (unless you buy an adapter). All these facts have been taken into account for the final evaluation, which is...
Video player:
It’s niceto be able to listen to quality music on your phone, isn’t it? You cankill a lot of time in this way and you can avoid boredom, especiallywhen you’re on the road or you’re just waiting for something. Andwouldn’t it be wonderful if you could watch the new episode of HouseM.D. or Prison Break that you downloaded yesterday at home...
Inorder to be able to do that you just need a phone with good codecssupport (so that you don’t have to spend a long time converting) and abig display (since you would look rather weird watching through amicroscope). In other words, C905 does not compete in this category,since it cannot play DivX/XviD clips (it is even limited only toMPEG4/H.263, which does not perform well), and its 2.4-inch screen isnot very suitable. Fortunately, the other competitors have something toshow in this respect.
Supported codecs:
Already with thelaunch of OMNIA, Samsung showed that they know how to build in codecsin their phones. In their top smartphone, however, there was a problemwith bad artifacts, but it was possible to install additional programsand even to launch MKV files. In the non-smart Pixon you have no otheroption but to rely on built-in support of DivX and XviD. Fortunately itis great and we faced almost no problems launching files, even thosewith a 720 pixels width. However, for 1280 we’ll have to wait for thenext generation of multimedia phones.
Renoir also supportsboth standards and, on the whole, you won't have to convert your clipsso that you can watch them on the 3-inch display. Unfortunately somevideos just won't start for no visible reason, while the same would runon Pixon. We have encountered this problem with some of the test XviDfiles.
In INNOV8 the situation is slightly different.According to Samsung, it only supports DivX codec, but in our tests wemanaged to launch also some XviD clips. In both cases the maximum widthwas 640 pixels. Fans of the Symbian smartphones now probably tellthemselves, "Well, what do I care what can be played with the built-inplayer, if I can install a suitable program and everything will besuper!"... and they’ll be absolutely right. However, in our tests withCorePlayer, 720x480 clips hacked slightly, but were generallywatchable. However, in assessing the supported standards we take intoconsideration what the phone comes with, because not everybody wouldlike to part with 30 U.S. dollars for one additional program.
Asyou are already aware, the loading of films, series or a clip is not aproblem and for three of the 8-megapixel competitors you won’t have toconvert, but what then? In other words, what is the quality of thepicture?
Pixon will offer you its characteristic warm colors. Itshows everything as if it was filmed on a warm autumn afternoon, whichis rather nice and would appeal to most people, but, at the same time,it is far from reality. Apart from that, there are some small artifactslike, for example, the smooth transition of colors (especially if it’sfrom a light color to black). Anyway, the advantage of the big displayis a fact.
The LG product might have some problems launchingfiles, but it offers excellent picture quality. The colors are bluishand, on the whole, they are in the cold-color range, but their shadingis good and there’re no artifacts and pixelising. A further advantageis the 3-inch screen, which is good for watching without too muchstraining your eyes.
INNOV8 has the smallest display, but its 16million colors should make a difference, shouldn’t they? The correctanswer is ‘No’. The clips colors are more real, compared to Pixon, butthe shading of colors is not as smooth as in the case with Renoir. Weencountered these problems already with OMNIA, when we thought theywere due largely to the screen, which does not support more than 65thousand colors. Unfortunately, these problems persist also with thehi-tech display and now it’s clear that we should look for the reasonelsewhere.
If you want more detailed information on our camera evaluation criteria, as well as many pictures, please read our Cameraphones Comparison Q4 2008.
We hope you still keep in mind that one of the main functions of 8-megapixel phones is making quality pictures. For this purpose they have to perform well in daylight, to be equipped with a good flash for indoor photos and all this has to be backed by a convenient...
The four devices offer a number of camera settings, some of which are quite useful and it would be rather off-putting if you had to ‘fight’ in order to get to them. We believe that, although rather plain, Pixon’s interface is the most convenient to use. It has to be used as and example not only for all cameraphones, but also for the pocket cameras, since it’s very well arranged and provides quick access to all functions. Second comes C905, which is easy to use and the color pictures, designating the pre-loaded scenes, are a feast for the eye. INNOV8 has a monochrome and ugly, yet well arranged interface, which didn’t trouble us as that of Renoir. Our first encounter with it was rather cumbersome and confusing, since it takes quite a lot of scrolling to get to some of the options and you can easily get lost in the menu text.
The focusing and picture saving speed is also of essence and in this respect Pixon again comes first. Then come INNOV8, Renoir and C905. For more details please consult the table.
Outdoor pictures:
We won’t be giving you the usual lectures here, e.g. ‘what matters are the authentic colors, the level of detail, etc’. Instead, you can have a look at our cameraphone purchase guide if you want to learn more about the main elements of quality pictures. Now here’s what we found out in a few words:
We liked the performance of INNOV8 the most as far as colors are concerned. The colors are not absolutely authentic (they tend to be more saturated), but they’re pleasure for the eyes. Renoir and Pixon share the second place, since the yellow color is predominant in their pictures. The problem with C905 arises from the ‘white filter’, which seems to cover all photos and spoils their quality.
As far as detail is concerned, all four phones provide almost equivalent results. Renoir is slightly standing out with the (excessive) sharpness of the pictures, which sometimes gives negative results. On the whole, however, the quality of the pictures is worse than that of a digital camera with the same resolution.
Indoors pictures:
Many interesting things happen indoors (especially in winter): parties, family gathering, tea ceremonies, etc. Unfortunately, the light indoors is usually insufficient and we have to use a flash. These are conditions that normal pocket cameras find hard to meet and that’s why we didn’t expect any amazing results from the 8-megapixel phones.
During our tests that were done at bright, medium and poor light at two different distances (2m/6.5feet and 4m/13feet), the only competitor that performed well was C905. It’s the only one with a flash that’s powerful enough to light distant objects. It might seem strange to you, but as far as this criterion is concerned, the best cameraphone from the previous 5-megapixel generation performed better than most of the new ones. N82 outperformed Pixon, INNOV8 and Renoir, which produce indistinguishable pictures at poor light.
You can’t live without a constant access to the world wide web? Then we’re of the same blood group. Fortunately, the producers of 8-megapixel mobile phones have accommodated our needs, offering convenient options for….
All four models are global GSMs (they can be used all over the world), but the situation is different when we’re talking about the support of 3G, which is limited to Europe and Asia only. They say that LG Renoir and Sony Ericsson C905 shall support the frequencies used by AT&T, but it is not known yet when they’ll be launched on the market.
Fortunately for all of you availing of Wi-Fi at home or living/working close to wireless Internet locations, you will be able to benefit from it with their 8-megapixel phones (with the exception of Pixon). Outside such locations you’ll have to rely on HSDPA 7.2 Mbit/s (3.6 Mbit/s if you have C905). What else does a man need?
Since we’ve become acquainted with the Safari browser of iPhone and Opera Mobile 9.5 in the latest models by HTC and Samsung OMNIA, we have been left with the impression that a touch-sensitive screen is more appropriate for browsing. However, while we were writing the article you’re reading now, this assumption was seriously undermined.
The only feature in which Pixon and Renoir outperform their „non-touch ” colleagues is the navigation that is done by dragging your finger over the screen, instead of by pressing the D-pad. The viewing itself, however, is hindered by the inconvenient gradual zoom in/out (it cannot be done by tapping as in the case of Opera Mobile 9.5), and there’s no pan view either. Such is provided by the Symbian browser of INNOV8 and that of C905, which is accompanied by handy shortcuts. Sony Ericsson have done a great job with their non-smart phones software and it lives up to the smartphone's standards. Having in mind that all four devices can open heavy websites without a problem, maybe it comes as a little surprise that INNOV8 comes first, followed by C905, Renoir and Pixon.
Some things you just can’t say on the phone. For example, you wouldn’t want to recite haiku to your loved one. In such cases it’s better to use text or multi-media messages or email. And you need a convenient keypad, too.
It’s clear that any phone nowadays (except the most downmarket ones) offers possibilities for writing text and multimedia messages and emails. Only the setting of the email is a little bit different. For example, Pixon and INNOV8 have disappointed us, because they are not equipped with automatic settings even for the more popular email services. This is not what someone would expect from top 2008 models, provided that much more basic phones have this function. Renoir and C905 are equipped with this feature and we did not have to remember ports and addresses, in order to set them.
All remaining text messages and email options on the whole are copied without any significant differences and since account setting is hardly a thing you’re likely to do every day, we decided not to give too much importance to this omission in the Samsung products. Therefore, we shall not assess this category.
Wanting to type text messages without having a convenient method of typing in text is like wanting to have a party in a student hostel without having any alcohol. In other words, you still have the chance, but it’s very very small.
Pixon is equipped with three types of handwriting recognition, screen digital keypad and QWERTY, when you turn it. The latter is extremely convenient, with keys that are big enough and well arranged (with SPACE in the middle and not to the right like in OMNIA). Every touch is accompanied by a light vibration, so that there is no danger that you miss a letter without being aware of it. Renoir is also equipped with a handwriting recognition and its QWERTY keypad looks good, although it’s not as convenient as that of Pixon because of the smaller size of the keys. On the whole, it’s better to use the normal option, which is generally as good as INNOV8’s hardware buttons. They have the advantage of being separated by a row from the upper edge and therefore they’re easy to use even by people with bigger fingers. C905 won’t be a problem, either, but the buttons are shallow are pressing them is not fun.
Any way, if you’re not a text-messages freak, any of the four phones would do a decent job for you.
This category features some unusual functions, e.g. launching a shuttle by pressing a button or a radio intercepting extra-terrestrial signals. That’s a joke, of course. We’re going to review the options, complementing the image of an ‘all-in-one’ device, as well as some basic things that make our lives easier.
Organizer and Phone Book:
It certainly won’t come to you as a surprise if we say that all models, considered in this comparison, offer very good possibilities for organizing your daily activities. This includes a handy calendar, alarms, notes, a world clock, calculator, etc. As can be expected from a smartphone, INNOV8, stands out a bit in this respect and offers, in addition, a dictionary with possibility for translation nglish to Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, and vise versa as well as from Ukrainian to English.
It offers one of the best phonebooks with possibilities to look by both names. Renoir also features this option, as well as filtering when entering a number (but not when entering a name). Unfortunately, this is the model with the least convenient contacts adding, because only a few fields are seen on the screen when entering contacts. Pixon is much ahead in this respect, but just like C905 it cannot filter by the second name, which is a shortcoming for such a hi-tech device.
The availability of this feature is undoubtedly useful. If Christopher Columbus had a GPS, he would have realized that he had not dropped anchor in India. If he used Samsung Pixon, he would have had to rely only on Google Maps, which is a good program, but it requires a constant Internet access, which in America, as we have already mentioned, you cannot benefit from 3G and the loading of maps is slow. Columbus wouldn’t have had such problems in his native Europe.
LG Renoir
If we continue this analogy with the great seafarer, we shall have to mention that he would have used Renoir’s GPS only to keep track of the distance he covered, chased by Indians, following the example of Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean). To put it in a different way, the LG product lacks a navigation program and it can be used in a jogging program or for tagging pictures with their geographic situation. You can install a JAVA version of the Google Maps, but we couldn’t get it started during our tests.
The INNOV8 is equipped with the good navigation program Route 66. Unfortunately there are no included maps, but users can download a free 14-day trial of the maps before buying them. GPS+ is an application that improves lock times by downloading satellite data. On a cold start it took under a minute to locate us; hot starts required less than 5 seconds.
C905 is equipped with Google Maps and Wayfinder, which is a fully functional navigation assistant. Unfortunately, it is free for just three months, after which you’ll have to pay for a license. The GPS didn’t impress us with speed; localization after a cold start took over 20 minutes and 2 minutes after restart of the phone. After restart of the application, we needed about 10 seconds, which is normal.
Sound quality, battery life and interface speed:
As we mentioned in the beginning, we live busy lives and we’re used to relying on fast food, fast vehicles and on making fast money. In these circumstances you probably won’t be prepared to wait for your phone for too long to carry out commands. Fortunately, you’re not going to have problems with three of the reviewed models. Renoir is the only one with slow menu transitions and slow loading of the gallery and music player. This is not so crucial but anyway it creates the impression of not such a good optimization.
As concerns conversations, all competitors perform reasonably well, the best being the Samsung products, with some criticisms on the muffled sound in the headphone of the Pixon product and the rather sharp voices in the case of INNOV8. Then follows the Renoir with slightly less volume and again a muffled sound and, finally we have ranked the monotonous C905.
If we trust the data provided by the producers (our experience has shown that in most cases they can be trusted), the Sony Ericsson battery product is a champion in the category “Most long-lasting in talk and standby mode” with respectively 9 and 380 hours. Just shortly behind it comes INNOV8 (8.5/310), while Renoir and Pixon show almost equal results (3.66 and about 300 respectively).
Welcome to the finals of the competition of the four 8-megapixel phones. As we mentioned already in the beginning, these four phones are of rather different types. Let us again point out to their common feature, namely that they are the highest end devices by the respective producers, designed to satisfy all needs of the contemporary user. In actual fact, the table with the grades that you can see below reflects to what extend is the respective model versatile. As to which one of the four would best suit you, this is wholly a matter of personal criteria. Let us summarize the performance of the four phones:
Pixon – This is probably the best multimedia device on the market. Only the ‘almighty’ iPhone can challenge it and then only if you don’t account for the 8-megapixel camera. The Samsung product is slightly lagging behind with regard to the sound and picture quality (when you’re watching videos), but the superb codecs support is very useful. You won’t have to convert your video files long. On the whole, the device is well balanced with extras and the only things it lacks are Wi-Fi and a better browser. We’ve written to Santa Klaus, wishing for a new version including these functions and at least 16GB memory.
Renoir – The other competitor with a touch-sensitive screen and huge multimedia capabilities. It’s the shiniest of all and its camera makes such sharp photos that you can cut your finger on them. Unfortunately, as we mentioned in the review, it creates a feeling of incompleteness. It’s as if LG have been worried that they might lag behind the other Korean giant and were in a hurry to launch this one. The only problems that should be dealt with are the slow menus, the Internet browser, the strange reading of ID3 tags and the incomplete codecs support (some files just won’t start for no obvious reason). If these problems were rectified by a software update, the Renoir would appeal much, much more to us. Unfortunately, LG does not have a reputation of a good post-production-service company.
INNOV8 – To say it in a word – smart. The Symbian operation system entails a number of advantages, like the very good browser, the phonebook and the organizer options. It is also equipped with an impressive hardware – the best camera for outdoor photos, big inbuilt memory (8 or 16GB), 3.5 mm jack and the best GPS. Its weaknesses are the lack of a XviD support and the problems, related to the music player, which shows almost no covers. These are all problems that have to be solved with additional programs. Oh, and we almost forgot... the screen is not touch-sensitive and, on top of it, it’s not an iPhone… that was a joke!
C905 – We could say that its’ nothing new under the sun. However, we could say that of any of the four models in this comparison. It’s clear that nowadays the revolutions in mobile technologies are not done by the main producers, rather but the IT companies and associations of different companies (some of them are, of course, established names on the market). An example of this is iPhone by the Apple and Android platform of the Open Handset Alliance. The „Old Dogs” like Sony Ericsson play it safe and therefore C905 is just a very good non-smart phone with good extras like Wi-Fi, excellent Internet browser and a fully functional GPS. What we didn’t like about it is its incapability to play quality clips. The company would also have to work hard to get back on its leadership position among the cameraphone producers that it enjoyed at the time of creation of this class. At the moment they’re only competitive with their indoors photos, or, to be more precise – with the flash.
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