Xiaomi Black Shark 3 is not only a powerful gaming device but also packs 5G support. Under the hood is Snapdragon 865 processor coupled with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. The front is adorned by a 6.7-inch OLED display and 20MP selfie camera, while at the back is situated a triple-camera setup. Android 10 is available out of the box. The Black Shark 3 should hit European shelves on May 8.
Fast Charge Power Adapter, USB Type-C data cable, SIM Tray Ejector, Protective Case, Screen Protector, Quick Start Guide
Officially announced:
Mar 03, 2020
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Xiaomi has been at the forefront of smartphone innovation for the past couple of years. From ultra-fast charging to waterfall displays, and display-equipped camera bumps, Xiaomi has it all. And what's even more impressive is the fact that the company...