The Vertu Signature touch is a luxury smartphone with 4.7-inch 1080p display, 2.3-GHz quad-core processor, 13-megapixel camera, 64GB of storage and LTE Connectivity.
64GB basic storage (not expandable)
Thick body (0.42 inches)
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Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Vertu Signature Touch specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
Vertu, one of the most popular manufacturers of luxurious, premium, and (usually) outdated phones, really charmed us with the Signature Touch. Compared with the maker's previous products, the Signature Touch has a clear advantage in terms of hardware...
Two weeks ago, we came across certain rumors that Vertu, the maker of exquisite and super-luxurious smartphones, might woo us with a new device. Normally, one would expect a Vertu phone to come with archaic hardware specs and a ridiculous price tag, ...