T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Long Due Review.

Phone owned for more than a year

I got this phone in August of 2011, when it was the most kick-ass phone on the market. It's November of 2012 now and writing a long-term impressions review. Keep in mind, this phone has been out for over a year.

*Build Quality: Very nice. After several bumps and nicks, nothing has broke and nothing has been affected. The phone is still heavy and is still thick due to the keyboard however.
*Reception: Awesome reception! You'll get reception everywhere that isn't a castle with 4 foot thick walls or in the middle of nowhere land.
*Call Quality: Disappointtingly average call quality, but it is made up by extremely good reception and connectivity. 0 dropped calls so far.
*Internet: Extremely fast data speeds. Functional and Fast default browser. Can't say it's the prettiest or most unique thing, but it's great.
*Multimedia: Overall great experience. Music player has no equalizer and video player has trouble with certain codecs.
*Camera: The huge bump located on the back of the phone. Crazy camera for a phone this old. High res pictures and literally no shutter lag. At 8mp it's still up to parr with the cameras of phones today.
*UI Speed: Very responsive UI. HTC Sence 3.0 lacks compatibility with several games however. WTF! Also, wish i could update to Ice Cream Sandwich :(
*Everyday Use: Small, thick, long, beast camera and powerful. As time went on, that was how i started thinking about my phone. Still awesome though!
*Text Input: Text keyboard, virtual keyboard and swype built in. Really great text options! Keyboard is great, even with a .com button :D. If you can't get with a physical keyboard, then don't buy this phone.
*Display: Really good at the time of purchase. Rather crappy now. dpi is average at around 250 and the display resolution is disappointing for me. With phones today having an average of 1280x720 and the Droid DNA with a full HD display (1920x1080wtf) this display is far from the best.
*Battery: Really, really, sucks ass. At most 2 hours of gaming or 8 hours of normal use. This phone does not have adequette battery life. I haven't purchased a better battery, but i would assume the battery crisis could be resolved.

Synopsis: This phone was beast when i got it. Now, it is still great, comparable to a really awesome crappy phone on the market (Nov. 2012).

Also: Runs games very well. Only wish is was able to run more games (game compatibility issues) *sadface:(*

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Needs Update

Phone owned for less than a year

Best Android phone I've had it's been enough to make most of my friends and family want one, It takes awesome pictures and is my favorite phone but I'd love to get Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich on it

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Best phone I've ever owned.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I got this phone the day after it hit the market after a long line of Blackerries. This being my first Android or touchscreen phone it is an entirely different experience. The quality of the screen is phenomenal, very sharp images. Video playback is very smooth, even playing hi-def videos. Very happy I can play my netflix on it too. The audio quality from the speaker seems really wimpy though and I need to almost hold it to my ear even at full volume. The physical keyboard I am not too impressed with either, you really have to mash the keys and it still offers very little tactile feedback when a key is pressed. The camera is amazing! Takes beautiful sharp pictures. I love double click feel of the dedicated shutter button, gives it a real camera feel. Maybe I am just used to long battery life from my BB, but the battery in this thing sucks! After about 10 hours of mild to moderate usage im down to about 20%. I have already ordered a 1900mah Anker battery that will hopefully remedy this problem. The back of this phone gets pretty hot when you start doing anything processor intensive, but i suppose that's what will happen when that dual core 1.2Ghz processor starts cranking away. The phone is slightly on the heavy side, but I actually kinda like that, gives it a good solidly constructed feel to it. I like how they gave it the optical trackpad, but it doesn't seem to work very well. Aside from the battery life, I am thoroughly impressed with this phone.

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Very good smartphone with very few drawbacks

Phone owned for less than a month

I just recently came over to T-Mobile from Verizon because I was tired of getting financially raped and of not being able to use voice and data simultaneously. I started out with a MyTouch 3G Slide and just upgraded to the khaki 4G Slide recently.

This is a nice device. It's larger and heavier than the 3G Slide, both of which, I think, are good things. Reception is usually good, though it can struggle with getting a good data signal in certain indoor environments. Call quality is pretty good: not amazing, but good enough. Internet browsing is a breeze. For multimedia, it's really impressive. The music player works well, and imitates the functionality of an iPod Touch. The FM radio (which requires you to plug in headphones) works amazingly well and gets great reception. Videos and YouTube play clearly and without any problems. Photos display clearly and can be edited with many options. The hype over the camera is 100% deserved. It really has zero lag, and takes AMAZING pictures for a phone's camera. The UI is fast and has no detectable lag (whereas the 3G could be really sluggish, and even get on the verge of freezing, especially when trying to write text messages). For everyday usage, it is a great phone, and I've so far not felt unhappy with it. Text input is the only gripe I have. On screen options are fine, but the physical keyboard's keys are unresponsive and barely elevated. Clear, vibrant display. Battery is surprisingly good.

A great phone, overall.

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