T-Mobile Sidekick User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Good phone, Providing the battery and sim port work.

Phone owned for more than a year

I was a third owner of this phone. It was a pretty good phone. I didn't like that the internet browser didn't have tabs and the sucky quality of the apps. However, what's the most I was supposed to expect from a three year old phone? Anyways, for a while I liked it quite a bit. No T-9 word, the spell check was really nice, and I loved using the notes functions to write school papers on. Signal isn't the best as it is with some of the other phones I've owned from t-mobile, but it's a whole lot better than nothing. The camera is not the best. There's no editing options or self timer. Not even light settings (ex. sunny, cloudy, flourescent) However, you can rotate photos.The music player is great! It can play pretty much anything and it's all sorted out. Its also easy to load up, just drag and drop. You can even make playlists on it! There's shuffle and repeat functions too.I prefer it to an ipod anyday. However, after about half a year of owning this phone, the battery stopped holding a charge and it stopped reading my SIM card. :(

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- uqhhhhh !

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Theres madd iish yew can sayy abt the Sidekick 2OO8 .
To beqin i wass madd happy tew qet thiss foneee, when i qot it i waas still happy till like the 3rd month i hadd it !
Thats when i hadd my first problemm , well it wasnt really a prob but the screen wasnt closingg all the wayy ! !
Im still usinq my replacement & its not badd but i've lost internet connection for 3days in a row which is annoyinqq !
but i'd advise yew to not qet this fonee , muchless any of the sidekicks cause their all the samee !

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Great Features, But Terible Phone W/O Internet.

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T-mobiles Sidekick is a good phone actually for its phone reception and good for fast texting. but if you have to learn the hard way like I did, if you cant afford to get the phone with internet access, then i wouldnt reccomend this phone for you. If unequipped w/ internet it deletes all contacts, text messages, and all the tasks and skills that you had setup on the phone. i cant wait to get rid of this Sidekick because w/o internet its a piece of junk!

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Sidekick Lx 08. nothinq special

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the sidekick lx 08 model. is not what the media made it out to be. in all actuality its not qood at all. now i will admit when i first qot the phone i was so excited. many of my friends had the phone and my brother also and i really liked it. i even wanted it after my touch screen verizon wireless phone, the lq voyaqer; at first the phone seemed okay. i liked the way the trackball liqhted up and features were qood. despite the apps beinq very expensive; but i even liked playinq with bob(the qame). but as time proqressed i started to realize how muchh this phone was a piece of crap; not even two months after ive had the phone the trackball beqan to qet stuck or sometimes it would only move in one or two directions durinq which i had to learn the jump shortcuts. not lonq after that the trackball liqhts would turn for no reason makinq me think i had a text messaqe when in fact i didnt; and also the phone would cut off for no particular reason; sometimes it would reboot and other times i would have to turn it on manually. This is what really qot me. i was playinqq zuma one day and the phone just cut off in the middle of the qame. i turned it back on; it cut riqht back off; i let it sit. and turned it back on then the trackball liqhts beqan to flicker as if someone was callinq when infact i had no servicee; the trackball then qave out and the screen froze about seven minutes later the phone rebooted itself and it seemed to be workinq fine for a minute then the trackball qave out aqain and also the d-pad. i then called my sister and told her what had just happened and that the phone was a biq piece of crap. she called t-mobile and they did nothinqq. so this morninqq; i was once aqain playinq zuma on my phone and i lost so i qave up but my phone on the charqer and beqan to clean up the room; my phone beqan to rinqq as the result of a text messaqe so i picked up the phone and what do i see? A FREAKING CRACKED AND SPOTTED SCREEN!!     that was the very last straw; which is why i have typed this very lonq review to warn you all of this stupid ripoff of a phone. maybe i just had a bad model; maybe. but until convinced otherwise; SIDEKICK LX 08. YOU SUCK.

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good phone that provides fast texting
i highly reccomend

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The Worst Phone Ever

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This is not the best phone. It gets very hot when you make a phone call and the batery life is horrible. The music player is okay, but drains the battery. The internet is actually somewhat fast and easy to use but the apps and such are very expensive. The texting is very nice with the full qwerty keypad. But the worst of all is that the phone constantly needs to reboot itself. It has a message that you must contact customer care, but customer care does nothing about it. I've been through five of these and they've done nothing to help me. Instant messaging is also very slow and drains the battery fast. The camera has horrible quailty and sometimes I never recieve picture messages.

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This is the best phone I have ever had

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I've had this phone for a week now and I have had no problems what so ever. The keypad is amazing beyond anything I've had before from Blackberry Curve to the LG 10000 and 10000s. Plus i never have dropped calls. Who cares about wifi you have a great phone with a amazing fetures.
Yea the bat isn't as long as other phones but thats because people USE it all the time. I mean omg people are telling me to get off the phone all the time. I'm always texting on it. So thats what an extra bat is for so please don' t complain about it. If you do then go out and make another one that has all the fetures that you want it to have.
This is one amazing phone.

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Sidekick 2008...much better than Sidekick iD

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I got the new Sidekick 2008 two weeks ago and I have to say, I am really pleased. I liked having a Sidekick before, but I wasn't very pleased with the iD that I bought last November. The 2008's camera isn't awesome, but it's doable, and I always have my digital with me anyway. I like the music player option on the new one as well, and basically everything else is the same on this one, with a few cosmetic details. Another thing that is good is that you can have POP/IMAP mail in addition to the tmail.com address that you choose when signing up, instead of only being able to use tmail only. The D-pad seems more responsive on this one, as well. The Sidekick will always be one of, if not my absolute favorite for its full QWERTY keyboard that isn't crammed all together, like on a Blackberry. The operating system is the same, if not slightly upgraded. I wish the internet was faster though, but what can you do? Still waiting for 3G to roll around...any day now...and when that happens my qualms will be obsolete.

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im really dissapointed with the sidekick they need to produce a sidekick touch with touch screen and still have the option to navigate with the ball they also need to make the camera better and have more options like wifi because t mobiles internet sucks

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Phone owned for

So I definately just traded in my (horrbile) sidekick slide in for this awesome 2008. I'm in love. This is definately the best sidekick thus far (even better than the lx (which I also had)). It's small, tres chic, and very user friendly. It is fun to play with and great for messaging. Great for the teenieboppers we all are at heart. I'd recommend this to anyone because it's just that great.

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You call THIS a Sidekick?

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Apart from the fact that this phone is simply "Sidekick" in form and feature, I would say that the LX trumps this phone.  The screen is smaller on this device than the LX, and the LX update is now out to most LX users so you still get all of the same features if at a little steeper price.
This phone has reported reception issues, and a few screen defects that when the swivel is used the phone will power off, although it seems this has only affected a few users.  Upon actually seeing one of the devices, look at feel is a Sidekick 3 and a Sidekick LX put together, with a touch of Sidekick iD.  Overall, decent phone, and with updates could DEFINITELY improve, but for now I'll stick with my Hawk LX.

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not very good

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When i first got this phone i was pretty excited becuase it sounded so cool on the internet however this excitment quickly faded. First of all to really get this phone working you need to get an additional sidekick plan to your already existing one which costs an extra 20 dollars a month. If you dont then you get an error message every time you turn your phone on that never goes away. The next thing i didnt like was that i couldnt save sounds as ringtones. So i had the choice of either paying the extra 20 a month to download them or just deal with the T jingle for the rest of my life. The texting on this phone is really sweet except i ran into a ton of problems transfering my contacts over so instead of a name next to a text all i get is a number which can get annoying if you dont remember everyones number. Finally to use this phone you pretty much always have to use two hands which is ok if your just relaxing but hard if your doing something. Personally i didnt really like this phone and i returned it.

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everything the sk3 wasnt

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i like it, its smaller then the current models out there .. faster, and stable then the lx .. didn't need to wait a year to get the firmware update to use video .. and it fits better and i just like it... i wish it had a bigger front screen but i guess thats asking for the lx then huh? other then i just really enjoy my new sk08.....its better then the slide and its alright compared for what you are paying for .. for the lx.

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Oh man

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This phone's nice but I'd like it more if it had wifi.

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the same thing

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For anyone who has a sidekick, dont wast ur money buying the same thing... this is just the new face of the LX the only thing this phone has is that its video compadible, just that, im a dealer at a t-mobile store and have had the chance to play wit it, its just about 1 inch samller than the LX and as thin as the slide. the only difference with this phone and the older one is it has a little grip to make the screen swierl easier and u can change its face... in the end its the same as the its older versions.

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