T-Mobile Dash 3G Specs
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The processor is fast meaning Windows Mobile works without a hitch. In regards to other reviewers complaints, this phone is anything but slow. Windows Mobile requires a certain degree of care; it's a computer more than a cell phone. You should reset your phone often, or download a free up RAM app. You should also pay attention to the task manager since most apps do not close at first but rather minimize. You can run ten apps at a time and still have an amazing mobile experience but the phone will start to slow down as more and more processes are being run at once. The amount of RAM packed into this phone is amazing, RAM will dictate the speed of your phone and its multitasking. In any case, this phone is fast, and it can do a lot at once, you just have to learn this phone. It takes time to learn and I would not recommend it to anyone but a mobile enthusiast. I have learned the operating system and my mobile experience is far different than it was when the phone came out of the box. I have the 3vo rom installed changing the interface entirely from what it once was. I use pockettunes as my primary media player since the default Windows media player output bad quality music. I use skyfire and have access to full flash web browsing. I have a gameboy, NES, SNES, genesis, turbografx, game gear, playstation(!), SCUMM, and other emulators. I can play worms world party or dukenukem 3d among other games. I can stream videos from youtube or other internet sources.
This phone was amazing the first time I bought it, but then again it was my first phone and it cost more than a ps3 so of course I treated this like it was the holy grail. After a few months of having it and taking care of it, the track ball on it stopped moving down, I guess it would get stuck, but after a while of sliding my thumb on it it finally worked. Around 5 months later my phone started acting REALLY slow when I typed up some text message, it would basically lag. Then later the "A" key stopped working so I just turned it off and turned it back on, it seemed to work for a few minutes then when I would type up a message it would miss the letter A sometimes or put two A's instead of just ONE, so it makes me sound like a total retard when I send a message to my friends. Now I've had this phone for 11 months now and the A button STILL doesn't work. I'm still not parting with this phone, I wanna use up all my $350 dollars it cost me, but if I DID have money I would've bought another one a couple of months back. Mostly because I need Apps, this phone from what I've seen doesn't have many apps, and it has many useless apps in it when you get it, I've had it for almost a year and I still haven't used over 1/3 of the stuff it has. And I don't even want to get into not getting signal in some very open places.
I had this phone for over a year and still have it as a backup.. I wore it out. I am tough on phones. The keys were nicely spaced and easy to use. Did I mention this phone is tough as nails. I rolled over it with a creeper working in my garage and got a scratch on the screen.. that was IT. Never had a problem with the trackball or anything. I feel some that wrote neagtively about the OS just must not understand that WinMo is simple as it gets. They must try to overthink it or something. I never have lag getting to apps and everything worked smooth. Text was easy to get at so were appointments, etc.. notifications were right there for me the works. Great sound quality.. the speaker phone was loud and the mic picked up great. Now you can only get it on Tmos website but its cheap.. Mine finally died after dropping it for the 9th or 10th time.. and then it was the "end" button that was a little flaky. Considering how much trama the phone had been through it was amazing it was still functioning.