Sony Ericsson Xperia arc Specs
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The Sony Ericsson Xperia arc is most commonly compared with these phones:
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I'm posting this review, after using this phone for over 2 years.
Not sure anyone will ever read this but I feel I might as well contribute to the website.
This was my first smartphone, and phone for that matter, still I feel that after having it for so long I know what I'm talking about.
This phone has definitely got an interesting design, a great camera (for it's time) and beautiful display (even though it's not HD of FHD like newer phones). I wouldn't recommend it now, as it is a slow and aging device. For a flagship smartphone of a major company this phone is weak, with little ram and a poor single-core it stumbles through even some of the UI animations. The battery life is average, so is cellular reception, but the real problems are internet speeds you get, 3G is slow, wifi connection is really bad too. The camera and display are definitely redeeming qualities though. After 2 years, many falls, many ROMs; it still works, so no I do not regret having bought this phone.
It has an original look, but it is outspeced now (duh), if you find it for less than 150$ (still a little expensive imo) go for it if you don't need performance but want the rest.
I got this phone back in June of 2011 and I have loved it since. I was going around shops not really knowing what to buy because I wasn't really into phones back then. I walked into my local VM store and on the shelf was the Xperia Arc and I immediately went for it and to this day it is still my daily driver( well at least until Sony releases the i1 phone). And on another note I guess this phone is what got me into phones as a hobby of some sort.
Device is Gr8 with Good Display with Bravia Engine Enabled and XLoud.
The Only Problem is Battery and Lags in ICS Rest is Best.
I Tried Ginger Bread, ICS, Jelly Bean Unofficial CM10.
GB and JB were really Gr8.