Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a Specs
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The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a is most commonly compared with these phones:
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The Xperia X10 was beautiful when I first saw the ad for it. I wanted it so badly, but when I bought the AT&T version used, it was awful. The call quality was the worst, the camera was great outdoors (but slow), the phone wasn't durable, and it got viruses from downloading music. I will look twice next time I buy an Android.
I was pleased with the phone from the start even though it only had OS 1.6 but was able to upgrade to 2.1 shortly after getting phone (rooted). 2.1 was a game changer; everything was better and now that I have OS 2.3.3 (rooted) it's even better with Facebook integration. My only beef is the short battery life when doing a lot surfing and gaming.
This phone seemed really awesome when I first got it, although a bit confusing as to how everything worked! But then after I got my phone, and everyone else got their phones... my phone sucked. You can't do any live wallpapers, the texting is weird (you have to press a letter sometimes 3 times before it will press. especially 'a' or 'l').
The only real awesome thing about the phone is the camera.
Also, something else that's really stupid, it's such a process just to call somebody! even if they're on your favorites, you have to press the dialer, then press favorites, then press the person, then press the number. after all that, i don't even want to talk to them anymore because the phone is so slow in trying to figure out what you want to do.
and sometimes when you try to delete certain messages from people, the phone will delete the entire thread.