Sony Ericsson XPERIA X2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
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User reviews

it's cooool

Phone owned for

really after try this phone i am sure from that it's one of best phone ever  because it'sgot a new stuff 1- it's Performance great 2- design lovelyand don't forget every body it still not have update from the web site i know the have release one but that was for the radiojust wait the new one and thanks

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thanx Eric

Phone owned for

loooooool super super thank to u man ,

i just like this phone and i really have one bcuz i saw one with my friend and it very cool ,

i think it's deserved more than 7 too.

by the way did any body know , if that mobile can got a radio and google map if i do update to it or what ,

cuz my friend said that to me ,he said that he read that on website but i cant remember it's name right  now.

any way if any one know plz just tell me .


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This is injustice

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i just want to know why the editor's give this mobile as 7 it deserves more pals,

and i''m definitely with u baroo it's lovely mobile but the features not that good but it's not bad for sure,

and i think it's got special things at it ,and it got touch screen and keyboard

and thank u GSMarena

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Really Great Phone

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WOW i really like it i mean look at it , it smashing and that why :it's Specs. cool and if u make update it's got new's design very lovely, i''m sure no one can talk about this point except's price very reasonable. so why should i don't pick up it, it so smashing phone.

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Not as good as first thoughts

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OK, sony failed in shipping X10 on time, which I looked into it and when they said it would not be launched until March, which later turned out to be April, I gave a go to X2. It's about 2 month since my first experience and I got to know the whole system. While it is being promised to one of the best Sony Ericsson devices, the OS ruins pretty much everything available on system. Hopefully there would be an update to WinMo 6.5.3 in May. It might solve the problems. Well i wish !

Design: X2 is one of the most gorgeous devices out there. While the whole front body is made with plastic, it doesn't feel bad in your hand. The back cover is made with metal, which does the job well. The biggest feature of the X2 goes to it's keyboard, which is the best in my experience. The tactile feedback of the keys and the well-placed jestures on keys does the job well. The negative part of the design would be the coverless USB port and the fingerprint magnet screen and the screen visibility (just in direct sun-light). Also, the four button on the screen does not have any feedback feel, which with the the slowish OS will result in repetetive action of pressing.

Performance: Sucks! well you knew it already, didn't you?! Problem is, the OS is NOT OPTIMIZED for this hardware and because of this, X2 has pretty much hard time to live up to expactation. That is, because of the hardware (528MHz in 2010? Really?!!!) and the nature of WinMo (power hungry) the operational speed of the phone is not satisfying. Most importantly it usually crashes once in 48 hours, which you should hard reset it and sometimes, the screen would not be rotated when you tilt the screen to use keyboard. Moreover, the Wi-Fi has a hard time to get on/off and occasionally in this process the OS crashes! (WHAT?!) But the pros would be tons of applications on the web and the emulators, which you can play PS1 games on phone.

Features: With an 8.1 MP camera and 3.5 headphone jack (well the jackis really not a pro) you can satisfy your needs in terms of multimedia. But the Player on X2 ruins the experience. It does not play the videos in high quality and it is sluggish. There is no equalizer for music player and the produced sound in both speakers and headphone jack is not enough. You cannot make a playlist for no reason (well I couldn't, maybe SE itself can!). Also, if you press the panel button in which the player for music and videos and pictures are placed, you cannot use any of your files because the OS (or phone, I donno) cannot read the memory occasionally. It is very annoying because you have to go through several pages in order to access your files.

Battery: Could be better. It can handle a day of heavy usage (surf on the web with Wi-Fi, listening to music, watch youtube videos, couple of calls and nearly 30-40 messages). But even if you don''t work with it, the battery drains like, well I haven't seen such thing (except on Droid). In 5 hours, the battery will drain from 100% to 85% with NO USAGE. What the hell?!!!

All in all, the updates that would be available in next months should solve the problems of the phone and if not, dear X2, I don't want see your face again!! :D

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This mobile is the best sony ericsson i saw in my life. I had the w995 t707 and the xperia x1 but this is brillant and my father bought the xperia x10 and isn't as good as this you can youse this mobile for work or for diversion. I prefer windows6.5 than android im 14 years old and every body sais android is better for children but with windows mobile you can youse the messenger as you wan't

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