Samsung Sway User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Such a horrible phone...

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This phone is absolute garbage. This is my first week, of my 5th month having it and I already need a replacement. I've dropped it twice EVER (on thick carpet in my home) and (according to the verizon people) dropping it so many times has ruined the colors in the screen. The screen now goes this weird plaid design and i can't see anything clearly. The sliding part wiggles, I can't make a 3-way call, and when I text, it lags ridiculously, half the time giving me a letter from a different number. There's no zoom for the camera, and when you try to adjust the brightness it doesnt actually help make the picture come out better. Oh, and the battery life is absolute crappp.

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It's soooo bad.

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I have had this phone for over a month now, it is so slow and freezes often. the camera has no zoom and completely sucks. if you are texting more than one person at a time it is next to impossible to do because it will freeze and fu** you over. if i were you i wouldn't get this phone and if you just got it i would take it back before you get stuck with it for 2 years.

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Trash. 100% hands down

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I hated this phone from the moment I got it. It just doesn't work at all. The battery life sucks and texting is horrible. If I wasn't waiting for a new phone, I would just throw it in the garbage right now. I hate it. I recommend the LG enV Touch, which just came out. That's the phone I'm waiting for.

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worst phone ive had!!!!!

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Wow where to start with phone. It is by far the worst phone i have ever had. It is so incredibly slow and it can probably make the razor look fast. The camera is horrible on it, the pictures come out horribly and they are blurry. The only good ting about the phone is the fact that is little and sleek, but other than that its a piece of crap!!!!!

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This is a terrible phone.  I have had several Samsungs in the past and this is the worst of them all.  I have had it for 3 months now trying to get used to it... and I still hate it.  The response between the buttons and what appears on the screen is really slow.  Sending a text message is like a chore.  I'm used to sending texts with my eyes closed but with this phone, you have to go through so many menus, it almost feels easier to call the person you want to text.  Also - the screen.  It is horrible.  It malfunctions 50% of the time.  I've found work arounds where I can click on the camera button on the left side and then the screen clears back up.  But otherwise the plaid lines that appear make it impossible to use the phone though the calls go through.  The talk time on the battery sucks too... If I actually used the music function, I bet it would leave me NO talk time at all.  My recommendation would be... unless you get this phone for free.. don't waste even one dollar on it.  It's not worth it.

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I've had this phone since Nov. 24, 2008 and its sleek and slim, but it has a delayed reaction and its really really slow. when i text a message and press send it sends like half the message then i have to cancel it and redo it. i would recommend not getting this phone. i've had trouble with mine where it just shuts off for no apparent reason and it'll freeze and i'll have to take the battery out and restart it. really would not recommend.

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Great phone

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I've had this phone since November 2008 after my old and tired LG 4650, and I had no problems with the Sway what so ever. It is my first slider phone so I wasn't entirely sure of it's performance. But as time passed, I have gotten used to it, I also began to notice a few things about the phone that I became concerned with:
1. When the slide is closed, the top slider piece wiggles side to side and it's becoming annoying. This happens while the slide is slid up, but not as much.
2. On the right side of the phone, (the side where the camera button is) a little piece sticks out from the bottom of the top slider piece. It is visual when the phone is slid down.
3. When it comes time to shut off the Bluetooth, I get lucky when the phone doesn't freeze on me.
4. The camera takes a bit longer to capture when there is reduced light. I think this is normal though
All in all, this is a really great phone. The Sway is sturdy, I learned that the hard way after a total of being dropped 5 times. The screen does scratch easily, and so does the keypad.

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i have had the Sway for a little over a month. after having the phone for about 2 weeks with no damage what so ever, the screen randomly goes fuzzy. lines everywhere. my friends called it plaid. so when i finally got to the verizon store after a week or two more of the lines. she tells me i have old software. so she updates the software.
the lines are still there randomly. so she gives me a replacement refurbished phone. i would have gotten a brand new one had i gone the day before because it would have been within 30 days of buying the phone.
my replacement has better battery life. it doesnt lag when i txt. and the software is just a hair different than my old sway.
so my warning to you is if you see the lines go get it replaced immediately and you might be within your 30 day warrantee.
overall i love the phone. it does what i need it to do and the camera is pretty good. the sliding mechanism is sturdy and the phone doesnt have the cheap feel like others. i got mine off for $30. heck of a deal if you ask me :]
one last thing. it would be wise to purchase insurance for any screen malfunctions it may have. so your replacements will be free of charge.

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The phone is sleek, slim, and the options are easy to use.  The only problem I've had with the phone is with the screen.  For some reason, its all lines and bars making the phone impossible to use.  not sure how this occurred as the phone has never been dropped or damaged in any way.  I've discovered that by pressing the camera button on the side, the screen goes back to normal.  its a real annoyance.  I would've gone to get a replacement phone, but my dread of having to deal with the nincompoops at Verizon outweighs the need for a new phone.  I miss my old Nokia 6210, that thing was a tank that never failed.

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the phone's great in use and style, works great, but the battery life is unbelievably short! I can’t make it through a full day without having to find an outlet to recharge it on… I even complained to the store about the battery life and they sent me a second one, hoping it was the actual battery causing the problem… nope! It was not the case, it’s just how the phone is…. The battery life is just super short.

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awesome phone

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I have had this phone for about 2 months now. I think this phone is great, it is a little slow while you text and in some other features but idc about that, it does what i need it to do... call and text, if you are the person that really likes high tech, top of the line phones i wouldnt say this one is for you. It is really small and thats what i like the most about it. The battery that comes with the phone isn't to good but i have an extended battery now and love the phone more and more everyday.
If you really like this phone but can't stand the battery life i suggest an extended battery they are only 36$ on ebay, great investment.

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hate it

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i absoloutly hate this phone. it is a piece of crap. the battery life sucks, and mine will no longer charge. i have dropped it a few times, drops that would not effect any other phone. i hate this phone and cannot get another one for 2 years now. i like how small it is and that is about it. the textin is sooo slow. come on people. if your going to make a phone, why not use all of the technical advancments that we have available to us?? within a day of buying this phone i was already having problems with it. it is not durable at all. the battery lasts from the time i leave in the morning untill the time i get home if i am lucky. i have many friends who have said they were going to buy this phone and i did not recommend it at all. waste of money in my opinion. and i got mine for a deal even and only paid about 20$. i have wanted to throw this phone at a wall many times. guess im screwed now that it died and will not charge at all. the charger or inlet on the phone are not broken either. i think verizon has crappy phones and am considering switching carriers this summer. all of my phones from them have been junk no matter how nice they seem to be.

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no longer swayed by the sway

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i posted a review earlier on how much i liked my new sway- but after just a few months i returned it for a dif model.  the one reason i needed to return it was becasue of the battery life!!  it couldnt hold a charge more than a day!!! it became a landline- so just be wary before you get one of this major pitfall

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I love this phone. It has a really good camera on it and i love the features. It's really thin and screen is perfect size. The battery is okay not great, but I am a constant texter so I can't fuss. The only problem is how slow it texts. I first thought it was the phone I had so I took it back and got another one, but the new one was doing it also. Overall I love this phone, but the texting is completely annoying!

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Battery life sucks

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Overall, as a phone, I like the Sway. It can be difficult to slide open because it's so slick and smooth, but that's not a problem. All I need is a reliable phone for emergencies, I don't text much, don't use the camera, don't get online, don't play music on it. Problem is the battery won't last more than a day or so. I fully charge it at 10am, by 1pm it's down to 2 bars. By the end of the day it has 1 bar and I'm afraid to use it because I figure it's going to die any minute. They claim 13 days of standby time...NOT. It's more like 13 hours. And if I happen to use it during the day it won't even last that long. You must recharge it every night. You are out of luck if you happen to forget. Even then it won't make it through the day. I went to exchange if for a different phone...ANY phone...and they couldn't (wouldn't?) because I had already sent in the rebate. Now I'm stuck with this thing for 2 more years. I cannot rely on it. This sucks. I will probably have to purchase a second battery and carry it with me. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

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Horrible Battery Life!

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I loved the phone, but the battery life was TERRIBLE.  I would fully charge the phone and by time I either made one short phone call or by 12 noon, the battery would basically be dead. The phone would cut itself off and also link up to mobile web all on its own.  I tooke the phone back and got another sway thinking the first phone i had was a lemon. The second sway performed no better.  The final straw was when i was in a finder binder and the phone basically died while I was talking to the police (mind you the phone was on the car charger due 10 mins prior to the accident).  I took it back and got another phone. What good are all the features of the sway if you have no battery life in which to use them? Save yourself the trouble and do not buy the phone

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I have had this phone for a day and want to get rid of it. It is hard and uncomfortable to text. When i scroll through the menu, the software seems really slow. I thought it was smaller than it is

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I got my Swag

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The phone is great so far the only problem I have so far is the slow response when you text message the letters just wont type fast enough.  I also got the city tracker application which is super cool.  The phone is very lightweight and styleish.

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I purchased this phone about 3 days ago and so far I love it. Very easy to us, with lots of cool options. This is my first sliding phone, (which I was concerned about) but the quaility is great. I would recommend this phone to anyone who isnt big on texting. Its fine for me though (I only send/recieve a few texts a day). I seems to be a little slow when typing.

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Swayed by the Sway

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I picked up this phone about a week ago and so far i am really impressed.  its not a budget breaker and it has a lot of good features.  its music player works well but it doesnt allow you to do ohter things like texting like the choclate line can.  its camera is clear and takes better than expected pics.  reception is better than any phone i've had to date - (moto razor, LG VX8600) and i ting the speaker is very clear for music and calls alike. i also think that it is a sleak looking phone in silver with the ribbed back and texting is a breeze.  the slider works great except that there is no thumb notch- which i thought would be more of a problem- but it really hasnt been annoying to just use the side.  i saw ppl complaining about the lack of EVDO but for pic and vid messaging the 1X is just fine.  the onlt resevation i have so far witht he phone is that the battery life doenst seem so strong but that may be because i've been playing with it all week.

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Love my Sway

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I love this phone.  I have found very little about it not to like.  I got this phone for free with Verizon's 'new every two' so the price was right!  All of the features are easily accessible through the menu and shortcuts.  The camera is quite good even without a flash.  Memory card allows for lots of music & pictures.  Good call quality.

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Sound quality is great, along with camera and screen.  I'm finding difficult to push the flat surface up to answer calls.  Other than that I  like this phone

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great phone

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I just got the Samsung Sway two days ago and so far i love it! Its my first sliding phone and i can tell its really quality.
overall its a great phone and i would recommend it to all!

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