Samsung Sway User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

How can i send more then 1 picture message?

Phone owned for less than 3 months

i have a Sway Phone for Verizon and i dont know how to send more then one picture massages and its getting me really mad so can some one please help me and tell me how i can send more then one picture at a time message me on my yahoo if you know how

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my sway is calling at random

Phone owned for more than a year

ok ok ok really! My samsung sway sucks, it has called a lady 143 times idk how and called starbucks 11 times all in 1 month i had the slide closed, and i wasn't calling. they are both in my contacts i wonder if that has something to do with it,i called verizon they said it was'nt possibly that it has a lock on it. the woman took a warant out for my arrest please post something if you know what i need to do . ty im very scared

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Love this phone!

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had this phone for 2 years now, AND I LOVE IT! All these problems other users have written I haven't experienced at all...... but you have to remember more people are going to take the time to go on here and write a bad review, than those who love the phone.

I am dreading to get a new phone, this phone is simple and does everything I need. Definitely not looking foward to getting an upgrade anytime soon, the new veriezon phone are cheap and all QWERTY and touchscreens.....not for me.

This phone is pretty indestructible too, I have dropped it MANY times, and I've had no problems except little scratches on the screen, but absolutely no cracks. I've had no service problems and no problems sending text messages.

This is the perfect phone for people that want a simple phone without all the noise of a smartphone

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this sucks

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i loved my phone for a few months and i have had it for close to a year and it is fine for a while and then it starts acting up and goin white..well now it has gone comletely now i cant text or call anyone unless i remember numbers or do it the other way with the names...the battery life does suck alot i can never keep it charged for longer than a day...its all so irritating and i have only had it for a year...what fun so now i get to go pay the full retail price for another phone cuz of this one breaking....cuz i so have money growing out of my ears....ugh!

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Pretty :) Sh!tty :(

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I was in a hurry when I bought this phone, so I didn't take the time to read reviews like I wish I would have. 

     I get very bad service. My previous phone would work all over my house, especially in "my chair". Now I have to go outside to use the phone, and still get broken up reception out there. Most of the time, I can hear who I'm talking to, but they cannot hear me. I have heard the caller on the other end say, "Your phone sucks!" numerous times. This phone has dropped many many calls. I think the lack of available service/reception is my biggest complaint, however not my only one. 

      The phone battery sucks and never lasts me more than one day. I find myself charging it at least twice a day, and it shuts down due to the dead battery, faster than I can keep up with it.
     The phone gets very hot. It gets hot fast, and almost every time I use it - no matter how short my call is. If I'm on a call for more than 15 minutes it starts to burn my face and hand. 
     It takes forever to send a text, sometimes. Not always, but frequently it will take numerous minutes to send the text. Today, the screen said "sending' for so long that I recieved a call during this, which I thought was weird cause I didn't know that was possible. After the screen finished telling me the text was sending, it became frozen inside of the text that I had written. I couldn't edit the text, resend it, exit out of it, or make any of the keys work. I'm not sure if the text even went through, and it makes me wonder because the screen displayed my written text after sending which is unusual. I eventually had to remove and replace the battery to unfreeze the phone. Oddly, I was able to receive a text while it was frozen, but after exiting that one I recieved, the screen went back to being frozen inside my original written text. 

     I am able to recieve multi media files in my inbox,  such as forwards with pictures and sound, but I am not able to forward them on. I am able to send a picture message from my own files, but I am not able to forward any. This is highly irritating to me. Funny multimedia messages are something that I'd always liked to pass along, but now I cannot. 

    I also feel like the set up to the menu is inconvenient. It seems like it takes a lot of manuevering to get to any kind of media or tools that I want. I have to push a minimum of 5 keys just to reach my alarm clock, ringtones, voice recorder, etc. 

     The screen display is also very unappealing to me. If the phone is in the shut position, you are not able to view anything on the screen (unless it is plugged into the charger). It is necessary to open the phone just to check the time, which also seems to eat away at the battery. The time, date, and banner display does not have many fonts to choose from, and some of the options will not be accepted if you have the wrong type of wallpaper. 
     Photos can be rotated; but a rotated photo cannot be saved that way. You can rotate the photo for viewing purposes only; but if you try to save or make this your wallpaper, it will not be rotated when your through. 

     I feel that the phone has very little features. You have to purchase and download any apps. All of the other phones I've had let me check the weather, sports, news, ringtones, etc using the standard apps built into the phone. Now I have to purchase and subscribe to get to view any ringtones, ringbacks, etc. I still haven't found where to check the wheather or news, but I don't want to get charged for connecting to the internet or downloading apps, so I haven't looked too deep.  

     Personally I really hate this phone. It "butt-dials" in my pocket consistantly. I feel like the only good thing about this phone is that it has a stylish look and a 2.0 pixel camera. Honestly though, I don't find the look to be anything exceptionally attractive, and there are phones with better resolution cameras= that allow the pics to rotate. I've only had this phone since April 3rd, and I am shopping for a replacement that I feel is already over due.

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I really liked the phone at first honestly. But after a month, i had the problem everyones had with it, the screen. The backlight goes off. about a fifty/fifty chance its gonna be messed up. Unfortunately for me, the camera trick, doesnt work....  Other then that, battery life is fine for me, and it doesnt really lag, but this is A MAJOR Complaint. 

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sway sucks

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i've had the sway for about a year now and the screen really sucks it goes blurry and i've gotten to the point that i have to set my phone on a heater and heat up the battery and the screen the push the camera button just so i can read a txt then when the screen goes to black i have to do it again i would get a differant phone but i don't want to lose the ringtones and games i have spent money on  i would not ever tell anyone to get a samsung sway

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Has anyone tried troubleshooting???

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I took my sway to verizon and the techincians did the software update to it. No issues with my screen or battery life and it stopped my phone from freezing completely on me....... 5 months later i am still cruising along. Eligible for upgrade but i like my sway

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bad phone but found a way to somewhat fix a big problem

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ive had this phone for a while and this is my second one. it gets dirt under the screen really easy and i traded the first one for this one because the screen would go completly white when i turned it on and my phone locks when i turn it on. (thank god i memorized wat my password was) but when your screen goes white like that press your side camera button and you should get your screen back to normal. this is the only way i found how to fix that. hope it helps you a lil out there.bout to get a new one just becuz of the dirt under the screen i cant see my screen in daylight. im around horses all the time!! i need a phone to not get dirty so i can see!! GRRR

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Phone owned for

i havent had a major problem with mine , like the screen yet.I had a battery problem, but there is a trick to extending the battery life.If you look up "samsung sway battery fix" on google, you'll figure it out.It worked for more, phone holds good charger for 2 or more days now :)

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Bad Phone

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It was a great cell phone for a first phone loved the look and size. Bout three months after purchase screen started to blur out on me every time i turned it off. I would then have to turn it on and off repeatedly till it went back to normal. And this happened for no reason I've tooken real good care of my phone so it could last. Now my screens goes blurry every time the backlight turns black. And now i turn it on an it keeps showing the loading bar at the beggining, it will fill up the bar then start again, and again, and again.... So frustrating!!!!!!!!

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Sway Away!

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This phone was fun to look at in the store, much like a used car. When you get it home, its a different story. You start finding all the things you don't like about it, and notice all the problems (again... much like a used car), the main one being the screen! Its so frustrating when you cant see if you have a missed call or text. Then once in a while a notice will pop up on the screen telling me to "insert the correct battery size" when it has the battery that came with it in the phone! GRR... Samsung will never have my business again!

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worthless piece of technology

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This is a simple phone, yet it has so many problems. I have already exchanged it for a new one and I'm just too lazy to exchange it again because I have already found problems with it. I'm just hoping I can last another couple of months until my two year contract ends and buy a new one.The only thing I like about this phone is that it's really sleek. I like being able to put it in my pocket and it's just simple - no crazy features or anything. I just wanted something that could text and make phone calls.Unfortunately, like the majority of the people, my phone started blanking out with a white screen. I found a way to temporarily fix it, which is by clicking the camera button. however, it was still really annoying because I couldn't see who was calling me or texting me or whatnot. Moreover, it lags like crazy while texting.Now, for the second phone, it was better, but now whenever i charge it, it turns off and keeps turning on and over and over again. So it's beeping practically every 10 minutes. I don't know what's wrong with it, but don't bother with this piece of crap (excuse my language). Oh yeah, and I had to replace the battery within a month because it kept dying. Worst phone ever.

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When i 1st got this phone in Dec. 2008 i really liked it, no problems at all, but now im starting to have problems like the screen gets messed up, couldnt even see who text and who calls..sometimes i send texts msgs it takes like 5 mins to send it or it dont send it at all, i even get dropped calls a couple of times..its like ***!!..the battery life sucks big time..overall this phone sucks!..=(

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this is probably the worst phone i have ever used. it being my first phone and all i was go crazy on it... until i started getting problems. i have had those lines all over the screen but that just isn't major thing is the calls. i have been on a pretty important call and then the other person can hear me but i just cant hear them. that is happening more tend more often as i am making calls more often.also another thing is that when i am testing the phone will just not send the text. it will say sending, sending sending for like 20 mains and then the phone just turns off! what the !@#! the phone is pretty cool in design but i think that is about the only good thing about it.

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Not a bad phone

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I have the same problems as everyone else does with my phone, ive found that there is a way to get rid of those pixels for a short time on your phone without turning it on and off, you can slide it shut and wait for the screen to go black and then slide it back open, most of the time it will work on the first try but sometimes it can take up to three, if you slide it open and closed over three times you will just end up having to shut it off and turn it back on again.

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What's up with the screen???

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I've had this phone for a few months and liked the sleek look in the beginning.  I soon found out when i slide the phone open it would slip out of my hands.  The lag while texting is a nuisance.  Battery life is poor.  My bluetooth froze it.  Worst of all, the screen now has many pixel lines and gradually turns blanks out white.  I've been missing all my calls and texts recently because I can't see the screen.  Pushing all the buttons or taking out the battery doesn't fix it.  I have to turn the phone off and back on, only to have the screen functional for a few minutes so I use it.  Overall I wouldn't recomend this phone and wish I hadn't gotten rid of my razor.

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Battery Life Makes it a poor choice

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My recommendation is not to buy the Sway Phone due to its very real and widely reported battery problem. The Sway usually won’t last the day, even with little or no use, such as a few two-minute calls and no texting. It was a little better when new (four months ago) but not much better.  So far the Verizon store has been adamant about not replacing the phone under the one-year warranty.  Its been a very aggravating experience dealing with them even though the phone clearly does not come close to its performance specifications for use time and standby time.  The problem is that their in-store test has to show that the phone is bad.  It passes the in-store test.  They have no long term “real-use” test that would surface the problem we are experiencing.  They have to follow their processes.  At some point however, the manager is authorized to use his/her discretion and replace the phone to keep the customer happy.  This hasn’t happened.  I’m not sure it will happen.  We continue to test.  Note that the only problem talked about here is the battery problem.  If the battery is OK, the phone will connect.  Even though this is an attractive phone and has some good features, if it won’t turn on and have reliable standby and talk time, the phone is worthless for our needs.  My best advice is to avoid these problems from the start if you depend on a phone that needs to be usable for the day.  Do your research and select a different phone.  I wish I did. 
If Samsung has fixed this problem, I wish they would let us know.  Perhaps newer deliveries of the Sway don't have this problem.  I can't tell by dealing with Verizon representatives and their website doesn't mention the battery problem that many, many people have complained about.  If it is fixed, and the fix is known and the phones exchanged, a lot of negative publicity would be avoided,

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I got the Sway in May 2009 and have had nothing but problems with it.  I have had the fuzzy screen issue three times (which resulted in 3 replacements) and I also have the issue of not recieving calls and the call not showing up in the missed calls either.  When I spoke with Tech support, they insist the problem is fixed when they cant duplicate the problem, yet to date, I have missed 3 very crucial phone calls.  I do not recommend this phone at all. 

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Sway, lines in sreen fix

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I'm having the very same problem!! But i've figured how to fix it at least momentarily. When the screen goes all fuzzy, i repeatedly turn the camera on and off after a while the screen will start to flicker the camera loading screen then the screen goes back to normal. I've done it a million friggin times but it fixes it.

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Don't do it.

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I have had my phone 3 or 4 months.  I liked it at first but now the battery has worn out to the point of it not lasting even one day.  I have to charge it in the afternoon if I want to use it in the evening. When the phone does run out of battery it turns off and when you try to charge it and turn it back on it goes into the plaid pixelization pattern everyone talks about.  Then I have to wait at least half a day to get it working again. Sometimes more and I am sure it will just completely stop one of these times. Ugh. Do not get this phone.

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Worst phone ever...

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Whatever you do, don't get this phone. About to get my third cause the screen blurs out every time I get a phone call. Yeah you can fix it if you want to hit the camera button every time but what a pain in the !@#. I can't believe Verizon is still giving these out-worst phone ever

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smae screen problem as everyone else!

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okay so i just called verizon to get my second replacement phone. i just got my last one a week ago and i even got a new battery but as soon as i turned it on it did the same exact thing where its just all pixelated and has a million lines. i though it was my fault when this happened to my first one cause i dropped it more than a few times but i have barely touched the second one and plus this doesnt just happen to me!. its just a crappy phone i mean it looks cool but man its full of problemsss. the texting is slow. the pictures are pretty good i guess. and sometimes when you slide it up its delayed. i wouldnt recommend getting this phone its my second worst phone. my motorolla phone was worse, never get thosee ever!

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Another bit of rubbish from your local Verizon store...

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While the phone is generally pleasing aesthetically, the pleasure ends there. The interface is no improvement over my last phone (a motorola razr) and the battery is even worse. The T9 for texting has no means of selecting alternate words, and often misses basics of everyday english. Call quality seems to be at an all time low, with an abundance of dropped calls and a distorted earpiece.
I've not yet run into issues with the screen, but I don't intend to keep this phone much longer, fees be damned.

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I've had the same problem that ghettod83 had twice now.  I'm actually on my THIRD Sway, and I can't stand it.  I bought it because it was thin and looked nice, but after a few months the screen messes up and all you see are lines.  Both times that I've gone to Verizon they had no idea what was wrong and just replaced it with a new Sway.  Battery life is horrid.

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