Samsung SGH-T729 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Actually a good phone

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I've had this phone for almost 2 years now. it'll be 2 in february, but anyway... let me say this, the phone is great for texting, but occasionally it has 1 or 2 teeny slip ups while texting, they aren't really even that noticeable, one is sometimes when you know you hit a key twice, it only registers one of the key strokes. the other minor thing is that sometimes the phone puts in a word when i didnt put the word in... i don't mean, "oh, it put 'put' when i wanted it to put 'out'", which it sometimes does because of the t9, which is understandable, cause those letters happen to be in the same order on the same keys, i mean that i hit space and dont even type anything and it puts words in. for example, yesterday i was texting and i said, "yeah that'd be cool" but as it turns out after cool, wasn the words "fry"... needless to say i was confused... but i got over it. and that was probably just my keypad, cause no one else seems to have that happen to them.
anyway, the phone is pretty durable over the 2 years i've had it, i've dropped it so much that i would have broken 4 LG scoops by now, (which i've broken a couple of them when i had alltel). screen and everything work well for my needs.
aah, i remember what my other issue was, though it's not that important: custom texts alerts, you can't put a ringtone as one. but who really cares as long as you can have regular custon ringtones for when someone calls, right.
Great phone overall.

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one of the best phones i've ever had

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this phone was amazing when i had it. if u drop your phone then u might have some problems like the call droping, ramdomy calling and texting people by its self, it did that to me alot when i wasnt even neare it (i think it was posesed because the last digets of my numver are 6666) it also turned on and off by its self, and it finaly broke after 2 years with it when it fell off my bed and cracked the screan. that only styarts to happen if u drop it more that 50 times (i droped mine at least 200 times) the battery life is amazing and it is real eassy to text on that phone.

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Amazing, especially at this price

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I've had the blast for six months now (exactly six months tomorrow, in fact)... and so far I love it. They SureType keyboard is great for quick txting, the display is amazing, and its pretty durable (this thing has been dropped a few times...). The camera isn't that great--but what are you gonna expect on a phone that costs under $200? Or free with a contract at that. I've also tried AIM on this phone--and that has the annoying tendency of automatically signing you off after about an hour and a half.
My only complaints are that the software appearantly has issues. About a month ago I noticed that the phone's screen started freezing up, sometimes partially whiting out, sometimes showing rendering errors when trying to access the menu or slide the phone up. It now has started to take mulitple attempts to turn on, either more screen problems, or it just turns off after about 8 seconds. However, after a few attempts its fine. Until the next time the software crashes completely and the phone needs a hard-reset (removing the battery).
Otherwise I love the phone. Its still under warranty so I can get the above problems fixed (or just the phone replaced) by Samsung.

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Horrible phone

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I got this phone in April of 2008 and I too was attracted to it's design and thought it was a cool phone. It was a good phone for awhile then the sound quality was terrible, is isn't a good music phone and ringtones sound terrible on it. The keyboard would freeze, the screen would go white then shut off, it didn't stay charged well and personally, it's a boring phone. I love T-Mobiles customer service but their phones suck! The interface is boring. I  have had problems with every Samsung I've had through T-Mobile and Sprint as well. I will never buy another Samsung. For how much they cost, they're cheap pieces of crap and that manufactures obviously don't care about their customers because I had to replace this phone four times through T-Mobile. There was no physical or liquid damange to the phone either and when T-Mobile tried to get me a new make and model, Samsung would only allow them to send me yet another Samsung Blast. If you are going to spend $200 for a phone, invest it in something nice and reliable. I'd save up for a BlackBerry or Palm and spend more money on a better phone.

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Phone owned for

well. i went to the tmobile store and was checking out phones since it was time for an upgrade. i automatically went for the blast because of how it looked and the KEYBOARD!! right off the bat the sales man told me he hated to phone and that i should do research online because it was a terrible phone. i was instantly bummed and went home to research. i heard the same complaints time after time. sound quality was bad (common with samsung) and the service was terrible with this phone.. well. i decided to be a big girl & make my own decisions and just tried getting the blast anyways since i could return the phone if i REALLY didn't like it. can i just say that i am so glad i got this phone!! this is like the best texting phone. very easy keyboard once you get used to it. the sound quality is fine. i wouldn't say it's the best but i think razrs are worse. since i'm totally clumsy i drop this phone all the time. i can practically throw it at the ground and it doesn't break. which is good. i haven't even gotten a sd card yet to add music. i really like this phone and would recommend it. the only con is i have a huge purse and i loose it all the time in there!! haha. it's a fun phone that not many people have. which is what i really like.

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Ok, well, I really like the phone. I love the keyboard and I love that its so slim and fits into a lil pocket in my purse. I guess the one thing that I don't like about it, is its features. I like that its an MP3 player but I don't like that I can't make them tones for my messages. I would love to be able to change everyones message tone so I knew who was texting me by the music but you can't. I also don't like that I can't clear out the recent recipients list. With my older Samsung phone, I was able to do that and it was nice. I also wish it had more themes to choose from. I think if the features were a little better I would Never part from this phone.

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Not what I call a deal

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I bought this phone trading up from a Samsung t419 or something along those lines. I LOVED the phone, but then the screen broke after 2 months. It had just happened today, and I'm still unsure of what's going on afterwards.
I LOVED the phone, but I just didn't like the fact that the screen was on the outside of the phone, the most precious thing was on the outside and could crack.

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This phone is EXTREMELY durable! I drop it all the time and you cant tell one bit! This phone is good for texting (takes a little getting used to but after that its way faster than normal keyboards). I really like this phone but its biggest problem would be its carrier, t mobile.

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Another GREAT Samsung

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I think the Blast is one of the best out there. Text messaging is a breeze, and pretty fun with this phone. I upgraded from the T619, and it has all of the features I loved about the T619, with many more new ones. I also have Verizons u740, which I also love! My u740 has the full keyboard while this one has the QWERTY keyboard. Both have their advantages, but I find myself texting more with the Blast. If you want a cool phone that others are going to compliment you on, and a phone with great functionality, and a phone with great reception, and clarity, this is the right phone! I will agree with one of the other opinions tho and say that I don't think the 5 hours of talk time is very correct. More like 3 hours of continuous talk time. But overall, considering I have had about twenty cell phones or more in the past few years, this has to be one of my favorite!

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Great Choice

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I was hesitant about trading up. I've never owned a Samsung nor have I familiarized myself with the QWERTY keyboard. I took the recomendation from the sales person (who gave me a great deal) and I have been thrilled with this phone. The voice recognition is the best I've seen and used, the camera works well and has advanced features, the reception is great and the look is flashy. I love the thin design and the slide out keyboard. It only took me a couple of days to get used to the keyboard configuration and I'm almost back upto my normal speed! Downgrades for: headset doesn't offer high volume for louder places, must download ringers for even a NORMAL ring (one that sounds like a telephone or a simple tone sequence that you can hear from your pocket or purse) and I don't believe the battery offers 5 hours of talk time.

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Gotta Love it!

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This phone is light, durable and easy to use. It has the same features as more popular phones. I love this phone. I try a new phone at least twice a year or more. I have had nokia's, the razr, a motorola, and the sidekick and this phone has out done them all!

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This Phone is very ausome camera is reall good in good lighting conditions and they seemed to put some more features than any other samsung ! =-) Samsung Blast

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