Samsung SGH-A107 Specs



Samsung SGH-A107 is a basic GSM clamshell featuring color display, SMS, instant messaging and organizer.

Popular Comparisons

The Samsung SGH-A107 is most commonly compared with these phones:

Specs Compare


Size: 2.0 inches
Resolution: 128 x 128 pixels, 91 PPI
Technology: CSTN
Screen-to-body: 33.41 %
Colors: 65 536


Device type: Basic phone


Capacity: 800 mAh
Type: Li - Ion, User replaceable
Dimensions: 3.46 x 1.73 x 0.78 inches (88 x 44 x 20 mm)
Weight: 2.61 oz (74.0 g)
Features: Numeric keypad, D-Pad

Connectivity & Features

Hearing aid compatible: M3, T3

Phone features

Notifications: Music ringtones (MP3), Polyphonic ringtones (40 voices), Vibration, Silent mode, Speakerphone

Regulatory Approval

FCC approval:
Date approved: Mar 18, 2010
FCC ID value: A3LSGHA107
Measured SAR:
Head: 0.74 W/kg
Measured in: 1900 MHz
Body: 0.64 W/kg
Measured in: 1900 MHz

Buyers information

Price: $ 80
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Carrier Availability



User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
Great entry-level basic flip phone
Phone owned for more than a year

This has been my go-to GoPhone for the longest time. A few times I've upgraded to more expensive "smarter" phones ... but seems like I always seem to come right back to Mr. A107.

My favorite things about the phone is it's undeniable simplicity. It's a phone. You can talk and text on it, the buttons are responsive but not too responsive, and predictive text works fast and effectively for the most part (any issue isn't related to the phone, it's me using words it doesn't initially understand). When closed it's small and discrete, easily fits into pocket leaving room for anything else I need to bring.

My only con would be the call quality, but then again for just about $10 is that really something for me to complain about?

If you're looking for your first phone, on a tight budget, or want something with no frills that gets you from Point A to Point B go with this phone.

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great replacement phone
Phone owned for less than a year

i broke my iphone and was totally bummed, this phone is fairly basic so it has a low level of features but its super eay to use, and the battery life is greater then any phone ive ever had. i only have to charge it once every 3 weeks, its amazing consitering it only costed me 23 dollars after tax with no contract... well worth it!!!

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Phone owned for less than a year

This phone is great, it's perfect for me. It gives me just enough features to work with. The phone is super strong too, I dropped it down the stairs once and it was still working perfectly, I'd like to see an iphone 4 go up against a pavement staircase. The phone isn't exactly amazing but it is pretty cool I have to admit.

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FCC OKs Cingular\'s purchase of AT&T Wireless