Samsung Moment User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Irritating phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I can't wait to get rid of this phone at the end of my contract. It's incredibly slow, buggy, it crashes constantly, or freezes. Internet is painfully slow, and the gps only works about 20% of the time, and when it does it's about 2 miles off. I feel like they pawned this phone off on me because it wasn't selling. It was great at first but... after about a month or so it started becoming totally unreliable.

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Worth The Money(:

Phone owned for more than a year

Well I've had this phone for a year now and it still works great.(: Even though it still seems a little slower since I got it. I hate how sometimes when I open an app it says "Force Close". The battery life is okay. Nothing perfect but not too bad. Camera is decent. I love listening music on my phone. Thats what I mainly use it for. But one of my first smart phones so pretty good for me(:. Now waiting for Samsung Epic Touch(:

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Worst Phone Ever Made

Phone owned for less than a year

I've had this phone for six months & I can't find one good thing to say about it. Every time I'd open up an app, the phone would say "unresponsive" & "force close". It NEVER let me make calls, and most of the time I couldn't answer calls. I takes 50 million years for the phone to start up (seriously though, not even blackberries are as slow starting up as this phone). It ALWAYS freezes.. you have to continually press the end call button to un-freeze it. My sister has the same phone and she has the same problems + her browser never works. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS PHONE. IT'S JUST A HEADACHE!! The other ppl who are rating this phone must be Samsung spokesmen because NO ONE in their right mind would give this phone anywhere near 10 stars. Google "Samsung Moment won't" & you'll see all the problems this piece of junk has.... only giving it a 1/10 because I have to, but this phone deserves a 0!

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I hate it!!!!!!!!

Phone owned for more than a year

This phone is not a good phone to have. I have to take it back again and again. I have to get a new on not even a week after I got it. I can't get a new phone until my contract is up. I wish I never got it. The sceen never comes on. I cant text meeage and when i can it send it about 20 time to te person i am sending it to.

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I would recomend it

Phone owned for less than a year

Very good all around phone. I would recommend it. My only complaints are the limited battery life. The android system is a nice interface. The screen is very receptive and accurate. The keyboard is a nice size and feels receptive to type on. The hardware is solid.

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The Samsung Moment is abhorent

Phone owned for more than a year

After having issues with everything you could possibly have issues with (radio, data connectivity, wifi connectivity, touch response, sliding mechanism, text input, random reboots, Samsung customer support, Sprint customer support, etc,etc,etc) they replaced it with a new one. Still, issues are abundant and the only thing that has seemed to be reduced is the number of random reboots.

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i hate this crap!

Phone owned for less than a year

i have had this phone for six months and im getting an epic for Christmas.
i hate the way it freezes and takes forever to do simple things like open the dialer. when i slide it sometimes it stays rotated. it sopossed to have and 800mhz processor, but it acts like its a 1mhz processor.

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After six months of ownership...

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This phone really is the little engine that could.During it's release, it was ignored, of course.  No one saw it coming or cared about marketing it, and who would?  The HTC juggernaut was about to launch full bore and come out as one of the two companies firing the first Salvo of the Android launch past T-Mobile's initial G1 offering (the other one being the comeback kid, Motorola... first RAZR, and now the Droid).  Samsung found itself in the same spot as HTC did in 2008.  There's this terrific new Operating System disc on their designer's desks, and they've no idea what to do with it.So, they decided to make things as simple as possible.  The home screen is the Android default Home application, back when Cupcake 1.5 didn't allow custom Home screen programs... this was your only choice.  Three screens to place icons within, which was plenty of space if you're a background image fan (or think "widgets" are still only little of pieces of paper cut in a big factory on Captain Kangaroo.)  If you're not tied to (or particularly enamored with) Sprint, the Motorola Droid would hold up to five screens and a faster processor.  It's not going to win style points.Which brings me to the appearance when the screen is off.  The layout is fairly reminiscent of the original HTC Touch, except for the three touch-sensor buttons beneath the screen, and that there's a four row keyboard hidden in this admittedly pudgy little brick.  While it's a capacitive touchplate on the front, there's no multi-touch functions like the Heroic cousin from HTC, or the cooler kid down the block, the iPhone 3 models at AT&T.Let's add that up... uninspiring interface and form factor, unlike the slimmer and more fun HTC Hero.  Android 1.5 instead of 2.0/2.1 like the Motorola Droid has (effectively making Droid the schoolyard bully in this story).  An unprepared OEM with deer-in-the-headlights plans for the device.Why do the few people who have the Moment like this device so much?Is it the cameras?  No, they're both rubbish, at any resolution.The screens?  While the Hero uses TFT and has a higher resolution, the Moment uses organic AMOLED circuits which are the plasma HDTV's of handsets: excellent color and contrast, sure, but terrible brightness.  Out in the sun, my screen on the Moment is virtually invisible.  Even with brightness at it's peak, the desert sun wins this fistfight without even trying.Is it the fact that Android is included at all?  No, the operating system of Android by itself is marginally more useful than Windows Mobile, and Android has made tremendous leaps in Android 1.5 towards the iPhone's simplicity, but it is still nowhere near as easy to use as Apple's offspring, so it can't really be that.  Is it because there's a keyboard for texting?  There's better phones for that: LG's Rumor keyboard is miles better than this premolded joke which often ignores keystrokes if the program isn't quite ready to work with you just yet.  Is it because it's touchscreen?  The Samsung Instinct and it's successors have received rave reviews well before this stint, so why stomp on a winning formula?Is it a better piece of hardware than the Hero?  This is largely a wash on both sides: the physical keyboard's faults weighed against the improved, and at times, more comfortable HTC on-screen keyboard on the Hero puts a mark in their column, but not a huge one. The HTC Trackball and Samsung Trackpad are both jokes in their own right (the trackball ignores clicks, while the trackpad is too sensitive or overly sensitive at times), and both are tertiary to the fact that the touchscreen is the better way to go 90% of the time for interaction.  Build quality on both is identical: plastic all the way around, rubberized backs (which are smudge-free, but attract grime with elongated use), and battery covers on both that could snap if you're too careless about popping them.Both phones have serious radio interface problems: the HTC Hero has a condition known as "ring lag" which means you won't receive calls at times until it's one ring away from going to voicemail (if you even hear it at all) and the Samsung Moment has "data freeze" (where the radio gets too hot and drops the signal to the point where you still see signal meters full, but you're effectively in Airplane Mode, because nothing works.)  Both conditions are exacerbated by overuse, and use by it's owners is largely subjective in nature.  One persons' overuse is another ones' not using the phone enough for what she paid for it.The tale of the tape is abundantly clear: neither of these devices are iPhone killers in any right.  So why are they popular?  Why?  WHY!?There's clearly some additives in the Sprint Kool-Aide whichever way you go, until I discovered one key difference between the Samsung Moment and the HTC Hero.  Samsung posted a better Spec Sheet on the Moment than HTC did on the Hero.  Although both phones utilize two ARM v6 processors as their choice in power, the Moment comes out on top in raw power.  The processor is simply faster.  There's more memory available.  While you can see that with the Hero's well-though out but sluggish Sense UI compared to the Moment's uncustomized and quick Home page, there's a bigger reason why this matters: the Market.The Market is to Android what the App Store is to iPhone, only with less rules.  The applications vary from programs that mix your data connection with the various data collecting parts of the phone to make truly useful added utility, from the pointlessly expensive chaff that can't be weighed in silicone, let alone dirt.  (Developers like Zeitmann and their offering of $20-45 clock widgets bring back memories of the people who made the iPhone app/Quality Control gaff, "I Am Rich".)  While the Hero is more useful for installed apps thanks to it's multitouch screen and more responsive accelerometers in comparison, the Moment takes the brute force approach.  After 15-20 apps, your standard issue Hero will begin to falter and ask you to delete something for the love of God.  The Moment will take that weight and then some.  I've loaded (just out of curiosity) apps of a small size with no processes required or added to the memory just to see how far I could go, and I've peaked around 43, not including the 30 or so apps from Sprint and Samsung.  My App Drawer looked like my knick-knack drawer in my kitchen, just a huge convoluted mess, and only then did it ask me to finally delete something.And HTC is right in it's marketing campaigns: Your choices in apps say as much about who you are than anybody lucky enough to grace your contact list.  Some may be minimalists and use only three apps on their device, deleting anything they can if they don't use it in 72 hours to hoard the space.  Some may be budding scientists and have apps for all sorts of data on their phone that don't really resemble phone use at all.  Some may be social networking mavens who have apps for each different network to keep control over the myriad of conversations to be had with such a phone.  Some may consume online media like a heroin junkie and have the YouTube buttons burned onto their AMOLED screens.  And with each phone, you'll never see the same device in the same hands as others would.  In comparison, I think the Moment fills that promise better than the Hero does.Samsung made a good, sturdy little train here to carry the weight of Android.  Whether it was by accident, or by design to make it so predictable and unassuming will be up to the beholder.  But even if it's not by any mark an overnight success, it more than realizes the promise of Android's Open Development model.

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Mediocre stopgap product

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The phone is pretty basic.  While it does have a reasonably fast processor, good screen and keyboard, it does not really do anything much more beyond that.  It took forever for the software update to come out (2.1) and will not be updated to 2.2.  It still has many bugs like the radio not sending data at times although it happens much less often than before.  It can finally stream Pandora although in mono.  This was really the ugly stepchild that Samsung rushed to market.

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Had a Good Run , but now I'm waiting on the Epic 4G !

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 When I first got this phone of course I was excited. The screen was very bright , the keyboard was nice and spacious , and the screen isn't to small to still use the onscreen keyboard. It at times is sluggish but that is easily taken away by a Task Manager from the Android Market. Android on this phone is pretty much stock meaning there's no added skins , ex. HTC Sense or Samsung's Touch Wiz. Sprint's applications - Navigation , NFL , TV , and NASCAR - come pre-loaded which I thought was a nice bonus. 3G speeds were good considering I live in an area with full coverage. Wi-Fi is great when I am at a place with low or no service.

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Best Phone I've ever had

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I've had a bunch of samsungs, htcs, and bb. this is by far the best phone out of all of them! The battery life is a little weak, but better than my old phone ;) another great thing is, the screen is crystal clear, and i love the camera, and all the apps accessable thru the market. i like the size, bc i have big thumbs lol anything else would be a lot of backspacking during texting.. so overall i give it a 9.9.. the battery life isnt that bad.

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Samsung Moment

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 I have had this phone for over a month now and I love it. The screen is so clear and bright. The apps load quickly with the 800mhz processor. Call quality has been very good. I love the physical keyboard, makes texting and searches super fast. Is a little heafty but feels good in your hand and not cheap. The battery life could be better but I still get a full days charge out of it and I am constantly on the web, listening to music, or watching videos. Camera may be only 3.2MP but takes great pics and flash is really bright.

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Best phone out on the market

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This phone is great I have had treo 800, palm pre, blackberry 8330,  lg rumor, motola ve20 all in the last year and this phone is 10 times better than any of these phones. The internet is great the whole google platform is the best and the keyboard is is very easy to use. Also the screen is very durable as I have dropped it many tiimes already. Many sites say the phone is so big but it really is not much bigger than the 8330 blackberry. The only drawbacks our the bluetooth has trouble staying paired, the voice dialing services and the size but it is a great phone

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this phone is simply amazing. completely customizable, beautiful touch screen, key board is perfect. battery life is not that bad. this is an awesome phone for sprint however some of the appllications, you should not download, for instant task killer apps are actually not helping very much b/c the phone does not give options to close apps because the phone will close them when it gets ready, the task killers force close on tasks that have not yet finished causing information that is still being processed to become corrupted. it appears to help in the begining with battery but after a few days or a few weeks the phone will get sluggish due to the task killers. good info :]

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Best Phone I've had.

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 First off, I've had a Toshiba VM4050, Samsung A900, Blackberry Pearl 8130, HTC Touch Pro and now a Samsung Moment. I have to say it is by far the best phone I've had. I have little bad points about the phone because after having a smartphone previously, this phone outperforms it easily. The apps take .5 seconds to open, in other people minds that seems slow but after having a blackberry phone that is blazing fast. It has more apps then windows mobile, I had to search high and low for decent apps for the HTC touch pro, might as well forget about blackberry they have very little free apps that are worth trying or keeping, you even have to pay for crappy apps for the blackberry. battery life is excellent after conditioning it(i.e. 2 complete discharges). reception is excellent, audio is excellent, screen is responsive, the on-screen keyboard could be better, but hey when you have option of on-screen or physical it shouldn't matter. I like the feel of the keys on the keyboard compared to the touch pro's keys. The notification bar is a nice touch. It has a minimalist design that i like, what would a person expect the phone to look like? a flying saucer? not me, I can tell you that much. I like it just the way it is. It's clean and simple the only shininess i want to see is on the screen, around the bezel, and on the front buttons, because that's where it matters. anymore and you are making it look outlandish.

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samsung moment overall is a good phone. The amoled screen is so beatiful.  It is a very fast phone with the 800 megaherts processor. I text a lot so the qwerty keyboard helps a lot. But the space bar is weirdly placed. You will end up getting used to it. I wish you still had pinch to zoom like on the iphone. I also wish you had multitouch screen. I multi task a lot so the pull down toolbar thing helps a lot. I do not like the colors of the moment. i wish it was all black. I take a lot of pics so the 3.2 camera helps. It is not the htc heros camera that is a 5.0 camera. But the moment has a flash that I need. The head phone jack gets on my nerves cause you got to flip that cover. The battery life is kinda good.

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A Little Heavy, but Muscle Weighs More than Fat

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Better Android; Reliable Network; Better PricingA phone is FIRST a phone, so good to excellent call quality is a must.  The Moment has EXCELLENT call quality.  It's a google phone, I text a little, so the keyboard is a must have.  I tried the HERO, (it too is an intoxicating phone, but the lack of a keyboard left me frustrated)The Moment has a fast processor so internet searches & downloads are faster.  It's actually faster than my home computer. Scheduling is nice.Music Sound Quality is niceGood feel to hardware, feels like quality piece of equipment. Got my kid interested in studying for his SAT by using one the apps.Set up a personal trainer for my runs.ANd yes you can surf net and listen to music at the same time.Battery life gets me 12 hours through a roaming zone, music playing, a few emails and text.Battery life gets me 16 hours in a better coverage area.Very impressive concept.  I did research the iPhone, but due to concerns about spotty coverage (ATT wants you to pinpoint where you will use your device) , "scatchy" call quality AND a higher bill.  It just didn't make good business sense.       

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The battery is not the problem.

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Blaming the battery for the problem is like saying that it's your gas tanks fault that engine sucks it dry every 400 miles. The problem with the battery draining is NOT the battery itself. It's the OS, which according to my husband who is a Sprint cell phone tech will be corrected by a firmware upgrade that is due for release in the next couple months. Keep your eyes open and download to Android 2.1 as soon as it's available. Honestly I love this phone. It keeps getting comments on how slow it is. NOT true. Side by side with my husbands HTC Hero, my Moment way out performs his. Each has it's good and bad points like all phones. The Hero has 5 screens where the Moment only has 3. The screen on the Moment is incredibly bright and clear. The Hero is a serious pain in the glutes when it comes to texting, but has appearently a better intenna and GPS reception. For someone like me the fact that the Moment is a simpler user interface is a HUGE plus. My husband loves being able to have multiple "themes" for his wallpapers and widgets. All of the Heros' many customization features were confusing and irritating to me.Summary: I love my Moment and wouldn't switch for the world. Hubbie loves his Hero.Hope this helps.

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It only takes a Moment to fall in love with this phone

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First and foremost, and no pun intended, but it really only does take a moment, cause once that beautiful AMOLED screen starts up you will fall in love. The color and detail of the images on the screen are absolutely amazing, wallpapers, icons, games, even just the sprint animation that comes up when you turn the thing on, it's all just great.

Moving on, the OS is Android 1.5 (Cupcake) and it's a very plain version of it, not that that's a bad thing, it's kinda like pointing out a the drag racer with the least stripes really. Android is a great OS though with all the apps and customization you could ever want....ever. Any program or app you don't like on this phone can be easily be swapped out for another, basicity you can make this phone totally and completely, and most importantly, uniquely yours. Kind of let down is that Android 1.5 doesn't bring out the full power of this phone, the current OS it doesn't support multi touch and bogs down the powerful processor, though it's still noticeably faster then any other phone running 1.5. I have a feeling once it's been upgraded to 2.1 this will be one of, if not the best, Android  phones outside of the Nexus 1.

Now for the hardware. This phone is by no means light, probably has about the weight to it as a smaller cordless home phone, so don't expect it to sit very compterebly in your pocket. The keyboard has a nice feel to it and I like that every key has a second function but as nicely made and well built as this phone is the keyboard does feel a tad cheap against the other hardware. The touchscreen is capacitive, which took some getting used to coming from a resistive touchscreen on my Instinct, and though it lacks multi touch do to the OS, it's still very responsive, you'll be leaving a ton of fingerprints on it though.

Samsung knows how to make a good phone camera, it's almost like they just lied about the megapixels and put in at least a 5 megapixel in this. It inexplicably out preforms the GE 7.1 megapixel camera I use at my job.

The only downside of this phone is the battery, it does have alot to do with how much you will use it and belive me every spare second you have to play with it you will. It drains fast, but suprisingly when it get to what you think would be 5 mins worth of power it will last almost a hour. Seems like there might be a glitch somewhere in the measuring system.

Overall the phone is a solid 7 out of 10 as rated by Phonearena, but I think it's probably a good 7.5 out of 10 that will be a 8.5 out of 10 after upgrading to Android 2.1

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This is by far the best phone samsung has put out. This phone has it's little corks like any other phone has but over all best samsung yet. battery life not great but gets better as you go, camera is great, little slow on texing but ok angin over all great phone.  

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 Forget the Droid, the Moment is where it's at.  This is definitely my favorite phone i've ever used.  The screen is beautiful, the android os is to die for, and the keyboard is perfect.  I don't know what all this talk is of the space bar not working, mine's fine!

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Samsung Moment the Under Dog..

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This Phone is awesome!!! This device is the total under dog phone.. Its plain and simple, its lack of advertising which Sprint is not willing to spend millions on like Verizons "Droid"( I use to work for Sprint). Remember the advertising for Verizons Blackberry Storm? Good phone but soo overrated thanks to Verizons advertising .Did a couple weeks of research between the Moment and the Hero. In my opinion this is a better phone. Hero does have 7 home screens but these are both android phones which both are made to  personalize anyway. Download Panda home (free app) and that will give you 7 home screens. Display is very nice go to a sprint store and compare displays, the moment by far is better. The Moment has about 2 less megapixels less than the hero but the clarity and colors just pop out more on the moment not to mention the flash. As far as cosmetic looks its a industrial looking device, compared to the Heros sexy look, just depends on your preference. Physical Keyboard is awesome very similar to the rumor which I recently had, alot better than using a virtual keyboard.. The mouse take some time to getting use to Preferably I like the heros trackball. The battery life is okay needs a bit of calibration, Dont know why people are complaining about the battery life learn the settings, download task manager and REMEMBER ITS A PDA you keep messing with it of course the battery life is going to suck.. Sorry tired of people complaining. All in all this device is definitly the BIG UNDER DOG, its a word of mouth phone worth researching. This phone deserves its recognition!!

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Simply awesome

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I've been using this phone for a few weeks now and everything works awesome battery life sucks at first but after getting the app from the market automatic task killer the battery life got better also with use the battery seems to conditions more and now i can work/play with it all day and charge it by the end of the day,real killer display excelent keyboard all in all great android phone excelent plan from sprint,just waiting for android 2.0 for this puppy.Iphone owners will bite the dust when the moment gets android 2.0 did i forgot the price plan that you can get with this phone way less than the iphone plan from the other company.

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Fabulous Device!

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Just a fabulous device after having the hero for a few weeks I really don't regret my switch. The physical keyboard is great!  I just love typing on it and it's very accurate.  The capacitive screen is just beautiful and it's very responsive to the touch.  The camera takes very nice pictures in the day or night with the provided flash.  Call quality is as good on this phone as any phone I have ever used and the speaker volume is just loud!  Anyone experiencing poor battery life just download task manager from android market and put a stop to all the running programs. Works like a charm. I have been using two days and finally needs a charge. I can't put it down!The battery life on this device gets to 15% and stays there for quite a long time. Most people understandably will charge it before that and think the phone battery is toast. If you completely drain it two times the battery percentage will level out and read more correctly. The battery will also get much better with use.  You can also improve the video feed exponentially by going into the menu when you are watching video and switching to HIGH DEF option. Crystal clear video is the result!!!!

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Simply the best android phone on the market which makes it t

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go to the market and get ahome, and hero weather gadget. Also task killer and automatic task killer. All free I think except the better version of ahome which is worth the couple bucks. Then you'll have great looking Skin that you can customize to your tastes. I love my phone twice as much because of ANDROID. Phone is only as good as it's UI. This phone running WM without a skin would be a 5 simply because of WM. Android 1.5 is 9.5 compared to WM 6.1.

It's fast, powerful, great camera, awesome screen, etc. Simply the best android phone on the market which makes it the best phone period!! Cheaper and more capible than iphone. Hard just as good (usable) as droid, nothing out there beats this phone!!!

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