Samsung Galaxy Tab Specs
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I've had the Samsung Galaxy Tab for nearly a year now and it has never disappointed me. The tablet selection when I bought this device wasn't as good or as large as it is today. Basically, I had the choice between this and the Apple iPad 2. I knew quite a few people who had the first generation iPad and I knew it was good quality. At that time, I didn't know a single other person who had the Galaxy Tab. But, I read up quite a bit on it and was impressed with the specs. I already owned an Android phone at the time, so I was already familiar with the OS. I also preferred the size of this device over the iPad, although know I am considering upgrading to the Galaxy 10.1 in order to get the latest version of Android. No rush on that though, because I still love my Galaxy Tab, also known as the original iPad contender.
After having it for a year now, I would like to share my experience with this amazing Tablet.
It fits perfectly in the inside pocket of my jacket. its very light, sometimes I would forget it's im my pocket.
Well got it on new year and its good I mean really good . People going crazy about all those dual-cores and 1080p should have a look at it coz at the end of the day u wont be watching full hd video on ur portable tablets and neither spend all time on internet using tablet.
Its good , upto the mark and is bang for buck . Must buy