The Galaxy Tab S6 features a Snapdragon 855 processor, 128 or 256GB internal storage options, and 6 or 8GB RAM. A 10.5-inch Super AMOLED panel with razor-thin bezels, quad AKG-tuned speakers, and an "all-new" S Pen are also included.
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, Hall (for flip covers)
ANT+, Tethering, Computer sync, OTA sync
Buyers information
$ 730
Officially announced:
Jul 31, 2019
Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
Samsung typically upgrades its top-tier tablets once per 18 months, but this year, we got a surprise annual update to the Tab S series. Well, not a full update — there's a Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra and Tab S10+, but the "smallest" one is still the Galaxy...
If you’ve chose to go for a Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet rather than an iPad, chances are that you’ve already received the Android 12 update, but not One UI 4.1. While many of the company’s smartphones have already received the said update, tablets are ...
After Verizon, Sprint is the next major US carrier to roll out the highly-anticipated Android 11 update to the Galaxy Tab S6. Even better, the update will bring the tablet's One UI to version 3.1, which adds quite a lot of improvements and new featur...
Whatever it may end up being called, Samsung's next mid-range Android tablet is almost certainly right around the corner. But while the Galaxy Tab S7 FE (5G) is pretty much guaranteed to share little in common with the Tab S6 Lite, enhancing the scre...