Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ Specs
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The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ is most commonly compared with these phones:
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Just got this phone 5 days ago, Am a note series fan, my last 2 devices were Note 3 & Note 4! I just wanted to try a new experience with a large edge screen and S6 Edge Plus was the best choice even after S7 Edge release! really its amazing phone specially the design,display, Battery.till now didn't miss the s-pen as i rarely used it in my previous note phones,nice upgrade till the note 6 release :)
Is the best phone I had ever.. If it had better camera like lg g4, would be the best all the time. Samsung must continue this phone to new version. Nothing to say any more. Let's edge plus to take the ios.. Android will never be top of the ios unfortunately.
Good phone, although carrying the basic Samsung UI it's an awesome cellular device for everyday usage, I would chose this phone over any other to be honest. When buying this phone, it was either this one or the note 5, and I chose this phone and haven't regretted it.
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