The Galaxy S10 5G is Samsung's first smartphone made to work with the 5G cellular networks of the future. It comes with the same in-display fingerprint reader and Snapdragon 855 chip found in the Galaxy S10 but has a bigger, 6.7-inch OLED screen and a larger, 4500mAh battery. The four cameras at the back include a main, 12MP dual-aperture camera, a telephoto cam for 2x zoom, a third camera with a super wide-angle lens, and a fourth Time of Flight cam made for next-level depth perception. And at the front, tucked in a cutout in the corner, is a 10-megapixel camera with autofocus and 4K video capabilities.
This device is also known as
Samsung SM-G977B, Samsung SM-G977U
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, Hall (for flip covers), Barometer
NFC, ANT+, UMA (Wi-Fi Calling)
Regulatory Approval
FCC approval:
Date approved:
Apr 05, 2019
FCC ID value:
Measured SAR:
0.30 W/kg
1.11 W/kg
Simultaneous Transmission:
1.59 W/kg
Wireless Router:
1.39 W/kg
3.98 W/kg
Buyers information
$ 1300
In The Box:
Samsung special screen protector ( already on device ), Wall adapter/USB cable/USB connector, Quick reference guide, Important consumer safety information, Product safety, and warranty brochure
Officially announced:
Feb 20, 2019
Despite our efforts to provide full and correct specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
Samsung is still on a roll and going strong with its Android 12 and One UI 4.0 software updates. Three weeks ago, the one to get a brand new facelift was none other than the first 5G phone to ever hit the market—the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G. Now the upd...
When 5G connectivity was first introduced with the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G in February 2019, it was obvious that the technology was still very underdeveloped and not ready for wide use. However, someone had to make the first step, and that someone was ...
There are simply no words left to describe Samsung's Android 12 rollout anymore... apart from, well, blazing fast, insanely fast, outstanding, phenomenal, and of course, industry-leading.Perhaps the most impressive thing about this entire affair is t...
Owners of the 2019 Galaxy S10 5G have now reported an update that introduced a bug to their devices, reports SlashGear. Apparently, not all S10 5G units have been affected, but Samsung has acknowledged the issue in a blog post in Korean. The Galaxy S...