Samsung Galaxy J3 Emerge Specs
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Ugh. Revisiting this phone is a nightmare. I received this phone as my first ever phone, and after the first day I was ready to throw it out. Only had ten apps and maybe 20 pictures and it ran out of storage. Downloading and uploading speeds are terrible no matter where you are or if you're on WIFI or mobile data. It's a pretty dated and dare I say ugly design, not something anyone would want to be seen using today. The keyboard lagged SOOO much. Battery life? HAH. It's terrible. Barely got through a 7 hour school day, NOT being used and just on standby. Camera quality? Come again honey, this isn't it. Looks like a toaster took the picture/video. I guess it was quite durable, but what exactly was it protecting? Terrible speeds and infuriating design? Not worth any amount of money. Please for the love of God don't subject yourself to this phone.
this phone lags like crazy. it always freezes and crashes. I got it for Christmas and out of the box, the first thing I noticed was the terrible touch sensitivity. I practically had to squeeze my phone (exaggeration, but it's still bad) if I wanted anything to go through. it also came out of the box with several dead spots and being a kid that uses flipaclip and ibis (im cheap! im sorry) you can imagine the pain that puts me through. not even an hour later, I experienced my first freeze with this phone. ever since then, every time I use it, it freezes at least once. the lag is crazy. oh! did I mention the s**t camera!? its a s**t camera! both front and back. I know its kind of a running joke that Samsung has s**t cameras but this one sets a new low. going back to the lagging and the freezing, I have actually gotten so pissed off at is dump truck phone going .1 fps (no exaggeration) I have actually yeeted my phone long distance. I was aiming for grass, mind you, but it hit a strip of concrete and believe it or not, actually cracked the bottom right part of the screen. upon collision, I didn't scream, I didn't cover my mouth, I just didn't care. when I went to inspect it, I still didn't care. and that is when I found the j3 emerge's first potential pro: it is very durable. however, with all the previously stated cons, this ends up being its worst disadvantage. moral of the story, this phone is better off bricked. that way it can't hurt you. and if it does hurt you, don't be afraid to defend yourself by getting it as far away as possible
I have had this phone for almost 2 years now and I can tell you with out a doubt it is the worst smart phone u can buy. It has terrible camera quality unless your perfectly still. It has so little storage I only have 4 apps downloaded and 2 photos on it and I still do not have anymore room for another app. This is mainly Becuse it has almost 40 apps that come predownloaded on the phone (I have counted). The one up side of this phone is it does not break easily at all but their is not much to protect. If you are looking for a new cheep phone pass on this it is way to bad you will regret buying it.
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