Samsung Galaxy Beam 2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

the spec page is wrong on so many levels!

Phone owned for less than a month

**EDIT** I have recently got this new beam 2. Please read below about what is wrong with this website's information about the features of this phone. The phone is snappier than the previous phone, although still needs improvement in the graphics processing. the camera hasnt improved, just a little bit brighter pictures can be taken. nevertheless, the projector has improved, now coming in at 20 lumens and 840x480 resolution. With codecs, i played 1080p movies and as it obviously cant compare to a real projector, it works like a charm! brightness is better, picture is clearer and it even has automatic color decoding with the front sensor. IS it worth replacing my old beam 1? Hell yes, for the cheap price of $329! The beam 2 is a worthy successor, although just makes it to be called "worthy". Still wish samsung or any other company for that matter comes out with a flagship phone with a projector.

I am a proud owner of the first version. I know specs are bad, but damn those are complete lies on the spec page. The camera DOES have autofocus. there IS a front facing camera, clearly seen in the picture! and about the pros (the biggest advantage) the projector is not mentioned, which is the only reason this phone will be bought. I dont have the the new phone, but i am eagerly awaiting its worldwide release and i hope people here are not brainwashed by idiots writing a review about something they havent had in their hands yet!!! my review below is based on the first beam (the website does not let me continue otherwise)

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