Samsung GALAXY Nexus CDMA User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Very good smartphone

Phone owned for more than a year

The Galaxy Nexus CDMA is a pretty good phone to me. It has a very bright AMOLED display (it has burn-ins from that lol) which i like and a sleek design. I really would recommend this phone to people who want a small smartphone that runs Android.

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Ready to finally retire

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had this phone since its incarnation. I was stoked to have my first Android device coming from two sub par Blackberrys (8830 WE and Storm 2). I was even more stoked about what the Nexus line was about and what it meant for me as an owner in that product line - pure Android, constant updates, unlocked bootloader, etc. Most, if not all of those, fell flat with this phone. Most of that has to do with Google and Verizon not playing well together.

But after three years, I'm ready to retire this thing for the Nexus 6. If I had to do it all over again, I probably would have waited a little bit to see what real reviews said about it and then make a more informed decision.

I hope the GN's younger sister, which I've been waiting to come back to Verizon for the last year, doesn't disappoint.

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The Worst Phone I Have Ever Had

Phone owned for more than a year

I have had this phone for almost two years and it has been the worst phone I have ever had. Call quality is terrible and have had multiple sim cards replaced by Verizon due to this. The version of android is so bad. Before putting a ROM (done by a person in computer consulting) on the phone, I was unable to receive MMS messages, I would have to shut off my wifi in order ro recive them. There has also been many problems between the phone changing over to wifi, 4g and regular cell reception. Just terrible.
The Battery life is awful, even with an extened battery. The screen has these black patches over then when playing a dark video (verizon just told me that is just how the phone is). It is constantly freezes during simple applications. When the phone is updating apps, don't even try to do anything because the phone is too slow. I am not a harcore phone user either. I came from a HTC Incredible, and after about 2 months I almost went back to that phone even though it was on its last leg. Google really needs to put more detail work in their phones instead of mass producing like they currenly are because they just lost a loyal android user since the Droid Eris.

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This phone was crippled by poor call quality, battery life and slow updates due to Verizon.

Phone owned for more than a year

I have endured the growing pains of the "Nexus" brand of Verizon Wireless. Unfortunately it was not a merry relationship with my phone and I. The call quality sucked, the battery life sucked, and the build quality was just ok. Overall it looks neat on the outside but after a little wear and tear this Nexus device slowly degrades to a pulp.

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Great phone

Phone owned for less than a year

Not sure why people down the battery, because if you've ever used an HTC phone then you know what poor battery life is really about. With this one I used the oem extended battery and I get a full day in with moderate to heavy use. after 8-9 hours at work when I get home I usually have 25 to 30% life left. Which works for me. The extended battery in this phone is now pretty much the standard in other phones. with the exception of the RAZR Maxx of course. But it's a Nexus! so it will never be left to rot because it is directly updated by Google. While all the other manufacturers will eventually drop support after 1 or 2 updates.

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Best phone I have had

Phone owned for less than a year

I've had this phone since January and its by far the best phone I have had. Great screen, blazing fast and easy to use. Stock android is so much better than the skins the other phones have. Glad I bought it. Every software update makes it better and better. Love google now and the new voice search. So much more accurate than siri and faster. Overall now that this phone is free at best buy mobile you really can't beat it. I paid 300 for it when it first came out.

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Excellent .

Phone owned for less than a year

An Android With All The Functions You Need.
Great reception and a powerul device to fullfill the everyday needs of personal communication and business operations.
The call qualiry is great as well as the internet browsing.
TIP: download a battery saver app and battery juice will last until end of the day!

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Decent build quality with ok radios.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I only had the phone for just shy of two months before getting the SGSIII.

Overall it was a different experience coming from a Droid X2. The phone just worked. No reboots or any lag whatsoever. You touched the icon for something and it just did it. Right away even.

Phone got warm occasionally but nothing serious.

Cellular radio was ok but nothing to write home about. The 4G/CDMA radios are another thing all together. They were lackluster and you would have internet whenever the gods felt like it. Software updates can probably help with this further.

Now battery life was horrendous on this phone even with the "extended" battery. No where near an all day phone unless you charged it twice.

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Way Overated and the reception is awful!!

Phone owned for less than a year

I have had several android phones. Like many others I could not wait for the Nexus Galaxy to be released. Well, it never lived up to the hype. The reception was awful. It dropped calls. When compared to the other members of my family who had a variety of phones, it always had less bars of reception. I replaced the phone twice and the Sim card twice. There was no improvement. I eventually changed the phone out for a Razr Maxx and love it. Did I forget the mention the battery was not very good either?

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Phone owned for less than a month

Whoever the so called experts that gave this phone a 9.5 are should be replaced with someone else. Get real, this phone is wwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyy overated. Wouldn't try to convince anyone to buy it. Go get a Droid, or an I phone.

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Phone owned for less than 3 months

I love the experience on this phone. The screen is beautiful to look out and 4G on Verizon is a dream. Android 4.0 is also very nice especially with the new on screen buttons. Some people don't like the feel and say it's "plasticy" but I personally like the feel and it adds to the nexus's durability.

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A worthwhile investment

Phone owned for less than a year

Within the first two weeks of having the phone I noticed a lot of bugs and glitches. I'm not sure if that was with the OS or the user, either way after a couple of weeks it seems to have smoothed itself out and it runs optimally now. Coming from a Blackberry I was used to phenomenal reception and this has been an adjustment but I've made do because of the other bonuses of having this phone. If I stay in major metropolitan areas I have no issue with reception, it's when I get farther out in the boonies that it starts to become an issue.

The screen quality surprised me. In direct comparison to the LG Spectrum, I don't think the Nexus has very true color to it. The resolution on the screen is better than other phones, though.

Battery life is what I was expecting but it is not so hot. The first day I got the phone it was charged overnight and within three hours of me picking it up I had to recharge the battery because it was down to about 8%. Mind you I was setting everything up, using the browser, downloading applications an all of these use quite a bit of battery but I was surprised that it was dead that fast.

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I love Android but...

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I really love Android, and I would still take this phone over an iPhone 4S anyday, but Google seriously needs to get it together! Why so cheap with the materials used? Can't they make it a little more appealing with the design?

This is my second Galaxy Nexus from Verizon and the call quality is still HORRIBLE! Everyone sounds like a robot! I thought Verizon was supposed to have the best quality service ever...? I had AT&T before, and I dropped calls constantly, but at least I could hear what the person on the other end was saying the majority of the time.. Now I don't drop many calls but everyone sounds like a staticy robot, and I live in the bay area of CA, the tech hub of the world.

Other than that, I love the UI, the camera is pretty good, the display is so gorgeous.

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Phone owned for less than a year

Good phone, glad i bought it. only wish they had worked out all of the bugs before coming out with a ICS phone but i guess it's the price you pay to be first in line. overall i really like this celly.

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Perfect Android Phone For People That Need More Than A Phone!

Phone owned for less than a year

I came from a Droid Charge, and I paid full retail for this one. Worth every penny! I was tempted to leave the phone stock because everything on it ran perfectly and didn't have apps that annoyed me. If you are an experienced techie type I highly recommend this phone. I currently have 19-25 hours on the extended battery while the phone is running up to 1.65 Ghz. Talk about a fast phone with tons of power at the user's finger tips.

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Phone owned for less than a month

first new phone in 4 years. had no idea it would be such a frustrating experience. Verizon says there is a software update on the way that will fix the call issues. I sure hope so, otherwise i'm done with this one.

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Phone owned for less than a month

The phone looks much better on the web than in person.

The first impression I got is that it is cheap. It is made of flimsy plastic that is way too flexible. This thing will not last 2 years. Not even close.

The display is very high rez, but the colors are off. Kind of like using fluorescent tubes instead of incandescent lighting.

But, worst of all, the reception is so unreliable it is unusable as a phone.

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Great, if it could receive calls

Phone owned for less than 3 months

This is my second Nexus, same issues as the first. I live in an area with a SOLID 3G and 4G signal. Never had an issue with any of my past phones, which have included about every android and iPhone Verizon has come out with. With the Nexus, I miss calls daily. People say my phone just keeps ringing on their line, vm never even picks up. This has happened on both, brand new units... both with different sim cards.

I tested this myself with my wifes phone. Called my phone 10 x in a row. It rang 6 times. 4 other times the ringer never went off. It's an issue with the Nexus.

Other than that, great phone all the way around. But if nobody can call you, you may as well go back to a flip phone.

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Really like the size and feel of this phone...

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I love this phone, It works very smoothly and the recent release of chrome beta has mad the browsing experience even better. Can't wait to see what comes next with ICS. I do miss the Sense UI from my HTC a little but stock UI is almost as good, I know some are stock all the way. Great thing is, when HTC starts pushing out some ICS device I know someone will make a rom for the GN with sense...

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Galaxy Nexus

Phone owned for less than a month

The time i have had it, it has been amazing, battery life is the only thing i hate. the camera is suspect as well as the build quality, definitely recommend it. if u like screens and big ones you should definitely get it.

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Phone owned for less than a month

You have to understand I'm coming from Virgin Mobile which is a prepaid carrier using Sprints 3G Network and although my bill was around $50 I decided to bite the bullet and finally do the whole "Contract Thing". I got this phone a couple days ago and I'm blown away by it. I don't even know where to begin! I LOVE the 4.65" HD super Amoled Display, its very snappy, and of course its 4.0 Icecream.

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Phone for those who want freedom

Phone owned for less than a year

Greatest Android on the market as of right now, with the exception of maybe the Razor Maxx. The phone gives you the ability to use it and treat it like a personal computer. Dont recommend for it for people who are new to the world of smartphones, and highly recommend it to those who use to have Nokias or other Androids. You still get the option of tweaking and customizing, and still manage to be part of the enormous droid family.

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Galaxy Nexus Review

Phone owned for less than a month

Build: I read people complaining of Samsung's use of plastics in phones and wonder why it is a complaint. It is DURABLE! The phone feels solid and I have comfort knowing the phone won't shatter if it does take a spill. Flimsy battery door? Who cares? It is a battery door! You can't ding a phone for having a flimsy door. The phone is comfortable in a pocket or a case due to the lighter weight and solid feel.
Recpetion/ Call quality: I live in a strong LTE area and all of my business is done in strong LTE locations. I haven't had one issue with a 4g/3g handoff, call drops, or reception at this time. My callers have not commented on a robotic voice. They always comment of a crystal connection.
Internet: The browser is fast, fluid, and functional. Pages load fast, scrolling is 99% lag free. I enjoy having the desktop request readily available.
Multimedia: I primarily use the Google Music app and it works flawlessly. I love using Google's ecosystem.
Camera: It does what it needs to do. I don't have the complaints of others. Megapixels don't make a good picture people! 5 MPs are more than sufficient for a phone. The picture quality is more than acceptable for a phone. I can use it confidently for quick situations while out and about. I think people get caught up in too many marketing terms and ding a camera on a phone too harshly. This doesn't mean there aren't better camera phones available; it just means this is more than functional.
Display: Prior to purchasing this phone, I really didn't care about text resolution. I think this is highly overstated as well. 720 HD looks great and I have no complaints. I didn't have an issue with the WVGA of the S2. With that said, everything looks that much better with the higher resolution. Folks with bad eyes will probably prefer WVGA because the text is bigger. Phones that provide the option of increasing font size on the HD screens will help immensely.
Battery: I classify myself as a moderate to heavy user. I love watching vids on Youtube, browsing, and a lot of email. I have yet to be disappointed with the battery for a full business day. Can it be better? Of course. I don't think anything will compare to the Maxx right now. I don't mind plugging my phone in at the end of each day because I'm sleeping and won't be using the phone. I never understand why this is such a pain for some that state the phone doesn't last for more than a day. You have so much more functionality and data being used now. We have to be more realistic. And as previously stated, the Maxx should change the game for all those with the lofty standard.

All in all, I really dig this phone. It is by far the best phone I have owned and I have owned everything from the Original Bold, Evo 4g, Epic, G2x, Infuse, iPhone4, GS2, and now this GN. ICS makes the phone. It is fluid and clean. It feels polished now and still have the ability to customize.

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Unstoppable! I love this phone!

Phone owned for less than 3 months

There are far too many aspects I can touch on but, overall, all I can say is that my experience with this phone has been absolutely excellent. I'm a very heavy social network user, I depend on my job's Exchange server for all of my business needs, multimedia is by far excellent, call quality is great and Google's custom apps are absolutely incredible. Google's video Hangout (and video Google Talk) over data can't be beat. Quality of the phone's build is awesome, really feels good in the hand.

Finally but, absolutely not the least, watching my HD videos have never been so satisfying.

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Average Phone, nothing great besides ICS and big screen.

Phone owned for less than a month

I have had this phone for 2 weeks and i like my phone. I upgarded from the droid eris by htc.
i added volume+ app in order to increase speaker volume beacause it is simply way too weak on its own.
The screen is big and its awesome to play games and use apps. unfornutely it draids the hell out of your battery, even with the exteneded battery. with the exteneded battery you get I got 6-8 hours of heavy usage. this is average for a standard battery but should not be the case with an extended battery.
the phones audio quality when making calls is just ok, not good for a new series of phone.
camera is ok but only for outside daytime use, ok for night with high contrast. other than that it is completely horrible.

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