Samsung Focus Specs
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This was my first windows device and it was a great try but after using apple and Google and blackberry and Wm 6.1 this device left me wanting more! I found that i had many software issues and problems with it resetting and i changed out the phone numerous times till i gave up on it.
I got this phone almost two years ago and it was great when I got it but I hate it now. I've bought two replacement batteries because they die very quickly, only about 8 months each. The marketplace still doesn't have that many apps. I'm switching to android.
i got this phone a year ago and i've had to replace it 4 different times for different problems. its a great phone in general but it has too many bugs that need to be worked out. right now the problem is that my battery is charging but its not displaying how much charge i have. this has happened quite a few times but i just called AT&T so they can send me another phone. i'm not going to be getting the focus anymore but i'm willing to try the focus s
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