Samsung Fascinate Specs
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Does not have 4G speed but internet isn't bad as long as it goes through YouTube without the video having to load again then i got no complaints. internet was pretty good even when i had 2 bars of complaints except for picture messages because my phone didn't download the pictures (but problem got fixed after a couple of updates) greatest thing about this phone is its battery for an android its awesome and even for a standard phone's battery its still pretty impressive.
Not a great phone if you have it longer then e few months. It worked great until I started downloading apps. Apps would constantly force close and then it would freeze whenever it felt like it. I liked how it looked and bought it off of someone only because my Droid X wasnt working. It was better then the Droid x but ended up giving me problems as well.
I had 5 Samsung Fascinates. Initially they worked okay. Reception was terrible and after about 4 months things went from bad to worse. My daughters phone became inoperable. My phone dropped over 300 calls in a one month time period. After numerous calls to Verizon and a lot of complaining all 5 got replaced with HTC Incredible 2's. I liked the Samsung Fascinate for its ease of use and all but as far as performance goes it was the worst phones we have ever owned.