Samsung Continuum User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

A pretty nice Mid range Android Phone.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

A Very nice phone for the price and size. This is my upgrade from the Samsung Rogue, a QWERTY Slider feature phone. and i must say i am loving Android! I was able to get this phone for free after an upgrade and rebate, and i think this phone should have gotten more news about it because for a mid range Smart Phone it functions very well.

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Beautiful screen, nice phone, but android 2.1???.....

Phone owned for less than a month

After setting up the phone, I went to set up the enterprise email. After being on Verizon Tech support, as well as my companies IT department, no one could figure out why the phone could not connect. Through research online I found out that this problem occurs quite frequently in the Android 2.1 software. I just read today that it may not be until february of 2010.

The first thing you will notice about this phone is the is GORGEOUS. As for the "ticker" feature, I really looked forward to having my emails and calendar events being displayed there, however because of the lack of connectivity with the enterprise server, the "ticker" display sat idle and was completely useless.

The UI of the phone is alright, but not spectacular. Each task seemed to take much longer on the Continuum that on any other phone. There is a great deal of customization that can be done, and if I had taken the time to play around with it, I may have become more familiar with the functions.

Overall it was a great looking phone, and if it weren't for the hiccups with the Android 2.1 software (as well as the sale on the Droid X on amazon for a penny) I would have stuck with the phone. I wouldn't recommend this phone for those using an enterprise servers until the new software update is complete, but all in all it seemed like a great phone.

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