Samsung Acclaim User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews


Phone owned for more than a year

I can not wait to get a new phone i hate this phone it is sucky and feels cheep!!! The screen is unresponsive, takes to long to boot up, camera sucks, keyboard sucks, i have had this phone from the day it came out and i hate it!

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Piece of Sh*&(

Phone owned for more than a year

I hate this phone, I've had dreams of having enough money to buy a better one and figuring out sick and twisted ways to destroy this phone. Yes it's that serious. Sadly I'm a broke college student so I've been stuck with this phone for the last year or so. The problems I've had with this phone are as follows:

1. Literally takes 2.5 minutes to start up. (I've timed it)
2. Frequently freezes. ( And I only have 3 apps on it with a 8gb sd card)
3. I have to do a hard reset on the phone twice a day.
4. Missed text messages along with drop calls. (due to terrible attena or just bad coverage from US cellular.
5. Occasionally restarts itself. (Often in the middle of one of my lengthy text messages).

Overall I absolutely and utterly despise this phone.

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Terrible phone

Phone owned for less than a year

The Droid platform works fine most of the time. The touchscreen isn't always reliable and the phone itself is terrible. This phone will drop calls for no reason and the keypad activates while speaking on the phone. I have just received my 3rd replacement to try. I have spent hours and hours on the phone with the tech department and it's just a vicious circle. I would not recommend this phone at all.

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Biggest Headache Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cont....

Phone owned for less than a year

-the phone won't charge
-the phone will not "sleep" (yes I have gone itno settings to make sure that the phone has not "accidently" been changed to always on since it likes to edit my settings by itself even though I have a lock on my phone

Long story short....

DON'T by the SAMSUNG Acclaim!!!!

It's not even a good "phone"
Why have it if you cant even make calls from it? It's honestly a better camera.

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Biggest Headache Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phone owned for less than a year

This phone is the most horrible piece of cr@p I have ever purchased! A complete waste of money! The phone began having problems less than 3 weeks after I bought it.

-immense lag time
-unresponsive touch screen
-missed emails/text
-misses calls because
1. the screen wont respond fast enough to answer
2. the phone never rings
3. phone doesn't even recieve the call
-texts will come in hours late and out of order
-returning calls is just as bad
1.the phone freezes up (horrible in an emergancy or important/time sensitive situation)
2. the phone wont connect (call fails)
-when the touch screen actually is responsive it's "off" (it doesn't respond in the place you selected)
-the phone will not turn on and freezes in the SAMSUNG logo screen to "unlock the phone you have to perform a "hard reset"
-the phone randomly turns off even when battery is full
-the battery life is incredibly short
-the apps open on their own which also drains the battery
-the wrong app opens when you select the icon on the desktop
-the apps wont close also draining the battery
-the entire system is bogged down and it takes forever to do anything

The only reason I have hung on to this phone was because I recieved it as a birthday present and I felt guilty returning it but after the most recent problems I am definitly returning it to US Cellular. What are the newest issues???

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I THOUGHT this phone was amazing!

Phone owned for less than a year

I got this phone back in August and I LOVED it for the first month. Then it started to have a mind of it's own. The first thing I noticed was the green camera screen. I turned the phone off and on and it was normal again. Then... When I would get phone calls the screen would stay black and I was unable to answer my calls! Recently it just decided mid-text message to shut itself down. About 2 weeks ago my screen stopped working all together. Fortunately for the mouse I am still able to use the stupid thing. I love the apps and I do like the phone a lot! But they need to fix the problems with it! Badly! Unfortunately my husband is in jail and so the only way for me to talk to him is when he calls. Well.. having the problems with my touch screen not working is that I have NO way to answer my calls! I can return them no problem but because he is in jail I am unable to call him back! I finally found on the Samsung site that you can use a headset and answer. The bad thing is that the screen will stop working for a whole day but the second I walk into the US Cellular place it works JUST FINE! Of course! It has it's good things about it and I don't want a different phone because I do love my phone BUT since I paid $200 with a new contract for the stupid thing I'd love for it to actually WORK properly! Samsung refuses to say that there's anything wrong with their phone EVEN THOUGH there are hundreds of complaints about the same problems with it! Stand by your product!

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Do not buy.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Not a great phone. I'm currently waiting on the arrival of my 3rd replacement. The first one, brand new out of the box, froze up within a week. The second, also brand new out of the box, froze up completely within 5 weeks. By froze up, i mean will not turn on at all. Locks up on the Samsung logo screen. My third one is a refurbished phone, courtesy of U.S. Cellular. Hopefully this one works. If not, I'm definitely either getting another brand or switching carriers.

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Decent Phone

Phone owned for less than a year

I am on my 3rd Acclaim. The last two did the same thing. End up freezing while turning on just randomly. There are some flaws to this phone. Be aware. It does slow down randomly some times. It can freeze when getting calls. And with the last two they had the same issue of shutting off by themselves and not being able to turn back on without a battery pull. This site shows the battery life in stand by mode. It is a lie. It is no way 450 hours in stand by time. Its more like 7 hours. Other than that, its not actually to bad. It just has some problems.

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Samsung Acclaim Not Dependable!

Phone owned for less than a year

There must be better phones out there and U.S.Cellular does not stand behind the products it sells.
The battery only lasts about 6 to 7 hours and that is when the phone has not been used to make or receive calls,use apps etc..for the whole day.
The Phone frequently shuts down on its own and the only way to restart it is to remove the battery,put it back in and then it will restart and by the way this happens with over 50% charge in the battery.

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Not A Crapshoot

Phone owned for

i've Had The Phone for a while and i must say, the only problem is the fact it takes a REDICULOUS amount of time to charge. i plug it in the night before at 5% and at the time of writing it is at 86 %. otherwise , this phone is a great one to use, especially as a starter Smartphone

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Battery Life Stinks

Phone owned for

I've had this phone for almost 2 months and I like this phone.................. Its very fast and has a really nice interface................... Lots of free apps. I like the fact that it has both onscreen qwerty and the slide qwerty bult it for convienance.................. Needs a better battery though.................. The specs say 450 hours with and average of 405 hours but this is not the case. If I unpug it at 7 in the morning, it's dying by 2pm on standby....................................... (Explanation in Cons section)

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Great phone

Phone owned for

I think that this is a very good phone. Also the price is great. Everything is great i haven't had a problem. Some apps will make the fun lag. But i deleted them and now it runs perfect. I think this is the best phone ever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .

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Acclaim vs. Blackberry

Phone owned for

Battery life does suck!  So many things I do not like about this phone that I will probably return to my Blackberry.  And with 50,000 apps I'm surprised that some of my faves from BB aren't available!   Pretty much agree with other posts here. 

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Unreliable Phone

Phone owned for

I bought this phone a couple weeks after it came out.  The main reason I purchased it was for the built-in GPS.  I tried to use the GPS in several different states and the satellite never connected to my phone, ever.  Other problems included other applications popping up when I did not touch them, daily phone charging...sometimes twice a day, the phone not ringing when I received calls, hours late voicemail notifications and texts, the phone turning back on after I powered it down, pretty much everything went wrong.  It was also a real pain having to connect to different wireless networks as it would constantly lose connection when new networks came into range.  The best part of the phone was the full keyboard which made texting a breeze. So after a few weeks of owning this phone, I returned it to U.S. Cellular and canceled my account.  I went over to my local Verizon store and bought the Motorola Android X and that phone is awesome!  It is always connected to a 3G network so I can surf the web with no problems, but I still miss having a slide out keyboard like the Acclaim has.  In short, The Samsung Acclaim is by far the worst piece of garbage phone I have ever used and people should never purchase this product as it will be the biggest headache you could possibly imagine. 

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Not the Best...

Phone owned for

 Okay, so I was expecting a lot from this phone. This was the first android available from my cellphone company, so me and my mom rushed to buy it and got a sweet 2 for 1 deal. For the first weeks, there were absolutely no problems except that the extremely SLOW, minute long turn on, was a bit irritating for a while and then there was the 8 hour wait for it to be fully charged and the fact that the battery life was VERY short. A few weeks into owning it, there were a lot of glitches in BOTH my mom's and my phones. When the camera was turned on, it turned to a green-screen and so you couldn't see what you were taking a picture of. Also, it started to go extremely slow when switching home-screens. It also did not ring or vibrate for most of the incoming calls and texts that I received, even though the ringer was on loud. The lack of an 'end' button was quite frustrating as well... I am not happy with this phone, and both my mom and I will be switching back to our old cellphones (mine happens to be an LG Tritan). And soon, we'll be trying out the new HTC Desire. I hope that it will work better than this one...

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It's a steal

Phone owned for

Got this phone a few days ago and it is awesome, especially for the price ($100 w/ contract, after rebate).  I don't usually like Samsung's phones, but they did a good job with this one.  I the backlit slide out keyboard - it really makes the phone feel like a miniature computer.  The big square touchpad/button at the bottom seems to be mostly useless though... it barely detects my finger at all, though it does work as a button.  Android is THE smartphone software to have if you want extensive functionality.  Basically this phone will do almost anything you could do with your computer 8 years ago.  There's a ton of free apps that are actually worth using.

The OS runs smoothly and the screen works better than most that I've dealt with.  The image quality is very good also.  I like that the rounded edges a lot better than the sharp corners on some other Android devices.  The camera takes good looking pictures for being only 3mp.

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Phone owned for

I agree, this phone is the sh*t.  Also agree with the app killer being a must have, but app killer is a must with all android powered phones.  My friend has an htc android powered phone and the acclaim's battery lasted longer than the HTC with app killer, then I got app killer and the battery life blows his out of the water.  This phone also works great with my samsung un55c8000 LED TV, but that TV also kicks a*s; GO SAMSUNG keep it up!

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samsung acclaim awsome phone

Phone owned for

i got this phone about 2 weeks ago  as with all things i review i use them for a while before writting something and all i can say is this phone rocks all the way around very presice touch screen and physical keyboard  browser is exellent apps are good when there free super if you have to pay there is not one con to this phone i recommend downloading advanced task killer and your battery will last all day i use the free version but there is paid version love it

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Very Awsom Phone

Phone owned for

I just bought this phone and its the coolest phone on the market with apps no more than 1.69 which is cheap compared to other phones through other companies.  I give this phone a 10 because it's like a computer on the go so it u want a sleek phone with good features get this one.

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