Pantech Matrix User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Horriblee !

Phone owned for more than a year

this fone is juss ughh i had it too long and its boring it shuts off randomly. and the message view is not threaded . this fone isnt very cool it slows dwn constantly. the paint peals off and makes it look dumb. but im goin get a new fone kus this isnt called for .

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Phone owned for more than a year

I have had tis sack of garbage for over a year and a half, its got a washed up screen that scratches so easy its shittypoppydogcock.!! im really into beastiality and when i try to cram this cell up my dogs rectum it gets full of his poop, so basicly what im saying is that this phone has to many cracks. it will litteraly take me hours to lick the shit out of this phone. sometimes when i feel horney i stick it up my ass and jack off into a watermelon. its hard to cram a dry phone up my ass so i lube it up and my phone stays all lubed up for hours. when i feel lonley i like to pay bums to go and shit in public places and when i try and take a video of it the camera qualities are not the best. when I take pictures of my dog licking its balls i have to get up close because the camer sucks!! i have never used this phone for calling stricktyl for my dogs porn and sticking it up my ass and dogs ass!

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Phone owned for more than a year

I HATE IT! I got it and the day after I got it, I wanted to throw it against a wall. There is no camera zoom, it TOTALLY SHUTS OFF at random times, sometimes it refuses to charge, when I text it will sometimes crash and restart, I can't set indivitual ringtones, I HATE IT! Do not get this phone!

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great phone loved it bt some errors

Phone owned for more than a year

great phone but after about a year you get tired of it and ohh dont slide the phone both ways if yu do the phone will start to freeze and act weird. and i dont like the camara or video quality but otherwise the phone is very nice. you may have some issues with it but it worked great for me until i started sliding it both ways and i dropped it alot.

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Horrible Phone

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 Ok, so I bought this phone back in November of 2009.  A few days after I got the phone it started to glitch.  The buttons on the front would freeze and the only way to correct the problem was to turn off the phone and wait and then turn it back on.  After turning it back on all of my settings like ringtone were not there anymore and I would have to go back in and reset them again.  I finally got fed up and took it back to the store where I got it a week and a half after I bought it.  They gave me a new one.  The 2nd one started to do the same thing.  It really aggravated me.  I am finally getting a new phone and I am SO HAPPY!  The matrix is a terrible phone.  I never dropped it and I did no damage to it, it just did not work.  I would never recommend this phone to anyone unless you want to deal with constantly having to turn your phone on and off multiple times a day.  Don't buy it, don't bother.  Splurge a few extra bucks for a better phone.  Yes, I know the price is awesome but it is not worth the hassle. 

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This phone...

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I asked for the Pantech matrix for Christmas last year and I was very happy when I got it. I loved it until it started acting weird, it had random glitches and would randomly crash on me. The longer I had this phone the less it had its glitches which is weird. This phone is overall a solid phone and is perfect a year later with minor exceptions like the paint coming off already....It's kinda cheap and bulky and people says its ugly but I'm fine with it however this phone gets very boring. I'm replacing this phone soon.I don't think I'd recommend this phone to anyone, maybe as a backup phone I would recommend it though.

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Very good phone

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i have had this phone for about 9th months, and yes the screen is scratched and it can slide both ways easily, but its a great phone. It has a very easy keyboard and emoticons are very easy to use, you can learn the keyboard just as you would one on a computer. The camera is not good unless you change settings to specific things like daylight and tungsten, etc. It has internet access which is cool and is an mp3 player with a memory chip. Ringtones don't have good sound quality but songs do. This phone is the most durable I've had, being tough through 5-6 foot falls to the concrete numerous times. It has a bunch of widgets like voice memo and alarm, along with notepad, world time, calculator and converter, and stopwatch. Great, great, great phone. Thank you pantech for this creation.

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Phone owned for

Ive had this phone for 7 months and Its okay, The camara Is not horrible but is not great, I will Say that it does shut off by its self but thats because it has to re-fresh, Would not get it wet or even damp because the keyboard will stop  working because i got mine wet and the light for the keyboard did not work so i got another pantech matrix, The screen is very easy to scratch But a trick is to put toothpaste over it like get some toliet paper and then rub it on the screen unti the toothpast is not visible, I would recemend the I-phone, Its really cool and games only cost 99 cents its free internet and is very easy to text on, (i know this because ywamy uncle has one) Anyway, I would recomend this phone for 1st time beginners, Its very easy too work!! but if your the kind of person who gets tired of there stuff easily this is not the phone for you

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buy cheap get cheap

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If your looking for a phone that shuts off while your talking,screen goes blank,paint fades and peels ,power cord doesnt work then this may be the phone for you.Phone is 6 months old,has never been dropped or exposed to water and pantech wont cover it cause it has paint peeling and fading.(so I was told)Pantech is nothing more than a low end product.

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Phone owned for

Ive had my Pantech Matrix for a while, and i really do love it. After about 2 months of using it, 2 or 3 of the buttons on the keyboard would be slow. Example, to type a letter, id be pressing " N-N-N-N-N" and by the sixth N, it would finally show up. And at first, because i had never had the phone and none of my friends had it, after having it for about a month, you can slide it both ways at the same time if you slide it in a specific way. Now, after about 4 months, i can slide it both ways as easy as it slides one way. Yes, it does slow the phone down a little bit. Whenever i was bored or talking to someone while holding my Matrix, i would be sliding and sliding and sliding it. I dont recomend it. My phone has gotten a little bit slower, but really not all that noticable. I just noticed it because im always on it. But its really a great phone.
If your looking for a begginner phone, the matrix would be a pretty good phone. Its VERY durable. Unlike a touchscreen, the screen is holding up great. Like if you drop a touchscreen and the screen scratches, it can mess up the phone. but for my matrix, i dont have to worry about busting or scratching my screen.
For pictures, im not fond of my camera. there is no flash, unlike some new phones, but im not too worried about that. You can not zoom WHILE TAKING THE PICTURE, but after you take it, then you can zoom.
It comes in lots of colors too.=)
the buttons on the normal pad when u slide it up, like 123456789*0#, they are very strong, as in they dont bust.
It has yellow pages, and GPS. very helpful, especially if you dont have one of those GPS things built in your car and you newed directions.
Texting- it send up to 10 people at a time. and instead of going to
"send to>Josh."
then it goes back to the text,
its a long checklist, which not all phone are like that. i love the checklest!
I hope this review helps!

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Where's the PC SyncSoftware?

Phone owned for

No complaints, except I just dropped my Motorola for this.  Motorola has a complete phone tool software, but I haven't seen any for the Matrix.  The Matrix Pro comes with Windows Mobile 6.0.  You can download Active Sync and Mobile 6.0 on your computer but it doesn't work for Matrix, just Matrix Pro. 
So if anyone knows of any PC syncing software that will let you download pics and sync  contacts and calendars with your PC let me know.

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Phone owned for

okkayy so ive had this phone for like 3 weeks i was so excited when i got it. but now i hate it. the keyboard slider thing is cool but its already wiggling. and sometimes i have to shut off my phone for it to send messages and its already freezed like 5 timess. . ughhh and i hate hate this phone. the battery life sucks if i leave it on when im at school it loses a bar. and did i tell you it turns on by itself. when i was in class it rang 7 timesss. i personly hate the lock thing. they do come in cool colors cuz i hate black phoneesss there just boring  but i seriously hate this phonee. the camera qualityyy suckky.. and im like a teenager so i like to take alot of pictures but this phone doesnt even have flash. so i told my mom that i wanted a new phone so im suppose to be getting the lg zenon or samsung impression.:) overall this phone would be good for people that dont really know technology . but noot for me i absolutely hateee it..

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user, average user

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I have had this phone for a month now. I researched phones for months before purchasing it, and I am not sorry. I am rather technologically challenged, just an average joe but I have learned how to use the features on the phone that I was interested in. I am not into texting but I did want a phone where I could read my email. I like how the slider screens automatically adjust. There are a few more features I haven't tackled but if I didn't learn anything else at ths point, I am fully satisfied with this phone. It also has picture ID which is neat. I use the Bluetooth aspect also.Others have reported the slider feature breaking but I can't imagine that happening.

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Good Phone

Phone owned for

The Pantech Matrix is a great phone. I have had it now since november of 2008 and nothing is going wrong with it like other reviews have said. It is holding together very while. I am a very heavy texter, so it is opened and closed over and over again and it still slides very well and stays shut. Since it has the QWERTY keyboard, it is absolutly great for texting and AIM. and it is very easy to use. Battery life from what I have noticed is great. When i visitmy girlfriend at her college and stay a couple nights I don't even bring my charger. Its record so far is 4 days without a charge. And it charges fully very quickly. The Camera isn't all that great. I am really not a picture taker when it comes to phones, thats what my Camera is for. but the Picture quality on this phone is pretty sub-par. All in all, This is a great phone. Holds up well to heavy use, great battery life, easy to use, great apps. I Love It.
P.S. the red one is best.  *Phillies Colors*

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Phone owned for

Alright well ive only had this phone a little while and guess what... its breaking! At first I absolutely loved everything about it. But then i noticed that the top piece started sliding back and forth from the parts underneath it so i just left it alone. Then the longer i had it the worse it got. When I slide up the QWERTY it just falls back down. My phone is really starting to fall apart.... and i have dropped it 0 times! Now when i try to text on the regular side the message will just blank out and the numbers will start popping up. I have only had the phone two and a half weeks and i will have to take it back to the store. I really liked the phone at first and it was super easy to work. But now im just so ready to get rid of this crappy phone.

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Great for the first month or so.

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I got this phone when my older one broke. I liked the look and the idea of a full key board and a key pad. I LOVED the phone. After about a month with this phone I started to notice that it wasn't sending messages. Well, actually, it would say "Message sent" but then the person wouldn't get it for a long time (an hour to a day).I called tech support and there wasn't actually anything they could do considering that the messages that wouldn't send were random. I did have AT&T with my old phone so I'm not sure if it's the phone or AT&T. Whatever it is, it's getting annoying.
I also have noticed that sometimes you have too double click buttons to get a reaction, or the reaction to you pressing a button is slow. Other then those two issues it's a good phone for typing. The phone (although think) looks and feels sleek.

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I got this phone yesterday and its the one of the best phones. I LOVE IT.
P.S get the blue one

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Truly Amazing.

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I've had this phone for a couple weeks now, and I really love it.
All of its extra features make this phone so unique, and the QWERTY keyboard is super easy to text with !!
I figured out this phone in under an hour which is HUGE for me. 
I thought it was going to be another low class PDA phone, like its brother the Duo, but I was wrong. This is definitely AT&Ts best phone.
The must have for heavy texters... and I love its AIM

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All i can say is... WOW.

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Let me tell you something... Pantech really outdid themselves here... this phone is THE best phone they have for AT&T. If you are a heavy texter... buy it. No questions asked. Its so easy to navigate through as well so you wont get lost as your exploring the wonders of the new messaging Matrix.
I love it. I have mine in blue and its so eyecatching. I dont think i can go back to a normal phone after this one. aha.
Cons-none really.. but mine kinda creeks when im navigating throught the menus when my keyboard is open... idk if its loose or whatever but it doesnt feel like its gonna break.

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great phone

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Ive had this phone for three days now and all i can say is WOW. everytime i open it im excited haha. at first i thought 'oh this is gonna be like the pantech duo(its smartphone twin)' but it is a great textin phone amazing quality the mp3 is nice too. the only thing that could make it better is full HTML browsing

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