Pantech Crux User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Misery contraption

Phone owned for more than a year

Well, if your the kind of person that loves hours of unbearable pain and torture, this is the phone for YOU! If you want a phone that sucks battery life with each second then this is YOUR DREAM COME TRUE.! Not only does the reception and call quality make you sound either 200 miles away or inside someone's ear but it also drops out every other second! Now don't get me started on the camera, this camera is a wonderful use of black space, working wonderful in a snow white room but in the dark even better considering you can't see anything that isn't lit up like a Christmas tree. Texting is a blast with decoding words and a work out for those who want their fingers to take a year to text a sentance. Best about it all is that your texts get to the person only 3 days later! Next day it started freezing with every text message and button you try to push, then it got better and started resetting itself....every 3 minutes. All in all I had the phone for 4 days considering my store was 45 miles away and we had a ton of snow on the ground. Not to mention that it unlocks in your pocket just about everytime you move! The reason my parents this phone was because it was cheap, and it claimed to be a 'smart phone'. The odd button beneath the screen is not a home button or a back button. Its just a button that does whatever it wants at the time. The touch screen calibration is terrible, making texting a horror. After 5 months, the lower right corner of my touch screen stopped working, and every single time I opened a message, it shut down. I have to constantly take out the battery and put it back in. After the screens lower corner stopped working, I took it to the verizon store with hopes of replacing it with an updated phone. Guess what I got? A new version of the same damn phone.

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Phone owned for less than a year

I got this phone in August and I already have to get a new phone!!!! the screen is unresponsive half the time and it does not stay charged. my back doesn't stay on my phone and it sucks for taking pictures. my mom has the same phone as me and as soon as she goes to her recent calls her phone shuts off. my phone won't stay charged and if it does it shuts off all the time!! it is the WORST PHONE EVER!!!!!!!!!!

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Certainly not worth the hassle

Phone owned for less than a year

This is potentially the worst phone I have ever had to use. First of all, the battery...the battery sucks, you charge it one night, use it minimally throughout the day, and its dead the next night. Use it consistently and expect to charge it throughout the day (hopefully you have an outlet nearby). Never use the provided USB charger if you want your battery to last for more than an hour without even using it. Second of all, the texting...the texting also sucks, the touch screen makes it hard to push the right letters and the occasional freezing of the screen doesn't help either. T9 rarely texts actual words, it spits out random letters and you have to search through to find the word you actually want. A simple sentence may take an eternity to text.... Receiving text messages is great, when you actually get them. I've gone for 24 hours without getting any messages, thinking I'm either a giant loser or my phone stopped getting messages, I turn my phone off and back on only to be flooded with around 12 texts from throughout the previous day. I would love to say this is rare, but generally happens multiple times a week. Fortunately when I do receive messages, my phone often gets two or three copies of the same text (just in case the first wasn't clear..?) The third point, is calling...although I don't use my phone to call people often, it is sometimes necessary. Calling any service with a "push 1 for.. push 2 for... " panel is useless to me with this phone because the screen goes completely black and no matter which buttons I press, no numbers appear in which I can touch. Luckily my friends let me borrow their phones in such instances, Unluckily, I have multiple voicemails sitting in my phone which I can't listen to because there is no screen to put in my password. These are all the issues I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there are many others. As for me, I plan a trip to verizon very soon...

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horrible DO NOT GET!!!!!!!!!!! THROW IT OUT

Phone owned for less than a year


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Horrible phone!

Phone owned for less than a year

DO NOT GET THIS PHONE!! SOO many problems! Only good part of it is the music. And literally thats it. MESSAGE PROBLEM < almost everyone i ask tells me they have the same problem. Sucky call quality and texting. Battery always dies, or phone shuts off randomly.

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Phone owned for less than a year

k, so im a teenager and i got this phone thinking it would be kind of like an iphone (cause my mom is cheap and wont pay for internet) but i have had SO many problems, im wondering why i got it. first off, it stored 75% of my messages, meaning i dont get them for 1-24 hours AFTER the text was sent. AND it will never sync to my computer and ive downloaded 3 different programs to try to get my computer to recognize it. the screen has a terrible calibrator and the design is great for putting in your pocket... as well as using it as a frisbee. bottom line: im getting a new phone. ASAP.

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New upgrade GONE WRONG

Phone owned for less than a month

If you want a phone that sucks battery life with each second then this is a great phone for you! Not only does the reception and call quality make you sound either 200 miles away or inside someone's ear but it also drops out every other second! Now don't get me started on the camera, this camera is a wonderful use of black space, working wonderful in a snow white room but in the dark even better considering you can't see anything that isn't lit up like a Christmas tree. Texting is a blast with decoding words and a work out for those who want their fingers to take a year to text a sentance. Best about it all is that your texts get to the person only 3 days later! All in all its quite a lovely phone. Never liked touch screens and decided to try this one with my new upgrade. Hard to learn right away and I'm fairly good with phones. Next day it started freezing with every text message and button you try to push, then it got better and started resetting itself....every 3 minutes. All in all I had the phone for 4 days considering my store was 45 miles away and we had a ton of snow on the ground. Not to mention that it unlocks in your pocket just about everytime you move! Personally I wouldn't recommend you get this touch screen if you are looking for one. There are much better and CHEAPER phones that have better qualities that you would need/want.

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Pantech Crux

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I love this phone! I had the Samsung Intensity and now that I have an all touch screen, I will never go back to punching keys. I got this on September 11th... as an upgrade, and I only payed $1.04!!! The only issue I have is the multiple texts, but I had that with my intensity. The touch screen takes some getting used to, but what touchscreen doesn't? It has a slim design, which is good, and you don't need a data plan. All in all, great phone! Oh, for cases, you can look on just have to know where to look for them!!!

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Great idea, but lacks quality

Phone owned for less than a year

Ive had this phone for over half a year so ive had the full experience of what this phone is and what it is not. Before getting this phone i had a touchscreen, not wanting to pay for the data package anymore i purchased this phone looking for another touchscreen with a large display. I bought this anticipating its touchscreen quality would be comparable to that of an itouch, but i was very dissapointed. The touchscreen lags, the qwerty keyboard constantly off-centers itself and needs to be re-aligned, the touchscreen is so sensitive it is almost impossible to scroll without a very light touch, the camera cannot zoom in or out, and after sometime the battery will stop holding a full charge and hover around one bar most of the day even after a full charge. My biggest beef is with the texting feature of this phone. The virtual keyboard is awful and continues to be a struggle for me to use even after roughly ten months of heavy texting daily it is still impossible for me to write up a text without some kind of mistake caused by difficulty using the keyboard. The T9 feature is equally awful. When trying to use T9 to send a quick message it will come up with nonsense words which i need to go back and correct, for example: trying to type "of" will always come out as "ov". Also, the phone gets constant double messages and sometimes wont recive texts from other people untill hours later.

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dont recommend to anyone

Phone owned for less than a year

First day i immidiately noticed how hard it is to text on it but thought i would get used to it (i didnt still annoys the crap outta me). other than tht it did drop calls randomly, it freezes all the time. sometimes wont send or receive messages. when you upload pictures on it they only show up thumb nail size. yesterday i wasnt even able to view my pictures for some reason, then it totally went blank and stopped working, then an hour later it started working and now it wont charge no matter what i do. so now im stuck texting off of yahoo messenger being lame. good thing i kept my moms old phone which lasted her 2 1/2 years and still works just fine she just wanted a new one. so yeah definitely dont want anyone to waste their money on this thing. it flat out sucks sorry to say. everyone has probs with it.

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Worst Phone ever Invented

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Where should I start? First and foremost the Phone is constantly locking up I have to take the battery out at least 4 or 5 times a day. Receiving txt messages is like pulling teeth, most of the time I don't get the message for an hour to an hour and a half sending messages is just as bad. The keyboard is always glitching infuriating me constantly. And to top it all off the battery life sucks horribly i have to charge it at least twice a day and its not just the battery I've gotten 3 different battery replacements on 3 different phone replacements....If you want my recommendation DO NOT GET THIS PHONE!!!!! If you already have it I suggest using it as target practice or a paperweight

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Don't recommend the Crux

Phone owned for less than 3 months

After receiving 5 of these devices, I gave up. The Crux is the WORST phone I have EVER had!! Texts won't send and/or receive, signal sux, phone power cycles whenever it feels like it, calls are dropped even with full signal ... just outright horrible!! Can't wait to get a different phone!!!!

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Pantech crux great phone overall

Phone owned for less than a year

The phone is much better than other pantech phones I like it more than my old flip phone the touchscreen is the biggest flaw its a resistive touch screen which means it need more force then say an ipod touch or ipad some good things include the MANY features

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Phone owned for less than a month

Very very good considering 2 weeks. i had the Droid 2 before this phone, plain old droid 2, but it fell in my pool... haha only me. But i didnt want to spend alot on a second one, i was hesitant not getting a smartphone, but so far this is a very good phone. Droid 2 was way better, but this is good for a non-smartphone. Its touchscreen can be off every once in awhile, facebook works great. But im hesitant about calls, it drops every one in awhile, other than that, its very good, im surprised.

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Ok phone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Its an ok phone. I had the ENV2 for my privious phone and the battery was awesome. I got this it was good for the first week but now it dies in an hour or so. I would not recomend this phone to anyone. I want to go back to my env2 because of the bad battery.

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Want it sooooooooo bad!

Phone owned for less than a month

I don't have this phone yet but I want one so bad. I love the design & the total touch screen. My phone now doesnt record vids so that will be nice too. I can't wait to get mine I just have to wait for them to be in stock at Walmart. Lol. I luv this fone great one from pantech

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Rumors of texting problems and some of my own.

Phone owned for less than a month

ive heard some reviews that the phone doesnt receive text messages quickly and it comes like 3 hours later. ive only had it for about a day and ive already had some problems. some of the messages come in doubles. i hope i dont get any problems with the delayed text messages.

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Phone owned for less than 3 months

i got this phone for Christmas, for the first 2 weeks i loved it. but now sometimes i get the texts any where from a few minutes to a few hours after their sent. or i dont get them at all. i hafta turn my off and on to get them. i had the envy touch, which is a horrible phone. i would LOVE this phone if it didnt have the bad thing with the texts. but besides that, its a good phone.

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PANTECH CRUX - Nice phone but limited bluetooth car compatability

Phone owned for less than a month

In look/style, this is a beautiful phone and compares to the look/feel of an iphone! Regarding charging - All touch screen phones will need daily charging if you do much texting, send pix, play music, use internet, etc. Just the nature of the beast). Touch screen does not work as well with plastic protective cover (and don't forget to cut slit/opening for earpierce or cut below it). I finally found one online that specifically fits the Pantech Crux - not found on Ebay). Transferred photos appeared small, but current photos taken with phone are nice. Texting: Poor T9 feature. Helps to touch toward the bottom of the keys.

Most disappointing: Bluetooth is NOT COMPATIBLE with NISSAN ROGUE!

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Phone owned for less than a month

Nice looking phone, will have to see how long it will last, I wish it were possible to LOWER the sensativity of the touch screen!!!!!!CRAPPY pick for the size of pixles !!!!other than that,,,,,so far I have not used it for a target but that could change,,,,will keep uptodate.

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i dont know

Phone owned for less than a month

i don't have one should i get it????? I have the chocolate and i don't know about a touch screen any suggestions??? But it can't break the bank?? i a, very confused?? help anyone??
Please!! :) :) :) :) :) ;) i hope someone can help me i need to know if the battery is long

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great phone, horrible battery life

Phone owned for less than a month

I received this phone yesterday, and immediately plugged it in and charged it (around 5 PM). While it was on the charger I was texting, received a call, and whatnot. Overnight, I left it unplugged to test the battery life. It died before this morning at 10AM. I had the LG EnV2 and its battery life was phenomenal, so this aspect is a step down. However, I love the design, and the touchscreen feels like the more expensive ones by HTC and Apple's iPhone than it does a cheap one.

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Phone owned for less than a month

Well i just got my phone about a week ago and dont get me wrong im in love with it, but lately when i log onto facebook in the social beat application my phone restars for no apparent reason. Everything else i love about the phone but its concerning me that this might become a bigger issue, i dont even want to go onto facebook because i dont want the phone to restart. If anyone else is having this issue or knows of anything i can do please let me know. :/

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Crux: great quality.

Phone owned for less than a month

I just got this phone like two weeks ago and I must say: i'm in love with it. i had the intensity for the longest time and it worked great, but i was ready for something more. it's so easy to text on and easy to figure out for the most part. definately the kind of phone for a teenager or an adult whose a child at heart.

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Great phone go get one

Phone owned for less than a month

ive had it since it came out. the touch screen and software resemble the rumor touch but the layout is new.. the full size headphone jack is a major plus along with the music player its a really nice phone the only thing im worried about is the sliding mecanism to lock/ unlock the phone after a good few months of use. all in all i think pantech and verizon hit a home run.

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