Palm Treo 750 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Minus wi-fi, this phone is awesome.

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I've had it's CDMA brother, the Treo 700wx.  While I like the tandem of Palm and Windows, I hated the slowness of "The Most Reliable network". When I made it back to at&t, after accidentally destroying my Blackjack i607, I went after this phone. You should, too! And if Palm and Windows decide to have another rendezvous, I'll go after that, as well!

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Please keep looking

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Wow. Clearly, your other reviewers are on a different page. On paper, this is an awesome phone. In practice, this is one of the most poorly performing piece of technological garbage I have ever owned. I don’t know if it is the Windows Mobile O/S or Palm’s implementation of it but clearly, whoever thought up this combo didn’t understand phones. As a phone, this device fails miserably. The most frustrating thing is that it is intermittent. Sometimes something works, sometimes it doesn’t. Like ringing, you’d think once you set a profile it would keep it. Nope. Although the phone is set to ring, many times it doesn’t. When the phone does ring, sometimes the answer button works, sometimes it doesn’t. And the list goes on and on. Before you think I got a lemon, I know several others (in my company) who experience similar problems.

As a PDA, to do email/calendar/contacts, it works (although the keyboard is very narrow and difficult to use).

NET/NET: for anyone looking for a whiz-bang PDA for personal use, it may suffice (but at over $600, tough to swallow). For anyone looking for a productive business tool, please, please keep looking.

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Treo 750

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For all who dont like the treo...this device is one of the best winmo devices i have seen in a long time....yes it has flaws but i owned an 8525 and traded it for this one...the lack of wifi is oicked up by the speeds of using it on a 3g net work...when winmo 6 is available for all the att 750's the device will surpass any with very few to compete with it...and as far as verizon goes, their network is very slow and if they were smart they would be like the parent company vodafone and go to gsm to keep up with the times of a real company

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Treo 750

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This is Treo 750 I bought today. It is very beutiful phone.

Windows Mobile 5 (Windows Mobile 6 will be avaliable soon for Treo 750)
Very fast phone and Operating Sustem
Rarely lag

Take time to learn new Windows Mobile 5 (So mamy options)!
No more Cons!

I love this phone

The receprion is amazing, Phoenix, AZ.
3G works like broadband connection. No dropping calls (Have no idea what other Treo 750 users are talking about)

I recommend this device to everyone who needs a smart phone windows based!

Treo 750

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Could be better

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Not bad but could be better. Larger screen and Wifi would make the phone a real winner. It is beyone me why Palm insists on not putting Wifi in their phones.

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treo 750

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why are you gonan bail out on verizon there getting the treo 750 as well and verizon is the network. There is technically no reason for dissing verizon because spritn and cingular combined do not standyuop to the network of verizon wireless

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It was worth the wait!!!

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I love this phone!!!!! Its the best phone Cingular has to offer. I was a little worried at first A; about the price (649.99) and B; about a palm device having a windows os but now I think the move should have been made in previous handsets. Yeah the price still put a lump in my throat but hey... Anyway the features are great. From picture speed dial to voice command this phone has it all. I get an incoming call and the phone says the persons name and calling location (home, cell) I press a button and say media and it asks me what I wanna hear. How cool is that?! All of my email accounts were setup without a hitch and the battery life is alot better than I thought it would be. I like everyone else was a little disappointed about the lack of wi-fi but every minute I play with the phone I am getting over it. As long as the 3G update is released within the next few months everything will be fine. Palm you get a standing ovation on this one GREAT JOB!!!!!!!

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I'm Waiting On It

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After looking at the specs I am bailing out of Verizon after 14 years and going with Sprint once this phone is available! The reason why is the 750 is going to have 128 memory which is twice as much as the 700. Why pay $45.00 when Sprint's plan is $15.00? I have had it with Verizon!

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FCC OKs Cingular\'s purchase of AT&T Wireless