Palm Treo 650 (CDMA) Specs
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Went through three bc of technical issues before being given one that worked on a long term basis...fortunately for me that was when sprint handed you a new phone if you had insurance and walked into a store with a broken phone. The last one sprint gave me lasted for about a year and a half before it fell off my two story roof last week and busted on the concrete of my pation. I would give this phone two thumbs up, the size bothered me, but overall I liked the phone. Being a big phone, I had a tendency of trying to pile it up with other stuff while getting out of my car with all my junk.., I have to say that it is very sturdy and lasted many a fall before comming to it's end. Having the capacity to hold a normal size memory card (...I mean as long as you have a huge phone, why not?), it makes a great audioplayer, audiobook player, pdf viewer, & text viewer. Comes with scientific calculater that is easy to use and is useful. I would say it had a great battery life, I charged it on average every four days...I loved the freedom of not worrying my battery would die...but I do like my screen heavily contrasted. Being a palm phone, I found some great software for it...I found a program that allowed you to put any media on without converting it to the right format, and than it would automatically find the program on the phone and convert it to the format. Cons: I can only think of a few things I wouldv'e wished different on this phone...the size was too large, the antenna didn't seem to need to stick out like that, the keys were too close together, and I couldn't find a sleeker theme with more sex appeal for the palm interface. Now that this phone is nearly 3 and a half years old, they are cheap to come by on ebay...and I think a good investiment if you want a lot of phone and don't have the money to buy a new one outright, or don't want to sign a two year contract... I would however recommend an insurance plan for hardware issues. Hope my possibly outdated review will help someone
My cell phone was shutting itself off at the worst possible times too. I found out that most cell phones can be set to shut off automatically if it is set to "battery saver" or "power save" they should have told you at the store and helped you with this issue. The phone will turn itself off after a certain amount of non-use to save the battery power. It really isn't a problem unless you don't know about it.
On the GSM network my Treo 650 has been great. If you're adding software to it you want to be sure that you use that which was written for the 650 as 600 software will sometimes cause your rebooting. I've tweaked so many of the features on this thing that it's like a part of me now. This phone replaced my Kyocera 7135 which didn't have GSM capabilities where I'm at. The 650 is TOPS!!