Palm Pre Specs
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I'm a long time Palm user (more than 12 years... ever since the Palm Pilot Pro)...
Palm used to be THE cutting edged leader in a field of business aimed devices that allowed you to plan meetings / store contacts etc...
''Upgrading'' from the Palm TX I'm really disappointed in this toy ... Because as a phone, It's nice... but face it, a business tool it ain't !! Palm is now just trying to play ''catch up'' with Apple... One more amongst a long pack of rivals.
The good : Sound Quality (phone) / Nice screen... / great picture and video camera / very good MP3 player (impressive speaker quality given it's size + good earphones that come packaged) / Intuitive OS / nice for quick web browsing / (I like the way the MP3 player pauses to let phone calls come through then goes back to MP3...
The bad : Horrible battery life / Small keyboard (you do get used to it, but it's not as nice as Blackberry's) / And for me the killer : The abandoning of Palm Desktop or lack of a decent web based equivalent... That just kills any real use for business... No wonder all major companies are going Blackberry....
In sum : Nice phone, but lousy business tool.... I'm going to buy a refurbished Palm TX to act as a decent agenda and planner... The Pre still pales in comparison with it's predecessor.
It multitasks well, and is usually pretty quick apps, but it is cheap. The speakers are horrible. I'm on my third phone and it'd driving me crazy. I had to speak to everyone for 2 weeks via speakerphone... Also I love querty keyboards, but this one is just too small. I'm always pressing extra buttons...
I love mine, all the apps and multitasking is awesome - the thing is stout too, i pulled into my apt complex the other day and there was some baby mamma drama goin on, the lady asked to use my phone and that tool knocked it out of her hand - only scratch was on the back cover, thing still runs like a champ, my 2 yr old spilled some soda on it too, never had a problem, my wife has one too and, once again, our 2 yr old knocked hers into the toilet - we put it in some rice for 2 days, took it out, runs great, love this phone!I think that the battery life could be better - the video quality is pretty good too, I was pretty suprised. There could be some more applications, games and such, but its pretty good for right now. The OS is super easy to use - like access to change to wi-fi and blue tooth - super simple.