WebOS is a diamond in the rough. It is, by far, the most underrated OS on the market. I hope HP continues thorough development of it because if they can solve the problem I was having with the Pre 2 and fix it in time for the Pre 3 it will be a very serious contender for replacing my BlackBerry.
The PIM integration of the OS is unmatched. It was able to aggregate my info from various sources (Exchange, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc) into its contacts and it worked flawlessly. Email worked very well across services I use. All-in-all, the operability, and overall experience with the OS is a 10/10. The keyboard was surprisingly quick to adjust to (coming from the gold standard BB), and the screen responsive without being too sensitive. The size of the overall device is nice.
Middle-of-the-road issues, visual voicemail was is not available for this device from VZW. Also, VZ Navigator will not transmit its spoken directions via bluetooth the way it did on my BB. The battery is small, and heavy data will use it quickly. These were things I was prepared to live with because the rest of the experience was so awesome, except...
The IM client. Completely inconsistent performance (Gchat) and non-functional with Y! IM. Even Palm Tier 3 support couldn't figure it out (they replicated the problem), but apparently not a widely reported problem. I use IM too much for work and social stuff that I could not keep it or keep spending time toubleshooting. YMMV.