Palm Centro CDMA Specs
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Used this phone for 5 years. People are surprised that this phone has a touch screen and that I can browse the web (but it doesn't support Unicode), read PDFs (painful but possible), use facebook and google map, play AAC audio, record videos, and watch TV shows.
PalmOS is a simple enough OS that the GUI was rather quick and responsive (although now it seems less perky; a problem that even a reboot doesn't help). And it's battery life is just superior to my friends' energy hungry Androids and iOS phones. But 3 things I hated:
1. The 1.3Mp camera. It has absolutely no controls to it except the ability to do a 2x "zoom" (which for some reason causes the image to be overexposed). The images look ok on the 2" screen but viewing it on my computer, total garbage. And viewing images is slow when you have numerous photos like I do.
2. Palm software doesn't support 64-bit Windows via USB. So I have to use bluetooth to sync my phone with my computer. The download to my computer is painfully slow. And the software (Palm/Treo Desktop) downloads all my images and movies on the phone TWICE making the sync take an eternity (eg, multiple hours).
3. Uses a 2.5mm not a 3.5mm audio jack.
Good basic phone for its time. But having not received any updates at all since Palm went under in 2010 and the battery barely able to keep a charge, I feel it is time to let go.
this phone is pretty good, cool features like threaded texting and applications. Small keyboard and no wifi though, good touchscreen. Very usable interface, i reccomend for someone who is starting out as a new phone user
I have had the palm centro for about six months, and so far i am very happy with it. Not really any complaints, but i do think it is time for palm to finally change from the same old "home" screen, or make a new type of software instead of having them all be the same. I do not like windows mobile, so i dont like the treo 800 either. I am glad that palm is finally making some new designs that will come at soon, like the pre. I think it will really help palm overall.