Nokia N76 Specs
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On first 6 months this is the best cellphone you ever had. After that the problems like chrome sking coming out and power charger malfunctioning may force you to re-think about this phone. The earphones have so strong sound but sometimes are not confortable enough. The camera is not so good but it is expected from a so thin phone (considering when the flip is wide open). Call signal is not the we ever saw and you may have some problem to recieve e make calls iside buildings that have a large wall. Overall this is a beautiful phone but the carriage turns to pumpkin after 6 months.
Well as we know well that the Nokia N76 has a chrome pelling problem due to it's paint (my n76 is around 2 months old and it still does'nt peel of)
The n76 should be used with a lot of responsibility so I will help you guys to let your n76 stay good and feel good......
1.Buy a screen protector for your phone (also for the cover display)
2.Never use your nails for flipping the phone open and for texting,just use your fingers.
3.Never ever put a crystal case for your n76...use a cell phone pouch... always place it inside the pouch (leather or fabric pouch)
4.Never ever slide your phone into a rough surface...always place it above your pouch when in a surface.
5.When cleaning your phone use a cloth.(it should not be wet and should be clean)
There you have it 5 ways of taking care of your n76... I don't know about how you take care of your n76...But mine is still looking new for abut two months(except for the fingerprints though). I have been with the gsm arena for about 2 months so you should me posting a lot of opinions there.May these help you and God Bless.
Yes its feature perfect, but after 2 weeks of use, the skin peels off, you will just wake up on your bed, no more of those chromes or that silver thing is left!, so please dont buy this phone! its a disaster, oh yes, the ugly camera too!!
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