Nokia Lumia 900 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Amazing phone

Phone owned for less than a year

This phone is absolutley amazing, its fast and the touch screen is very responsive, there are great apps, great games, and altogether it is a great phone, The music quality is very good and clear, the overall memory is a big 16 GB, the camera and video quality is very good to sum up the phone it is just fantastic

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Great device, beautiful, powerful, fast and easy to use.

Phone owned for less than a year

Using it on a daily basis is really a great experience. It feels so fluid for daily tasks. Granted Windows Phone is still immature and lacks many basic details, but it sure gives you an idea of what is to come. Definitely a great option for those wanting to try something totally new and innovative.

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Phone owned for less than a month

Less than a month and its dead...this phone has gone from bad to worse its terrible....don't like it at's why...

So I had a nokia lumia 800 and upgraded to the 900 and I thought at first it would be better...I was wrong. The first couple of days was good the charge just lasted a day and all was going well...but then somehow it broke and wouldn't do anything I am not happy with this phone I then went to the 820 it works better,

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Nokia Lumia 900 Running Windows Phone 7.5

Phone owned for less than a month

Again, like in my review of the Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone, I do not own one of these handsets. In fact, I've spent less time with the Nokia Lumia 900 than the Lumia 800, but i'll do my best to review the Lumia 900! :)

So, firstly, the Lumia 800 is a high end handset, there's no doubt about that, the uni-body casing shows that clearly. But the high end quality shine's brightly! With most high end handsets you'd fine the usual, front facing camera, high end rear camera (8MP or more) and that you can't remove the battery.

Secondly, software: Windows Phone 7.5 to be precise! WP 7.5 runs well and doesn't lag unlike previous versions of android. Social media works well too, the People hub takes care of everything and brings information from all your social networks in real time.

And that's about it, sorry if this review is short, I haven't spent much time with the Lumia 900, but if I do get some more time with the device, I'll post a new review!

Check out the ratings below!

Cheers! :)

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Great phone!

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Switched from an galaxy s II to the 900 about two months ago. So far i prefer the windows OS. Unfortunately the marketplace absolutely terrible. Very durable, great battery life, great keyboard, great call quality. Can't wait for the 7.8 update

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Still like it!

Phone owned for less than a year

A really solid phone. Well built, sturdy, and I love the colors. MS Office access, the skydrive, all of it makes it a terrific buy. The nice thing about this phone is the price was low. I wasn't to excited about switching to a Windows phone, but I have to say this thing is terrific.

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Lumia 900 is a great phone / hotspot / GPS / Camera / PDA / Xbox / organizer / MP3 player / everything.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Fantastic screen resolution, camera quality is excellent, OS is buttery smooth and the phone is uniquely different from most other phones out there is in a good way. No issues so far. Fantastic build quality, battery life, call quality and features to boot. Upgraded to latest OS build 2 weeks ago and the phone is faster than ever. AT&T LTE speeds are over 12Mbs in my house. Tethering is a joy. Nokia Music just got announced. Nokia Drive is free and awesome and the augmented reality app in Nokia City Lens is mind blowing. Now I just have to scheme my way into a Nokia 920 as soon as possible without breaking the bank.

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Rising frustration...

Phone owned for less than a year

*** Additional Note:
A month ago while on GPS in deep China mobile suddenly just turned off.. After reboot all locations saved up to the date were gone....
Decision was fast and now L900 (previous Nokia flagship model) is sitting in a drawer replaced by XPERIA Z. After two weeks of use of new Sony mobile I'm very content of it. Never ever Nokia nor WP for me.
* Will post XPERIA Z review in about 1-1.5 week when I have more time to do some additional testing.

L900 original review:

- long battery life (mostly over a full day ; quite often 2 days for me),
- ease of use (tiles are handy after you used to them),
- when you want to make a call it makes a call not hanging for some time (while some other processes are stuck in the background),
- good screen visibility outdoors,

- complete lack of VPN support that results in:
a) Can't access facebook, dropbox, tunein radio and many other from some places (ex: China),
b) Nokia Music is completely useless in China (not even Chinese language songs/streams available ; just nothing ; tried it after watching Nokia's event few minutes ago where they were saying it's a great application available in most of the world),
c) accessing internet over a hot spot means ithat without VPN you're sending data over unencrypted network = security risk (rather something that shall not happen for business phone) ; possible NDA breach,
- photos are not so good as on my two year old SonyEricsson Arc (even in good light conditions they do look worse),
- can't just copy music/video to Lumia but need to use Zune....
- only 16GB memory available ; no expansion slot for a memory card (could live with that but not comfortable if you want to take your music),
- for unknown reasons market button in Zune is dead on my two computers (was working on a first run after installation ; not working anymore after phone was reconnected),
- can't rate applications over Wi-Fi nor 3G (never happened to me on Android Market),
- build-in e-mail client settings are some kind of joke...
.... most of e-mails to be downloaded must be reconfirmed manually due to privacy settings (ex: embedded photos) ; no way to set up a white list of domains/senders or something that won't make you to reconfirm download and than wait for a download ; lack of mark all button but need to select e-mails manually one by one (K9 earliest version I saw gave you much more flexibility),
- two tiles only with fixed size (it's said to be fixed in 7.8 update... we'll see),
- tiles functionality is heavily limited (ie: why do I need to get into settings to turn on 3G instead of simple ON/OFF by pressing a tile....),
- people I did call were saying that they do hear some echo (was gone after backing volum down to 6-7 and back to 10),
- no forward while listening to the music (need to listen a whole song),

Well, maybe Lumia 920 will have fixed all that but for now I do feel like making a mistake while purchasing so called flagship mobile of Nokia (Lumia 900).

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Nokia Lumia 900

Phone owned for less than a year

I use it daily for everything: calendar, audio books, podcasts, email, GPS navigation, bus schedule, photos, photo editing, facebook, twitter, news, weather, search (mostly verbal by holding down the start button), membership card management, ... Oh ya and phone calls and texting too ;) It is a great phone, many useful Nokia exclusive apps. It is beautiful.

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Phone owned for less than a month

Good start but a long way to go to be considered high end. Using last gen's tech really lets this phone down.
The unnaturally high reviews are purely based on the love for the nokia of old, im not saying this is a bad phone, im just saying there are better phones out there by a big margin.
Apps are starting to get there and thats not really a deal breaker for me, but again a high end price for a mid-range phone is really a bit silly.

BTW in my country unlocked purchase is the rule not the exception.

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I love it!

Phone owned for less than a month

So this phones design is awesome. The screen is beautiful and the UI is amazing. It's fast and stylish. Compared to the HTC Radar, the screen definitely makes a difference.The cyan color is great. The camera is great. Nokia did an amazing job.

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The Best Phone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

This the most beautiful phone I have ever seen....however, the most important part is it runs on Windows Phone. Windows Phone OS is crazy smooth and easy. It focuses on communications. People Hub, Message, Live Tile.....It is all that I wanted.

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Switching from BB was a great idea

Phone owned for less than a month

I used a BB since it first came out, didn't need to make the jump to a smart phone since BB did what I needed. I had tried smartphones and BB’s with the touch screen keyboard but my fat fingers always seemed to miss the proper letters, yet another reason not to jump from BB. I was worried about the Lumia 900 keyboard but thought it was best to make the jump. My wife needed a new phone and we decided to move her from Verizon to AT&T since my job uses AT&T products I could help her when questions came up. With W 7.5 I should be able to do many of my work tasks (I’m and IT dude) from the phone when access to a PC isn’t available because of traveling, lunch etc. I should have read up more on the Phone 7 because the lack of VPN access is a letdown. For the normal end user this won’t be a problem, for IT folks it is. We were more excited about the 8mp camera than actually taking pictures in the store otherwise we most likely would have chosen a different device. Despite having the 8mp camera, this phone just doesn’t take clear pictures. Let me state, the wife takes thousands of pictures a month on a digital camera and her old smartphone; (we have a 4 year old son) and know how to use a camera. My coworker has an older Samsung Focus and laughed at how poor quality the Nokia L9 camera pictures are. We were snapping pictures of the same object with his phone and with mine. Needless to say, the L9 pictures were HORRIBLE his Focus were brilliant, bright and crystal clear. I have been reading on forums and across the web that this is a known problem and a fix is in the works. We can only HOPE that it comes sooner than later.

If it weren’t for the camera lacking any type of usefulness and not having the ability to use a VPN client, this phone is AWESOME. Despite being quite large in size, it still smoothly fits into a pair of jeans or my work khakis. The Lumia 900 has plenty of processor speed, the 4G LTE is sweet fast and I am VERY impressed with the accuracy of the touchscreen keyboard. This could be a keeper IF the wife is happy with the quality of the pictures. Honestly it isn’t a deal breaker for me; I am not as big of picture taker as she is. There are plenty of useful APPS I have found for work and fun purposes. There have been a few phone calls where I could barely hear the person who had called me but can’t verify it was specifically the Lumia’s fault. The battery doesn’t seem to have the staying power claimed by AT&T and Nokia requireing a charge almost nightly. The display doesn’t appear as bright and crisp as my coworkers Samsung despite both devices having the Amoled screen.

NOTE – As I was writing this review a “Your phone has an update” message appeared. I installed the update and sat with baited breathe thinking this would resolve the camera problems. Needless to say after it was completed I snapped a picture only to be disappointed nothing had changed, the picture was still grainy, dark and lousy.

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3rd Windows phone owned

Phone owned for less than 3 months

started with Focus, Focus S and now Lumina 900. The form factor of the Focus was nicer because of the size and thikness. You could carry in your pocket without noticing. The 900 is a little bulky and heavy. Aside from that it is quality through and through. The LTE speed is really nice. At first I didn't think it would make that big a difference but it certainly does. I haven't had the best luck with the camera. Its good but I've also owned several versions of the iPhone and apple seems to take the edge here. Moving to Zune was a bit of a learning curve over iTunes but in the end I like it just as much as iTunes and with the music pass I give the edge to Zune.

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Great phone!

Phone owned for less than a month

The UI is great! Coming from the HTC Aria running rooted running 4.0, I have to say the Aria is a nice phone. It's definately not Android, but I would say it's better than an Iphone. I would also say it's better than any Android phone not running 4.0. A friend of mine who has a Droid X tried it out and couldn't keep his hands off of it. The phone is quality.

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This is one impressive device.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

This phone has been like night and day compared to my Nokia N9 and even my old iPhone 4 I was using before that. It's fast (never lagged) and it has everything. I always get people coming up to me asking what it is and wanting to touch it. Its cyan (blue) color really stands out in a crowd of black and white iPhones. It's the first phone that I haven't regretted buying right after other than my Original iPhone back in 2007. The only thing I kind of hate is the camera, it's autofocus is TERRIBLE.

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Amazing upgrade from my Focus

Phone owned for less than a month

Great build quality, display's saturation and outdoor viewability makes up for the lower resolution, camera takes great shots once you figure out how to use the settings to your advantage, great data speeds, and amazing Windows Phone experience.

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