The Nokia Lumia 510, the Windows Phone handset that is expected to become Nokia’s most affordable one, has now finally gone official. The device features a spacious 4-inch WVGA screen and a 5-megapixel auto-focus rear camera recording video in VGA resolution at 30fps. The Lumia 510 runs on Windows Phone Mango, but it will get updated to Windows Phone 7.8 bringing the new home screen with smaller live tiles. Being an affordable device, the handset runs on an 800MHz single-core Snapdragon S1 processor along with 256MB of RAM, and features 4GB of internal storage. Sadly, as a considerable downside those 4GB of built-in memory are not expandable.
Battery BP-3L, Nokia Charging and Data Cable CA-190CD, Product and Safety Information Booklet
Officially announced:
Oct 23, 2012
Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Nokia Lumia 510 specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
It's 10 years ago… Android 4 and iOS 6 on the iPhone 5 are the current thing, but screw them, because I was in love with Windows Phone. And if you wanted a Windows Phone, you had to buy a Nokia Lumia.It's hard to believe Android and iOS weren't the o...
After months of waiting, the Windows Phone 7.8 update for older and more affordable Nokia devices is finally starting to roll-out today. The update has already been shipping in most recent Lumia 510 phones, but it is now being pushed en masse to othe...
Although the Windows Phone 7.8 update has not been released officially for the Nokia Lumia 800 and Lumia 510, there's a way of getting the new software onto these two smartphones. Several preliminary builds are available through a software flashing t...
A video from China shows the low-end Nokia Lumia 510 running Windows Phone 7.8. Expected to launch in the country before the end of the year, this low-end model has a 4 inch WVGA LCD screen with an 800MHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S1 processor, 256MB of RA...