Nokia Lumia 1520 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Lumia 1520: The True PureView Extravaganza

Phone owned for less than a month

Hey guys, i own these phone just 3 weeks ago and i find it's far more magnificent, beautiful, and superb with the WP8 GDR3 and Lumia Black. Also, it's really awesome that Nokia had finally put the gigantic flagship phone into the smartphone arena. What's so special about these Thing is it has 20 Mpx PureView camera with OIS and ZEISS optics that bring the oversampling and RAW DNG photo to these devices. Thus, it's look solid and more powerful with Snapdragon 800 SoC.

But, maybe this Lumia 1520 looks better if there are the gold version of these device. But that's not the problem because Nokia had achieve what others can't actually and thats the PureView.

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The monster

Phone owned for less than a month

We have the best Nokia (end of 2013) in this overkill phablette, updating Nokia Black, adds dynamism, greater possibility of organized its tiles, perfectly fluid. It has nothing to envy to its competitors, we hear the update for our notification center

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my little baby

Phone owned for less than a month

Have a white one now for 1,5 weeks and it is great. Like that big screen so much. Had before a lumia 920(1 year) and a HTC desire HD(2 years). I do not regret my switch to WP8. Android have some great apps but the UI of WP is much better and the app number of WP is soon the same.

Got my 1520 with a Fatboy and a protective cover.
I use the Fatboy not very often because the charging time is just longer.
The cover is also not so good because if you set it up sometimes it falls over and putting it often in your pocket I think it tears soon.
But back to the phone!
There is not much to say as it's so great!!! *-*
The processor upgrade is not really needed it´s not much faster as a 920 only in some apps.
Only the speaker place is not so good. A solution as the HTC One have would be cool. I look forward to WP 8.1!

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Hardware is amazing, totally blown away.

Phone owned for less than a month

The build quality of the device in unmatched by the devices I've tested or owned. Very solid feeling and comfortable in my hands. The Camera and the Nokia apps are the highlight of this device. The pictures are amazingly clear and "real". The video and sound recording are excellent as well, but the star of this Nokia show is the still camera. The only thing holding this beast of a device back is the lack of developer support for apps. The battery life is stellar under moderate to heavy use. I've yet to go below 35% after 16hrs of use.

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Phone owned for less than a year

So I had this phone for quite a time now, originally I was facing some minor problems but here is my latest review.
The phone is phenomenal in performance. It hasn't lagged a bit and if I'm not gaming or shooting too many photos, the battery can stretch to almost 3 days. Slowly figuring out the solutions to the shortcomings now I really don't need any action centre that was announced in 8.1 as all my apps that give too many notifications are the first on the start (Facebook, email, sms) and the quick actions are pinned using third party apps.
The store is booming, since my last review there have been many apps most helpful was myappfree (daily free app, maybe the name is different but I saved about $40 till now ;) )
The only issue remaining is that due to its corners, it mostly gets fixed in my pockets so I have to stand up to get it out. Works fine with loose clothes.

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Android Killer !!!!!! Best Nokia Phone Ever

Phone owned for less than a month

Every Stuff about this Phone is Just Awesome...
1. Camera - Awesome .. best i've ever had .. better than all the android ones
2. Build quality in white has an amazing feel in hand ..
3. Screen Quality with full Hd display is so frekin Awesome ....
4. Speaker is just bang loud
5. UI feels improved ..
6. Battery Life - Amazing ..
7. Most amazing of dem all is the Screen ..... I just love to use it .. and i cant take my eyes off it ..
In short, Im in Love with this phone ....

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The 1520 is a fully functional piece of ART!

Phone owned for less than a month

Things I like about it:
- DAT SCREEN THO! People talk and talk about how awesome it is, but you literally cannot describe it with words well enough.
- Viewing angles are also unbelievable. If you turn the screen until you can barely see the glass, you can still see everything on it! It looks just like a photograph!
- They clearly knew they were designing a device that is "too big," and they made some compensations to help that. Buttons pop out just enough to use them and no more to keep the device sleek but fully functional. The size allows for bigger buttons, but also plenty of room between them so that you can grip the phone without hitting them.
- I like the fact that they left some space to either side of the 3 bottom buttons. Perfect for holding the phone by the corner with your thumb(s) while you're reading without hitting the back or search button.
- The native programs seem to have been designed with BIG in mind as well. For example, when you are in a call, all of the buttons are dropped to the bottom third of the screen so that you can reach them with your fingers.
- LOVE the glance screen. I have it on all the time which is perfect for my OCD time-checking tendencies, and I haven't noticed any extra drain on the battery.
- Battery life is fantastic. I've been able to get solid 2 days out of it with no problem, including a lot of txting/browsing and light gaming.
- The pre-installed apps are very nice! It's nice to get a phone out of the box and it handle 75% of what I'll regularly be doing
- Speakers are VERY loud and clear!! Played some punk and some techno; both came through fantastically!
- On the topic of music, Mix Radio is really nice to have! I was blown away by how many selections they had for some genres.
- Love the fact that I can individually access my voicemails by clicking on them instead of having to log into voicemail and wait through the digital announcer.
- VERY happy to be able to access my files on this phone through a regular windows explorer window.

Things that are so-so:
- There seems to be a small issue w/touch sensitivity that some people are experiencing, but that may be fixable through software.
- Phone calls are fine. That's about it. They are clear, but could be louder. Definitely seems to be better quality than my Titan though.

Things I'm not too happy about:
- Every review mentions the pointy corners; I now know why. I thought they were being nitpicky about it, but they do seem to get annoying when trying to walk around w/the device. I can definitely fit it into my pants pockets, but you have to position it a certain way while driving, else you get jabbed every time you hit the brakes.
- I don't like the mini USB at the bottom, or maybe how it's cut. I realize that it's probably the best place to put it, but when I'm holding the phone, my pinky naturally lays right on the port to balance the phone, and if I'm holding the phone for any period of time, it tends to be pretty cutty/uncomfortable.

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