The Nokia G50 comes with large 6.82-inch display and it's powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 processor. Specs also include 5000mAh battery with 18W fast charging speed, Triple camera setup on the back with 48MP main sensor and 8MP selfie camera on the front. The G50 is using Android 11 out of the box and it's 5G ready.
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HMD Global is ending the year with a bang: two Nokia smartphones are in the process of getting Android 13 updates. The Finnish company confirmed earlier today that both Nokia XR20 and Nokia G50 are now eligible for Android 13 upgrades.These are proba...
HMD Global has been doing a great job updating its smartphones, and while there are still a handful of devices that still need to receive Android 12 updates, we’re convinced the Finnish company will fulfill its promise to provide the OS upgrade to as...
HMD confirmed the US release of its cheap Nokia G50 5G back in September but didn’t reveal when exactly it will start shipping. We’re happy to report that the Nokia G50 5G has finally landed in the US.Anyone paying $300 can have the Nokia...