Nokia 9500 Communicator Specs
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I use all of the features of the Nokia 9500 Communicator in support of my business activities. I particularly like the BLUETOOTH ability to print and fax. The media features are awesome and having the ability to use a keyboard with a wide viewing screen to compose documents is truely appreciated!!!
WWW feature is a moneymaker for me. The access speed is fine and has never slowed me down or failed me when I have been engaged in doing business or using it to show finds to clients!
My acquisition of the Nokia 9500 Communicator followed ten or so years using Nokia for voice telephony, by way of unsatisfactory reliance on Motorola technology, and a brief association with a PALM device--I returned it within a week for refund--for organizational support.
I purchased my communicator unlocked from Expansys--actually preorded and payment in place for immediate shipping upon release, and have used the device on throughout Europe and the Pacific using prepaid sim cards and on the Tmobile and Cingular systems in the USA and Canada.
During my and my family's evacuation from New Orleans and our harrowing journeys all along the Gulf Coast in support of various organized relief efforts, the NOKIA 9500 COMMUNICATOR and the Cingular Wireless Network played an important role providing communication for several relief agency leaders who I came upon while bringing supplies to their groups when their cell phones and their cell phone carriers--T-MOBILE WAS THE WORST--failed them.
I continue to cherish--yes, cherish--this great device. I truly appreciate and use all of it's features. It's size and weight have seemingly been detractive issues, but, I can only guess that those individuals who speak negatively of the NOKIA 9500 COMMUNICATOR in these regards have not used it to it's optimum. I have attempted to purchase a second NOKIA 9500 COMMUNICATOR from Expansys, but apparently it is out of stock. NOKIA, kindly continue with the COMMUNICATOR.
well dis phone matches the needs of the corporate world.a well deserve device.its a must have phone.i love the looks and the style,hehehehe but it cost a lot of money just to buy one of it
Well...i had a w800i with 2gb it for 9500 which has 80mb and 128 card.was it a good trade.well i think yh... i like this phone. its compact sx