Nokia 7705 Twist User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews


Phone owned for more than a year

I've had this phone for over two years. The first couple months was fine, but it all went down hill from there. The edges of the phone started to chip off and the hinge on the phone started to break. Also, the small screen and keyboard were very frustrating. I would recommend this phone as a first phone, but a first phone only. However, I did really enjoy the light up ring, Habitat mode, and the uniqueness of the phone. Beware, though, because if you subconsciously flip the phone, the screen will go black. I did that the first week i had it and had to return it

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Overall a pretty good phone

Phone owned for more than a year

This phone is pretty good! The only problems that have happened to me are its mirror shattered and pieces started to fall off. Surprisingly, it only started showing problems now even though I've had it for a year and a half and have dropped it a ton. Screen freezes when you are trying to forward a text or picture. Perfect for texting and nice call quality. Very unique!

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Phone owned for more than a year

My first Nokia twist broke within the first month. I completely split in half due to normal wear and tear! I gave it another try and my next Nokia lasted one year before it began shutting-off and unable to turn on. Sometimes it would take a couple hours to turn back on.... This time it's been off for 4 days and Verizon is being a pain about the whole situation. I'm not going to put a new battery in this phone because it'll probably break again immediately. I think it's cute and origional, but I will never make the mistake of buying it again!

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Nokia Twist is HORRIBLE

Phone owned for less than 3 months

YEA RIGHT THE NOKIA TWIST IS A PIECE OF CRAP!!! Do you know how it's made? In a Japanese factory, the workers line up on a conveyor belt and poop on it. Then another worker down the line boxes them up in a box that says "NOKIA TWIST" Sure it looks cool and it's fun or whatever...but its max life is 2-3months. If the twist mechanism doesnt fall apart then the charging port will surely come loose! I've had 3 nokia twists so far. Each one breaks in less than 3 months and they just send another cuz they already know it's a piece of dookie so they're not gona argue with you!! I'm currently awaiting for the arrival of my newest piece of crap twist right now. YAY!

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Great phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had this phone almost since it first came out and i had no problems. I've dropped it several times and it still hasn't broke. To bad its discontinued because this is a truely good phone. I recommend this phone to anyone who likes to text or call.

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So far so good

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People keep complaining that the phone breaks.  I have had the phone for two months and have had no problems.  I am not a heavy phone user, which may be why my batter will last 3-5 days between charges.  I also don't use it for games, or internet, and I rarely text.  It may be that this is a good phone for the people who use the phone to mainly make and receive calls, and if you are an avid texter or use your phone for heavy internet, etc.  you may need a sturdier phone.  I keep it in a purse pocket and have not had any problems with it, except for accidently turning down the volume on the ringer.   I like the shape and receive compliments on it. 

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Looks cure, fun features but easily breaks!

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BREAKS EASILY! At least mine did! I was careful with this phone and in no way abused or misused it. I had it less than two weeks and the two parts came separated or broken at the hinge with light-normal use.  I paid for an early upgrade with verizon because I thought I really wanted this phone. When it fell apart I took back to the store and they refused to fix or replace without more money. I refuse to pay any more on this phone for a manufacturers defect!

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Bad Toy

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Bad toy folks... Structurally built for those who sit, and do little in the way of activity.  This includes texting as that involves physical movement.  So... it's cute...So?  Just sent the second back it came out of the box and froze up during startup procedures...  The first one sent by an insurance provider has / had a tendency to disgorge part of the charging receptacle.  When queried as to whether this was covered by the warranty They (the insurance company) said no because it was not caused by normal use.   Evidently charging your phone once a day is excessive use.   Hello people this phone has a great little camera, it is really cute, and untwisted it has nice size, but most of all Mom's and Dad's it's a piece of junk.  If you buy this for your wee ones plan on replacing it repeatedly. 

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Hmm. I want a new phone but I get lots of compliments..

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I bought the phone because it is a "green" phone. It is low radiation and it comes in a smaller box, using less natural resources. More importantly the design enables the user to dial with a 3x3 keypad or use the qwerty keyboard to text. This is a feature that I would love to have on any phone. I like the habitat mode because I usually talk to the same group of people and with the habitat mode, this makes it possible to access friends and family easier. It also keeps a record of the people you keep in touch with, including texts and calls in chronological order, horrible for a cheater, but good for me.

I saw the reviews and heard the battery was not good. I bought the extended battery for that reason. I have had it for 8 months and now this extended battery lasts maybe a day. Two at the longest. I sleep with my phone off and turn it off when I go to work and class. What could be the problem is the lack of signal that verizon puts out. My phone, along with my friends and family that have Verizon don't get good service anywhere so that may be the issue. Searching for a signal will drain a battery.

The phone will restart by itself. I can hear it turning itself back on when it hasn't been touched. I am a clumsy person and I drop my phone a lot. It is yet to break though. The problem that I have is that the battery, since it is bigger than the regular because it is extended will fall out when it is dropped. This could be a problem if there was an emergency where I needed to dial 911 and dropped my phone. Then I would have to turn it back on and wait for it to turn on and wait for a signal to call out. Depending on the situation, I could possibly not have time for this.

I would really like a new phone, however it becomes a great conversation piece. Not many people have it and I get compliments on it all of the time. I will probably keep it for another 6 months and then hopefully get a different one. You know, everyone wants a phone with a strong battery, but that doesn't exist...

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this phone is awful

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ive had this phone for 6 months; since i have gotten this phone it has broke 7 times; i paid full price for the phone and the quality is awful; i advise going with a different phone. the charging port would always break; one time it totally froze up while i was puttin it on habitat; it never charges and the battery is awful

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Phone owned for

I have had the Nokia Twist for about a year now. I have gone through 3 of these phones because they keep breaking. I love the sleek design and size of this phone but i also believe this model is flawed in some ways.
All in all it is a nice phone if you are careful with it.

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Phone owned for

This fone is a peice of ***. ive gone trough four of them, and something on this damn phone breaks every time. dont buy the phone. it is a piece of junk in the trunk. Nokia Twist sucks!     Dont buy this it is a rip off. It doesnt even work right. Everybody who says its good is either
a.) messed up
b.) getting paid by verizon or nokiq to say good stuff
c.) has never even had the phone
i hate it.

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Great Phone, coming from someone who's had it for 6 monthd

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This is a great Nokia model.  The full keyboard is great for texting.  The buttons are conceptual, you can make it announce the caller's name who is calling you if they are in your contact list.   I am really hard on phones, I've dropped it lots of times, it doesn't easy scratch.  I did take it hiking with me and due to a lapse of judgement on my part left the phone open in my bag.  This was a very steep and extreme hike, and the phone got hit from the back of the lcd screen and cracked down the center.  Even still it's barely noticable and still works. My mom got the phone because she liked it so much.   I would say don't listen to the nay-sayers...take the word of a girl who used to destroy cell phone after cell phone and moved from a blackberry to this phone to save data fees.  It's a winner.

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Nokia Twist 7705

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So I have had the Nokia Twist since it came out, and about a month ago I noticed that it wasn't closing right.  I love the phone but just yesterday I was opening it to respond to a text message and it broke in half.  Although the phone still worked it was only being held together by a thin ribbon-like cord from the twist circle.  This is an awesome phone and I love the Style, Keys, and general operation.  The habitat mode is pretty cool but I found it slowed down my phone and even delayed giving me text messages for hours at a time.  Didn't like the fact that the Flash viewer although installed on the phone never seemed to work.

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stupid people

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hey i just wanna say DONT COMMENT if you do not own the phone it throws the ratigns off... for people trying to find out the quality of the phone or if it breaks easily (like apparently it does because everyone who has had it for longer then the 1st week) is saying that it is terrible. Giving it a 10 because you want to buy it cause it has pretty colors is both useless and stupid..... By all means once u get unhypnotized by all your flashing lights and colors let us know what you think of owning the phone....longer then 7 days.

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I liked it...except

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I have had this style for a little less than 4 months and it has broken in half twice. The first time, it happened after slightly more than a month. The two halves of the phone are only connected by one little area and a magnet. My phone still worked after this happened, but I had to keep putting it together. Eventually, it cut into the wires and my screen went blank. The replacement phone, I had for about a 2 and a half months until it broke in half to. I was even more careful with it the second time, but one day, it just fell apart when I opened it up. Unless you plan on being unrealistically gentle with your phone, I wouldn't suggest buying the Nokia Twist.

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Phone owned for

This is the worst phone i had for 4 hours and the phone snapped in half! I didnt drop it or anything. horrible design! STAY AWAY. The camera is lowsy if not mediocore. the music player is the standard verizon its so boring the best thing about this phone is the habitat mode which drains your battery fast so what i have been told. i like the interchangable faceplate. the keyboard is very awkward and annoying i dont like that you cant talk while its closed.

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it broke...

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I have the phone and love it. its sleek. the keyboard is great and after changing the touch sensitivity of the front buttons to low its works like a dream. I do have one problem. I had it for about a month. the hole is the perfect size for your every day carribeaner (the rock climbing clips people use sometimes as keychains) and would use it as a stylish way to attach it to my belt loop. unfortunately at the end of the first month, may it be due to the fact of being on the carribeaner or not, it seperated into two pieces at the hole. Now I have another and notice that when its closed its a little off center a bit and so Im paranoid as to wether or not it will break again. amazing phone but be wary. 

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Awesome Phone

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This phone is awesome. The swivel makes it look cool. You can conceal it in the palm of your hand during class. When you get a call or text the hole in the bottom right corner lights up to the color of your choice. The camera is ok. Viewing photos is cool. On the back of the screen there's a mirrior which is convenent. The phone's size allows it to slip in your pocket. Your friends will envy you. It's a great first phone.

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I Love It!

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 I have had this phone since the day it came out, I was waiting a while for it to come out and I was so happy when it did! The design of the phone is so cool and futuristic looking. I love the fact that it slides! My friends are all soooo jealous of this phone. I love the key board, it is so nice and roomy and easy to use. It kind of reminds me of a blackberry keyboard. It is really nice. This phone also has a very low amount of radiation.(better for you and will be less likely going to give you brain cancer) I love this phone so much and i encourage everyone to get it.

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Wonderful phone!

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When I saw this phone I had to have it for my upgrade!  I previously had the original Samsung Alias.  I use my phone for talk and text, not for internet or email.  When I received it, it was even smaller than I imagined which I love!  The twist feature is fun because you can read texts and navigate the phone without even having to open it unless you need to type something.  Being that I previously had the alias I am used to tiny qwerty keyboards and have no trouble navigating the Twists board, I only needed a few days to get used to it because the bottom row of letters is not centered like a regular keyboard but, anchored to the left. I love the light ring it gives it a cute personal effect and I am in love with the habitat modes, its so fun and interesting to organize your phone calls and texts.  Also in habitat mode the background colors change based on morning, day, evening or night.  I like the two back covers that are included and I like the purple one better because fingerprints don’t seem to stick to it as much as the black xpress cover. There is a small mirror on the back that I find useful when I’m rushing between classes and don’t have the time to stop into the bathroom for a touch up.  It’s a great phone for a college or high school student but I don’t think I would recommend it for older folks because it is so geared towards social circles and flashy personalization.A lot of people have been complaining about the touch sensitivity buttons on the phone but if you look in the options you can change the sensitivity, I find mine works perfectly on the lower setting.I was hoping the battery life would last a little longer being that the phone is brand new.  It lasts for me about a day and a half but, this is not too big of an issue for me because I can charge it every night I am just worried for the future when the battery life begins to hold the charge for a shorter and shorter time.  Sometimes when I have a lot of texts in my inbox with habitat mode the phone has a difficult time keeping up with me and freezes for a few moments when I open my phone or try to open a text message.  When I take it out of habitat mode or delete my inbox it speeds up again. The flash on the camera is horrible and makes all the phone pictures look washed out and grainy so I just take them without flash.  The only thing I really wish would have been changed is the slow load time when you are looking through your picture album.  It takes awhile for each picture to load and the phone doesn’t let you do anything until all of them (shows 6 at a time) are loaded up on the screen.  These negatives aren’t such a big deal and I still truly enjoy the phone and would still recommend it.

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Phone owned for

I honestly can say I cannot wait to get my Nokia Twist in the mail today. I got it as a free upgrade, so if it's a POS, eh, I didn't spend anything on it-I get 30 days to play with it and see if it's for me. Honestly, I like the design, I like the size, and for what I need the phone for (calls, txts and emergency camera) it seems perfect and didn't require an additional fee just to make the phone function (9.99-30.00 BS internet option). I upgraded from a Chocolate and I never used half the features on it-so I wanted to avoid hidden fee's such as music, internet, ext. C'mon, I own an ipod and a laptop, if I'm fixin for music or internet, I have the equipment that will beat out any phone regardless of provider.All in all, I think it's innovative, cute, exotic and gives the typical phone an artsy edge. All in all, as a free upgrade-I anticipate using this phone. Oh and the swivel is very sturdy! Backing plate is a little weak, but that's why you buy a rubber cover for your phones anyway just incase you drop it. Made a joke with my fiance about the light feature by saying he could always just call my phone if I ever lose it in the house and all we'd have to do is shut off all the lights and wait to see the blinking light feature LOL!

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Nokia Twist - Samsung Rogue

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I have the samsung rogue right now and I am returning it.  Sweet looking phone, but I don't like the qwerty and the big downfall for me is that the Calendar mode will not put tasks up on your screen to remind you of upcoming appts.  Just an icon and that is bad for me, because I am a very busy mom and the old saying is, OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND.  Also, the touch on this phone is awful.  Sometimes I have to press 4 or 5 times or hold it down a couple of second to get it to work.   I am goingo to exchange it for the twist.  I basically need it only for calls, texting and calendar reminders.  I think the twist will work for me because I will most likely not put a lot of wear and tear on it, so I am hoping what the last person who posted said about nokia phones.  Personally, I have had nokia's in the past and found them to be very hardy.Good Luck with your choice.

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awsome phone

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No Family Locator?

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Cute phone, for me practical because I needed Qwerty keyboard with something covering it ,I don't like phones where you can accidentally dial someone, and it doesn't seem like there is a flip/Qwerty phone with the exception of another carrier's Lotus.  However, said the phone is Family Locator Friendly, the store told me it was and after speaking with tech support IT IS NOT.  I use this feature for my daughter who plays a travel sport with a lot of travel, and while not a necessity a nice feature.  Customer service said if I return I may still be charged the restocking fee (new to Verizon????) however I printed off the web page showing that it had the feature and will make my decision in a few days.  If they charge me a restocking fee after misrepresenting an app, well, I just can't imagine that they would but we will see.....Other than this, for now, the phone is what I need as a busy mom who doesn't need a Blackberry or Data type phone.  Maybe they will update the software for Family Locator.  Verizon, do you hear me?  Please?????

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