Nokia 6790 Surge User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews


Phone owned for less than a year

I have had this phone for a little while I thought I could live with the number keys but it immediatly bugged me I hated the way the screen was extremely old looking. the keys were kinda close together and the keys always made clicking noises( not the beeping you can turn off in the setting but like button clickings). oh it also broke after just a bit of use.

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How Do you tether the Straight Talk Surge 6790 to laptop?

Phone owned for less than a month

I have not figured out how to tether the phone to my laptop. The Nokia PC Suite has a place to connect but does not have the presets for Straight Talk. Other people have said they have done this. Please help with directions. Thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide.

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I'd Stay Away

Phone owned for more than a year

I was drawn to this phone because of it's keyboard. I have massive thumbs and couldn't afford a large touchscreen phone, so I got this one because it was the only phone I could comfortably use. I also got it thinking that I couldn't break it.

How wrong I was.

My first one lasted a month until I closed the phone and the screen broke in half. I couldn't believe it. Considering I had an LG (fragile brand) and I had not had a single build quality problem in the 2 years I had it, I think I take decent care of my phones. I kept it in a case and had never dropped it.

I sent it back, and received a new one. About 9 months later, I noticed that it would keep freezing while doing mundane things - typing text messages, starting up the camera app, even changing the phone from silent to vibrate, and I would have to do battery pulls almost hourly. It could also not handle more than 10 minutes of using 3.5G before overheating and shutting off. At this point I thought this was slightly ridiculous - surely a phone that is advertised as an internet capable phone should be able to - you know, go on the internet without destroying itself.

After a few weeks, the charge level went from about a week to about 6 hours, rendering it unusable. All within less than a year. Mind you I do not overuse my phone at all - send about 75 texts a day and make 2-3 calls. I, as I said before, never dropped my phone. I have an option to get another one, but 3 times will not be the charm with Nokia's Surge.

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not a bad phone

Phone owned for

the key sounds can be disabled. and i tether with mine all the time. i've had this phone for 11 months and it barely has a scratch on it. i've dropped it many times so i was surprised to read that one review. the only problem i have with it is the 2.5 headphone jack.

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loved it...while it lasted.

Phone owned for

i'm very picky when it comes to phones. this one, i truely loved and thought i would have it for a while. sadly, i dropped it at work while texting, and it broke. it was ridiculous considering it landed on a rubber mat yet suffered such damage. the entire top left corner where the keyboard connects to the base of the phone was broken and when i took the back off to retrieve my sim card a big chunk fell off. i have the option of getting another one with my insurance, but honestly, i don't know if it'd be worth it seeing how easily the first one was broken.

so, if you want a phone that will hold up, look elsewhere.

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Phone owned for

Do not buy this phone. I had it for 3 months and parts kept falling off. !st the directional pad and then the contacts. Nokia did not want to fix or replace it. this phone is made of cheap plastic parts. It does not tether which is a major downer. If your a texter like I am this phone will not last.

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Nokia Surge : Surges ahead!!!

Phone owned for

I bought this phone yesterday only !!Pros:3G phonegreat battery lifephone supface is finger print- freegreat screen !! crystal clear photosgood luking phonegreat loudspeakerauto FM radiocons:no touchscreenno camera FLASHarrow keys make tapping sound  owing to cheapnessrely on side sliding keyboard to dial a number :(

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Euro my . o v for International Users

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Review is made in regards to price range & abilities.

GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 MHz; UMTS/HSDPA 850/1900 MHz
No Wi Fi
No Tethering (Might be a work around but as advertised via ATT answer is no) 

It wouldn't have broke the bank to add 2100 MHz & yes the phone will still work in Europe (and Asia too I think).

Problem I ran into was often Data will  time out and/or get confused when it tries to access the 2100 mode and gets bounced... as other phones in same area with similar capabilities like the W760A was having no problems. For this Surge model at least had this downgrade. Also I have average hand size and it wasn't the most comfortable to talk on.

***Off subject Razr V3XX speeds ROCK on tethering, if you don't have a data plan with a RAZR V3XX please don't tether unless you want to spend alot of money on bandwidth charges. Reason I bring up Razr, even though they are fragile the tether speed is constant and reliable compared to ALOT of phones I've experimented with.***

Nokia is made in Finland, I wonder why they wouldn't add 2100Mhz
Sony Ericsson is made in Sweden, most of their phones if not all have 2100Mhz

My pick is Sony Ericsson W760a for international users, without alot of onboard memory it isn't a con for me it's a Pro as I like my data easily movable.  Still no WiFi but Tetherable, better camera, same price but no QWERTY. Like that I can close the mobile when tethered to save power.

Almost good but too many other phones in the same price range.  If you dont need WiFi, don't tether and want a bad iPhone wanna be it's an okay phone but as it's a compatible "World Phone" they could have added the 2100Mhz

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