Motorola i1 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

awful phone

Phone owned for more than a year

One of the worst phones made. When I had it ,it was running android 1.5 with no upgrades. The phone is not 3g and took forever to download apps. The 3 inch screen is too small. Anyone who bought this phone has to be disappointed

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Motorola i1 Review

Phone owned for less than a month

hmm. the motorola i1 is definately one to own. it has all of the halmarks and features of a powersource android phone, however the reception on this phone could be slightly improved and the ability to not recieve or send successful texts while on the phone could be improved as well. all and all i switched from the motorola rambler i must say the reception on the Rambler is better but for everything else the motorola i1 takes the cake.

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Phone owned for

I bought this phone for Boost Mobile for $50 unlimited. I thought I would try out my first ever smartphone, so I decided to get the Motorola i1with a no contract. Well at first I kinda liked the phone, trying to figure out all the apps and features, but then when I got down to the meat of using the phone, i.e. texting and making calls, I discovered that this phone is horrible! First off the phone runs off the iDEN Nextel network, not CDMA, so you are running off an older network. Even with Opera Mini 5.1 as the default browser the internet was painfully slow. No 3G speeds. Sure the phone has build in wifi, but my location didn't have any hot spots, so I was not able to use that. Second, I decided to text some of my friends, well after several hours AFTER I sent the text, with no reply, I called them and asked them if they got my text. They said yes I got it and I sent you a reply like two hours I wasn't receiving my texts. And lastely, I was getting no signal strength, even to the point where the T for the Tower was crossed out. I checked the iDEN network coverage before I bought the phone and I was in "very good" coverage range..however watching a you tube video of a guy who said he wasn't getting any signal I realized at the iDEN network has a hard time penetrating through walls. I tried calling my room mate and it sounded like I was listening to someone through a pipe or tube and the voice was going in and needless to say this phone for me was horrible. I would highly advise you do not get this phone. Other people have experienced the same problem. Please do yourself a favor and do not get this phone and save your $399.

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Phone owned for

I recently received my i1 and so far I like it. It takes a little getting use to. This is my first touch screen. Here is the list of good:1. speakers are great for music,videos, and phone.2. Plays all my movies and music3. The wifi works great and I think it is pretty fast.4.  Phone feels solid and not cheap5.  You can make your own ringtones6. Camera works pretty good. Video camera seems ok as well.7. I think the battery life is also pretty good. 8.  Holds up to 32gig memory card9. Screen size is greatHere is the list of cons:1.  Battery door is not easy to take off, other than that it just takes a bit of getting use to.

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