Motorola V265 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Quit griping, it works wonderfully as a phone!

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I got this phone in early August of 2005...I'm just now replacing it because the button that determines whether it's open or closed is worn out. I think three years for a cell phone is pretty impressive.

So in these three years, I've noticed it does like to freeze up...rather annoying. The camera isn't that outstanding, but it's not that terrible. Compare it to a Samsung Stripe and see what you think. Anyway, it's a portable telephone...if you want high quality pictures, buy a digital camera.

Also, I went through a period of a few months where the call sound quality would randomly be horrible. People on the other end said they couldn't understand me, I sounded like a robot. I hung up and called back and usually it was fine. Verizon suggested I update by calling that *(whatever 3 numbers) and it still did that for a while, but it eventually stopped. Also there have been a few times I would drop calls for NO reason in places where I had full signal. I'd watch the signal bars slowly climb back up to five after it dropped...and it would drop repeatedly (I tried calling back until I got sick of it. I think one time it dropped a call 5 times in a row. That was nice.)

The only design issues I have are yeah, a pretty small screen, and the goofy antenna (that does nothing) sticking up.

Digging for the date is pretty dumb. Agreed.

Speakerphone is mediocre.

And that battery hasn't been too great, either. I've pretty much always had to charge it every night. If I don't use it at all I can get 3 days out of a full charge.

Keep in mind I'm only listing the problems I've had. I've dropped it quite a few times, but it's always been in a leather case. Even so, those shocks can't have been good for it. Sitting on any phone, esp. a flip phone isn't good and I do that sometimes. It's gotten wet, too...not completely submerged, but definitely wet.

So I've beaten it up in THREE YEARS, and I'm only getting a new one because of that button issue. It's just getting old. When I open it, the screen either stays dark like it doesn't know it's open, or it flickers a few times. I had to change the answer options to pressing a button because it would hang up on people when I opened it. But then, over the years I would fling it open and snap it shut, so I'm probably partially responsible for that poor little button.

So yeah, it's had some annoying problems, but it's been a tough little soldier. Sleek design, sturdy build (a little wiggle at the I said...I sit on it), and the ringtones are fine, the color schemes are diverse, I've gotten signal where most other people don't, and as of this moment, the lifetime calls is: 801 hrs, 2 mins, and 25 secs. So I remain wholly impressed by my phone.

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Great phone for day and dollar

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Its a good phone that takes a beating. Ive had mine for 3 years, altho the battery sucks if you buy the bigger battery like the nextel iden phones use youll get 2 days talk time. it does have some occasional glitches but whats perfect these days. sad but true i have 2 of these and use them daily i dont plan to upgrade till the phone falls apart. motorola makes by far the most durable electronic devises, the razr and krzr being exceptions.

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good phone

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if it had better picture quality and if it could record video and a biger screen i would love the phone
its still a good phone

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well..bettr than nuthing

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im a little embarrassed to say i used to own this peice of junk. it was horrible. i have verizon..yeah, its the best service but i got horrible service with this phone. the camera sucks, and it feels like cheap plastic inyour hands and it feels like its gonna break in your hands. the battery is horrible! and the texting on this phone is gay. im so glad i got a new phone. for those of you who have thi sphone: THROW IT OUT!!! and upgrade.

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Decent for its time

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When I got this phone over two years ago, it was $80 with a 2-year agreement. It's pretty good considering it's not exactly meant to be a high end phone.

Design: Like your typical cell phone. The placement of the camera is sensible. It's hard to accidentally get your fingers in the way. The interface is easy to navigate. The downside is that it can be slow at times, often processing for several seconds just to add a contact.
Features: Pretty weak now, but for its time, it was pretty good. Not many phones of its price supported graphical WWW, and the 500 contact phone book is quite useful. Annoying that there's no apparent MP3 support.
Sound: Sound quality is a bit weak, but this could be an issue with Verizon. Friends tell me that they have trouble understanding me when I'm outside in the wind, and in crowded areas, I usually have to turn on speakerphone to hear who's calling me. Speakerphone works great, though, I can typically hear it fine, even in the car.
Signal: I've rarely had issues with this.
Value: Much more than I expected for $80 two years ago.

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7's a phone.

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i just got this phone from verizon a few weeks ago. but before i got it, a lot of my friends have/used to have this phone. i thought it was really cool, and they were all trying to tell me its really not.
-sound quality
-LOUD ringers
-design is kinda cool
-its a cute phone
-it has a camera
-battery is good.

-when you turn it on, it takes a LONG time to get service.
-the ringers are kinda lame.
-when you go through the menus or something, it randomly freezes for a few seconds. its really annoying.
-camera is ok i guess, i never really use it so it doesnt really matter to me.
-for motorola phones, it takes like a million steps to get to the simplest things.
-the screens are really faded.

so basically, all this is, is a basic phone with just a little bit of advanced features. i like it, but im happy im getting a new one soon. im not saying this is a horrible phone, im just saying that there are a lot more BETTER phone than this.

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This phone is almost as bad as Weekend at Bernies 2. I have had to deal with two years with this garbage. This phone was good when i got it, but after 2 days, it was terrible. First of all, now, the speaker does not work, I have to PRESS IT REALLY HARD against my ear, causing the whole side of my face to turn red. The phone frequently freezes, scratches easily, making me almost want to buy a new faceplate, but, that's a ripoff. The phone takes like 30 seconds to even dial a number, and after 1 call it immediately turns to Low Battery. The AC adapter broke in like a month, so now it wiggles, i even bought a new one, but guess what... still wiggling. he phone has a really bad camera. 0.3MP, that sounds better than what it looks, and it doesn't sound good. This phone has a really bad speaker. Also, when downloading off Get It Now, it takes forever! More money down the drain. Really bad themes, all look girly. It's a very bulky phone, compared to new phones. I think its thicker than the LG V when it's closed. The screen smudges, doesn't have world map or tip calculator. The phone once took 8 Hours to send a text message (sent at 10, arrived at 6). This phone is highly overrated (if anyone likes it), disgusting, a ripoff, highly unrecommended. Everything that could go wrong with this phone happened. DO NOT BUY!!!!!

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THis is the worst phone

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THis absolutly the worst phone i think that i have ever seen. Yes it has a camera but its such a bd camera that there really isnt any point in having it. I am getting the new enV from LG in a couple of days and im so excited it is going to be the biggest change...

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this phone was ok for me for a while, the screen started to freeze. so i got a new one the same thing happend within' 2 days, its a good phone but i think the motorola company should work the cinks out before puting it on the market

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They told me this V276 was great!

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I was old this phone after I had told the Verizon sales person that I liked to use the camera and download ringtones and wante dgood battery life. The battery is pretty good but and spo is the camera. The charge adapter isn't the best either, they come loose over a period of time. The problem came when I tried downloading a song for my ringtone. It sound so muffled and crappy. I had the phone replaced after much argueing with customer service. I was told that it was too bad and the only way to get a new phone for the least amount of money was to switch carriers! Switch carriers?! I couldn't believe it! So now I am getting the oney together to terminate my contract and get into a new service with a far superior phone.

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I am very un satisfied with this phone. The screen is extremely small and hard to read and it lacks many features that are just fun to have. When you open it up there seems to be so much plastic that could be screen because the screen takes up less then half of the inside. Am i seeing things?
tell me if you agree

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Major problems with this phone!

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Went through 4, yes 4, v265 phones from US Cellular. All had the problem of resetting at various times. The rep I had been talking to @ USCC stated that the phone had been recalled twice for a software update, due to resetting, and on some calls hearing nothing but static. I tried both firmware updates, but still had the reset problem. Supposedly a third update is coming the first of next year. After going through 4 of the V265's, I was fed up, and exchanged it for a Kyocera Candid. Most reviews I have read online about this and the v266 phones state the same problems. A friend also had a v262 with the same problem. After a trip to repair that did not fix the problem, she got a new v262 and all is well. My advice, make sure the phone has the latest update, or look elsewhere, as it seems the v26X line of phones weren't quite ready for primetime.

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Almost Perfect

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This phone is great. It has a modern, sleek look design, ad it sports some nice features. It's just about perfect for anyone looking for a "phone" not a camera, or mp3 player. It does play ringtones well, and has a decent camera.

Overall, great.

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Verizon... pay and pay and pay and pay

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Phone works pretty well as a phone.

Verizon has crippled the features to rip you off for more money. I bought and paid for the phone, I should get the benefit of all the features. Like downloading pictures and uploading ringtones with the Motorola tools - not Verizon's ripoff "Get Ripped Now".

Verizon is acting like the bad old AT&T monopoly that let you use any phone in your house as long as they supplied it.

The FCC and the state consumer protection agencies should force Verizon and other companies to allow the owners of the phones to access the features without paying for everything.


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decent phone

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I've had this phone for about a week now. Reception is very good which is the most important thing to me. I previously had a Samsung model which was nothing but trouble. This phone is much better. Camera is so,so. When I went to replace my samsung the sales guy tried to jam an LG down my throat (must be special commision)he really annoyed me . The screen is small and so are the buttons. Digging for the date sucks too. In the manual it shows the date on the main screen but it appears that verizon overwrote this whith their banner. We'll se about wear and tear.

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My best

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Better than any other phone. camera pretty good buts its just a phone so screw u all who say this camera sucks becuase remember........ its a phone and the pheatures it has makes up for it

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thats it?

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i was wondering if anyone else thinks this phone lacking some features like 3 way calling and theres no way to view the date except through the calendar but you have to get to the tools section instead off the bat external view or flipping it open tell me what you think

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v265 - Motorola's getting better!

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I received this phone 3 days ago and am a very high user of my cell phone minutes. Based on my last three days use, here's what I've found:

Very similar to the t720 & t730 but for they've reversed the send and end keys. This is more in line with all the other cell phones in the world. Still, if you're accustomed to the earlier Motorola phones this may take you a bit of adjustment time.
The keys on the side of the phone are much smaller than earlier Motorola phone models and I find them a bit more difficult to use by touch.
The screen is smaller than most. I'd like to see a bigger and brighter screen. I haven't figured out how to brighten the display yet or if it can even be done. There is a contrast adjustment that has helped some.

Camera quality is not great. An example has been posted here:
Digital "zoom" is not a zoom at all, it is a digital crop. 4x "zoom" gives a 160x120 image instead of 640x480 (see
Voice dialing takes more steps than on previous models. Also, because I'm unable to record the voice names myself I cannot abbreviate names (such as mtg for mortgage) or the voice command won't be recognized. I would like to be able to override the automatic recognition so I could abbreviate names and still voice dial (and it was more fun to dial my boyfriend by saying "Oh Baby!").

Sound Quality:
I wasn't expecting much after having owned the t720 and t730 (very low volume) but I've been pleasantly surprised. The volume is plenty loud enough to hear even while in the car and I've actually bumped the volume down a couple of notches.

RF Performance:
My old t720 and t730 had no reception at my rural home so I'm pleased to see that I'm getting 2 to 3 bars on this phone. Over all the reception has been MUCH better than on my previous Motorolas. I also like that this is one of the few camera phones that still has analog service availability for those remaining analog areas near me.

Okay, I admit, I got this on a free tradeup ($149.99 - $50 instant rebate - $100 new every two credit) so what can I say about a phone that I got for free? I love the phone and didn't pay for it!

My t720 locked up a LOT (bad enough to need to remove the battery to reset) so I upgraded to the t730. It locked up now and then as well but not nearly so often. The t730 also had the habit of not being able to dial calls after a data session. I have continued on with this line of phones because they fit all my accessories (car chargers, data cables, etc.). So far the v265 has had no trouble. The performance has been flawless.
I still haven't figured out how to adjust the volume of the keypad and I'd like to have that option.
The user's manual is not very well laid out or written.
I have Verizon's Mobile Office, StarFish True Sync & Motorola's mobile PhoneTools. None allow transferring of pictures or midi files which leaves you at the mercy of Verizon's Get It Now service. This is not unusual for Verizon to disable phone features to get more money from their subscribers.

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Finally a well priced clam phone from Motorola with all the latest features and great performance for Verizon service.

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