the fone isnt all that to go OOH & AAH about its basically a SLVR L7 WITH A NEW DESIGN AND JUS A TAD BIT MORE FEATURES (yes a tad bit ) the fone is k i like becuz of the color it comes in when the sun catches it u really see the blue stand out guys let me tell u if want a new upgrade to the SLVR L7 dont buy the l7e save ur money and wait for the SLVR L9 ! now thats worth ur money
Bought the phone off of ebay for $200 shipped to Hawaii. I've used it for about a week already and I've fallen in love with it. At first I hated the color, but with all the features it has to offer, I've forgiven it, and gotten used to it.
The design is much better than that of the old SLVR L7 as the keypad is much easier to type with the keys being at about the same level as the rest, but it still suffers from getting smuge with fingerprints easily.
I love the features it has! EDGE support loads webpages blazingly fast compared to my old non EDGE supported L6. The 1.3mp camera will definately suprise you in quality. While it may not be the best phone camera out there, if you know how to use it right, you can take pretty decent images during the night time with next to no light. Built in e-mail support is an added bonus although my current subscription doesn't support that. A2DP was what I was looking forward too most in this phone and I can say I'm definately pleased with it.
The signal strength outperforms the old L6 I had, but still isn't as strong as that old gold nokia brick I was using before.
At $200 shipped, at the moment it's the cheapest unlocked phone out there with EDGE, A2DP (and a memory slot), and a 1.3mp camera.
i just bought this unit 1 week ago. and i was surprised i didnt imagine how handy this unit is. the cam was clear and even the video. i really enjoyed using this. every body should try to use this one. perfect for gals!!!