Motorola RAZR V3i User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Leaves a lot to be desired. . . .

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I own a D&G Gold V3i and I'm not to fond of it. Ever since I bought it, it has never been able to download off of the internet, and as a result I am unable to download my favourite music etc.. The camera can be improved significantly, the images are not sharp and are rather blury. The user interface is rather outdated and lags a lot, and I have seen better in Samsung's older handsets! The internal screen has good image and color quality while the external screen is barely legible and could be improved significantly. The sound quality on my V3i is excellent, I have come to expect nothing less from Motorola!!!! I really like the design, it's sleek and elegant in the gold finish. The Motorola logo that lights up on the front of the phone is really pretty too. Overall my D&G V3i is decent but leaves a lot to be desired. . . . . .

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I miss my Hello Moto Razr

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To this day ... This Razr was my most memorable and most fashionable phone. It had a rock solid signal no matter whether I was in the States or in the Philippines. I loved how it felt in my hands. And I wished Motorola would come out with a razr that offered 8mp, I would buy it in a heart beat.

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want to buy moto V3i

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hi.... i want to buy secondhand moto V3i.. i'm in coimbatore region... if any one sell tat means mail me at

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great phone

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great phone! the phone is better for design lovers, but the features are great too! the internal screen is awesome, vivid and bright, even in the hardest conditions you can watch it! the camera is great also, the interface is great,maybe not the most beautiful one, but its easy to use and u have everything you need on it

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ok, got the phone a while ago. i was very scared to pick up the V3i because when the RAZR was cingular exclusive years ago i bought one and the darn thing sucked.the V3i however is a nice change... the software has been updated so i am told and the itunes thingie is pretty cool. i am suprised at the battery life, as it kicks the tar out of mu other phone (8125) when playing music.
THE REASON I BOUGHT THIS PHONE: i am a marathon runner and a triathlete. i hate to run with a phone and an mp3 player, but i feel i need both... music and the ability to make a call if i get hurt.
with that said, much lighter than my htc (cingular) 8125, and i hardly know it's there. the 8125 is a tank compared to weight. i now have both phone and music in a convenient package.
OPINION: it was weird figuring out the itunes as i am used to using windows media player. but openminded as i am, the itunes was pretty easy once i got the initial jist of things. my only REAL problem is that i bought a 2 gig card for the phone and i am having compatibility issues... NO BIG DEAL!!! it's not a PDA and the 6 hour battery life and 100 song capacity (6.7 hours with my longest playlist) works for my longest workouts which are about 6 hours on average.
FOR ME AND WHAT I USE IT FOR i think the phone ROCKS!!! i don't want an IPHONE because the same problem i have with IPODS... you can't change the battery, so if you F-up the battery you have an expensive paperweight.

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Very dissapointing

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I used Moto V3, and it was one of the best cell phones I've ever had. I decided to change it for the V3i and I was very dissapointed.
It has bad reception, the speaker has a very poor development and I think the iTunes function spoiled all other features. If you are looking for MP3 player, I suggest you better buy it sepparately!

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Stylish but still sucks (Part II)

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I have recently posted a review on this cell phone. I forgot to mention some features of it. I have a 512 MB microSD Card. But sometimes the phone cant read the Memory Card and asks me to format it...!!!! Very annoying..!!! But switching off your phone will solve this problem.
The Bluetooth connection of this phone is also very poor. This phone can hardly be detected by any other device. Coming to the 1.2 MegaPixel Camera it has. The picture quality is very good. Both Indoor and Outdoor. It has 8x Digital Zoom. Video Recording is also good, it can clearly record the sound even if you are whispring around.
I said it before and I will said it again "This phone is NOT for the high tech junkies"

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Stylish but still sucks

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I have been using Motorola V3i for the past 5 months. I wanted a cell phone for JUST 2 purpose. 1-To make & recieve call & 2-To listen some Songs but this phone has badly disappointed me. It cant play WMA and WAV formats. The sound of the Loudspeaker is very low you can barely hear it in a party or some other gathering. I thought "OK if sound from the loud speker sucks I should better listen on the Handsfree" but Alas! The sound of the Handsfree is also very very bad. No Bass at all!!! You can only hear the voice and SOME instruments. No high range & no low range sound.
The thing I like about this phone is the video quality. The display is very bright and crisp. It can play 3GP and MP4 formats. It is the MP4 Format that truly shine on its dispay.
If you are a High Tech Junkie this phone is definetly not for you. But if u just want to make and recieve calls this is the phone for u, because it has got those KILLER LOOKS...!!!!

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Good Phone

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The first RAZR was good but the updated version (V3r)is much better the updated camera and software is top of the line. This phone I would recommend to anyone. And the music storage and playback is awesome. I have a 2GB Micro-SD card and have plenty of space for pics,music,and videos.

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v3r voice dial

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I think they went backwards with this feature.You can't use it with your bluetooth as easily as old razr
grrrrrrrrrrrrr It would be a great feature if it worked right. Phone is great except for this.

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on my new motorola v3i i cannot get proper music ringtones only composable ones. Apart from that its a great fone but still can anyone help me please?

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I've had my Motorola Razr V3i for about 2 weeks now and let me tell you that its a great phone. The video camera is great the picture quality is perfect the only thing i would change about this is to make it less dificult to get around with, its just a matter of getting used to. I know the phones are pretty expensive right now but i got my phone for free check out the link:

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Love the phone, but beware the dusty inner screen.

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This is one of the best cell phones I've owned. Everything about the phone is above average. Case is not totally aluminum however, the area around the mouthpiece front and back is plastic. Love the large inner screen except for the same "dust" problem mentioned by Craig Michael above. It may be dust under the glass but could also be a manufacturing defect. My RAZR is 6 months old. Get one but beware of the dusty screen and the half plastic case.

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i just bought a razr v3m and I noticed a problem with the external display. For some reason I cannot change the background for the external screen. Does anyone know how to change it? Also what does unlocked mean?

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Verizon... lol

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Let's check the reality check. Maybe when Verizon learns to stop disabling bluetooth to nickel and dime all of its customers, and stops using limiting technology like brew... maybe then it would be time to consider switching over. So you have a broadband connection... can you use Opera Mini to access full web sites? Only on GSM handsets with java (not Verizon). Maybe you can tether, but not with bluetooth, have fun with your USB cable.

But to be critical of Motorola... can you please gets the bugs worked out and get EDGE implemented on your chipsets? And maybe some serious thought should be given to releasing a US HSPDA handset (by the way, HSDPA blows Verizon's EVDO broadband out of the water for speed).

I'm lookind more for the Nokia n80 anyway... now taht phone has a good feature set.

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Reality Check

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Get real - if you want a good, feature-packed phone, go to Verizon Wireless and buy the V3m RAZR. iTunes? c'mon... with a V3m you can have your MP3s, download OVER THE AIR, and --Oh by the way-- use the phone as a BROADBAND MODEM for laptop or desktop... try that with a V3i...snap back to reality, folks. Just because the phone flashy doesn't mean it's the best.

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Razr V3

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I love My Phone, love all my features.
My Only Problem with the phone, is the inner Screen is collecting DUST, I have tried 2 blow it out, vaccuum it out, nothing workes,I'm starting a petition for everyone that is having the same problem to email me,and I'm forwarding it on to MOTOROLA, maybe they'll correct the problem.

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not as bad as they say

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i bought this phone about two weeks ago and everything is fine so far. the i-tunes is great except for the 100 song limitation. the battery life could be better. it typically lasts me 2.5 days. sound quality is really good. the external display lacks color. the internal display though is very nice and sharp. camera is an average 1.23 megapixel that gets the job done when you need it. quad nad feature is a bonus for those that travel between countries. overall i recommend the phone. you wont regret it.

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I just bought this phone, "unlocked". I am still not satisfied with the fact that i can NOT delete any of the ring tones it has come with. I own the phone, i should be able to delete what i want off the pone, but again they are locked on there. The only other thing i dislike is the fact that when you do a text message you can not preview the persons number. I had the v551, and when you ok it to send the text, it showed the persons number and the subject. This V3i, there is not subject on texting, unless you do a mulitmedia text, and it sends as soon as you check the persons name then hit send. (i am very particular to the things i buy.) If i had known the features are different from the v551, i would have waited for the v3x......

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razr opinion

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I like the phone, however I have had problems downloading ringtones (with and without help from phone support) and I have problems with dust accumulating inside my viewers screen.I wish the small screen on the outside of the phone was larger. It was kind of disappointing to see only a very few ringtones come with the phone. My cellphones prior to purchasing the razr came with many,many more ringtones. I do not use my phone very often, so for my purposes the phone seems to be working fine, I have had it since christmas(gift).

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