Motorola Moto Z3 Play User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Not worth the calories

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Bought this phone to replace my Moto Z play which is now about 4years old and it's battery is getting worn.
The phone in general is pretty good for the money £215 in the UK
However, the fingerprint sensor is hit and miss. It's impossible to use, in a silly place on the side of the phone instead of on the front. I have tried 3 different keyboards, and they are all as bad as the sensor. I am fed up of retyping most words. The screen does not seem to map to the characters. I spend more time correcting than writing, which is not good.
Photos are great and it came with version 9 of the software.
If it were still running on Version 8 it would be rubbish.
It's only that which has prevented me from returning it to my supplier for a refund. I did try initially but they refused to accept my complaint two weeks after purchase. So if you can put up with a phone with no fingerprint sensor and that's totally hard to use, then buy one. There are plenty about from $50 to $600. But take my tip and don't pay more than $50 for it.
I have been using Motorolla phones since 1983. Never again!!!! This one killed it for me.

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