Motorola MOTO W755 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

great phone for the money

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I got this phone as an upgrade from a really old LG clamshell, and I just love it. It's a little quirky, and I wish the little confirmation messages you get when saving a contact or adjusting the volume didn't last for as long as two seconds, but overall it's great. It doesn't scratch very easily (none so far) and I think it looks great despite what other people think. The touch sensitive buttons on the front are really useful, especially the mute key. It's a classy little thing with mp3/aac support and bluetooth, and that's what I was looking for.

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Great Phone! Try it, you'll like it.

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I almost did not get the W755 after reading reviews here but the Verizon sales rep talked me into it. Said those that have tried it really like it and I could try it out and return for a different phone if it did not work out. Have had it for 8 days and I'm very glad I gave this phone a try, it has exceeded my expectations in every area, and I'm keeping it.

Lots of features for the price.
Battery life is much better than my previous 3 phones. Have not charged it in 3 days and battery indicator still shows 4 bars.
Phone is easy to use. Large #'s on the keypad and large fonts on the main screen mean I can use it without my reading glasses.
Speaker phone feature worked fine. Sound was more than satisfactory, better than previous phone. Camera works great, is easy to use and picture quality is good. Uses common mini USB for data transfer and charging, you can even charge the phone by hooking up to your computer. I already had two mini USB cables that came with my camera and Sansa Clip that also work with the phone.
Have not had a single dropped call yet.


You have to remove the battery to get to the microSD memory. Not a lot of free ringtones included. These are very minor issues, if not for these I'd give the phone a 10 instead of a 9.9.

My wife also got the same phone, purple, and we both are very happy with our decision.

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i got this phone 2 days ago, upgrading from my razr which i loved because of its simplicity.

i like the design, even though i wish it were a little lighter and not so bulky.

i haven't had any issues with the battery, and i cant judge the reception quality yet since i haven't made too many calls.

my main problem is, IT RUNS SO SLOOWWWWWW! its really driving me crazy. at first i bought like 15 songs from vcast, and i thought thats what was slowing it down, so i deleted them. i had uploaded 5 pictures from my computer, and i deleted those too. that did nothing to solve the problem. its soooo slow i cannot believe it. when i text, i use the itapen mode, and it takes over 5 seconds for a word or phrase to pop up. im so aggravated and disappointed. im about to go back to the verizon store and get a new phone, i mean.. i paid $100 for the brand new thing, i expect it to run a little faster.

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As a cell phone this makes a great paper weight!
The features are good and its apperance and style are great but what kills it is the poor battery life.Although adveristised at 320hrs the best I got was 16hrs! Gave it back & had my old V325 reactivated, at least I know it works.

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MOTOROLA W755 is Great!!

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I really like my new Motorola w755.... all those reviews say that its not that great but ive had mine for 2 weeks and haven't had one dropped call or problems........ I mostly text and its great for that but my dad calls me at least three times a day and i have had no problems hearing him or him hearing me.....just wish the camera had a flash and that it fit in my pocket better.

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Buyer Beware

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The reception on this phone is terrible. I'm not sure how the Editors were able to rate the Reception as a Pro and not a Con! I compared two different devices side-by-side with my old Nokia 6236i candybar and there was no comparison!!! The Moto W755 is a everything but a PHONE, especially if you live in fringe signal areas. If I wanted a non-phone with great features, I would have just bought a PDA with Wifi. From now on, I will not commit to buying a new phone until I've thoroughly tested it in a real life setting (for example, on I95 near Mystic, CT where there is a stretch of non-coverage on the Moto, but still great coverage with my old phone). Buyer Beware. This is definitely a flim-flam-bim-bam-boozle of a phone, but a great toy if you don't care about actually having to make/receive reliable calls. I hope a Verizon rep reads this and starts owning up to the fact that this phone is a joke.

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Lemon? or is this the Real Thing?

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First, let me say I have always been a Motorola User beginning with the good old StarTac and just now trading in the V265. I'm not much of a "bells and whistles" type of a person. I JUST WANT A PHONE WITH GOOD RECEPTION. Living in a fringe area I have always counted on the Motorola for the best possible reception. Therefore, when I was time to upgrade I thought I would go with the W755.....what a mistake!!

1. Fully charged the battery when new. Did not download any music, take any pictures... Made two 20 minute phone calls and the next day (19 hrs later I received message Low Battery. Verizon Rep states if you live in a fringe area it will really use up the battery. (never had a problem with reception with my other Motorolas)

2. Five dropped calls in 2 days. After one of the dropped calls, phone state to please read message. The message said " please remember to unplug the phone from the charger" I didn't even have it plugged in to a charger. What does that have to do with a dropped call?

3. Sound: Using the phone without headset, people could hear me fine; however, it sounded like the people I were talking to you were in a tin can. Tried my wired headset, almost ruptured my eardrum with the phone on the lowest volume setting. Nothing wrong with the headset, I had just used it the day before with my Motorola V265 and it worked fine.

4. Menu layout and display, Really nice and user friendly. HOWEVER, doesn't do much good with all the other problems including reception.

I did my upgrade online so I could receive the instant rebate, the phone was free with a 2-yr update agreement. Called customer service last night, they are sending a LG VX 8350 (never had a LG before).... I am praying that it will be better because according to customer service, you only get to return one phone. After I receive my LG, I have 10 days to send one of them back..........I'm betting it will be the Motorola.

I am so disappointed in this Motorola because I have always counted on Motorola for good reception...... Maybe, I got a Lemon...... just beware!

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I've had this phone for about a week. I like it.. It definatly looks cool, it being purple and all. I haven't had any problems with it getting hot while I'm on it, and trust me I'm on of those people who live life with my cell phone attached to my face. I charge it at least once a day sometimes twice but I've always had that problem with phones. The call quality is shoddy at times but nothing too bad. My one complaint is there is no flash on the camera!

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Not bad at all

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I was a little disappointed when I got home and found out that the Verizon rep who gave me the phone was "wrong" - it wasn't the new RAZR he said he could give me...

But I like the phone - lots of neat features:
The automatic voice recognition for handsfree is great.
The buttons on the outside for audio are good (except I'm constantly wiping my fingerprints off of the glossy surface).
The bluetooth streaming works well (with a 4GB MicroSD card inside, I've got a decent part of my music library on my phone).

Here are my gripes, though...
No iSync support for contacts (my AT&T RAZR synced w/ no problem).
Non-standard size - I'm having an awful time finding a holster that's not too tight or too loose.
Proprietary ring-tone - I would love to edit an mp3 and transfer it over (but I can't).

Overall, it's a pretty good phone - a good bunch of features that RAZR V3 lacks for less than RAZRs cost.

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Great Personality And Cheap Price

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Ever since I got rid of my annoying Moto Razr, I wanted a newer, more elegant phone. The Razr froze every time I overloaded it. It was hard to download even 1 song onto that phone. I went to the Verizon Store last week, and came across this eye-catcher. Right when you look at it, you feel a rush of goodness. Then when you flip it open, it gets better! Instead of the Razr's ugly square design, the inside is roundish and stylish. I can go on V-Cast, Mobile Web, AIM, and more! This is just great. I bought it for $99.99, and I heard on the website you can get it for cheaper. But that's ok. I had a budget of $250.00, so this was a great solution. And don't get me wrong, all those high-end Blackberrys and Treos are all bulky and heavy. This is lightweight, and fits in my pocket very well. If you want to get more for your dollar, think about getting this as your next cell phone.

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Better off with 2 cans and a string

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I don't think I have ever hated a phone more. The design is fine, easy to use, and stylish. That's where it all ends. Sound quality is terrible. I have heard crackling, and 3rd party feedback. And the battery life? I had to remove the case to make sure there was a battery. I have to charge it every night, if I want to use it for a full day the next day. By the way, it is 9 days old for me. I've made 12 calls, 7 of them dropped. Do not get this phone.

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I've been waiting and waitng for a new, reliable motorola phone. So when this was released I took the plunge and traded in my v710. So far its been ok, but I keep getting lots of dropped calls.

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I wanted to love it...

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However, two things led me to actually hate this phone that went back to Verizon.

1. Call Quality - Horrendous. I was constantly saying "what?". If you turn the volume all the way up to compensate, the ear piece crackles like tinfoil. So I was forced to leave it at medium and cram the phone into my ear. I thought for sure I had a defective phone but the Verizon rep swapped it out and agreed that it's just a "crappy-sounding" phone.

2. Battery Life - Barely acceptable. Standby of 3 days, 4 if lucky. Nowhere near 15 days.

It's a shame that Motorola skimped on what I consider to be the 2 most important features in a phone. Hello Chocolate 3.

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Great phone, but terrible battery life!

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I got this phone two days ago, and I really love it. However, the battery life is poor. I initially thought there was something wrong with my phone until I started researching online and found that other people are having the same issue.
I've seen some complaints about this phone's lack of bells and whistles, but I like a simple phone that is user friendly. For calling and texting, it's great. I love the look, too...I just wish it had a little (well, a LOT) more battery life. I am considering buying a second battery to have as a backup.

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Great Phone

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I got this phone yesterday and still havn't found anything i dont like about it, i love the touch screen on the front for music!

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As an "average Joe" user, I'm pretty pleased with this phone. It looks nice, and has all the features I need. Of all the low to mid-range phones I looked at, this one was by far the most stylish. It's not perfect, but of my options, I'm glad I got this phone.

My complaints:

1) Volume on calls is too low, even at the highest level. On my old Motorola, call volume was great, but I often have to strain to hear voices during calls. Ring volume could be higher too.

2) I don't care for the keypad....I prefer the former Motorola style where all the buttons were separated and easier to push....on the W755, the keys look/feel cheaper.

3) Battery life isn't great---again, worse than my former Motorola.

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I've had my motorola w755 for a week now. i havent had many issues, its never froze, nothing of that matter
BUT THE BATTERY LIFE IS HORRIBLE!!! it last maybe a day that is if you don't use it at all. i only make short phone calls, and a couple text a day. but no luck its dead by 7 in the afternoon.and i charge it completely each night.
thats my only real complaint.
oh and the camera is horible and the front screen is a bit small

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Amazing features, poor call quality

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We got two of these phones recently and while it's an ok phone there are a few problems that are making me consider changing for another model.

First, the sound quality is a bit poor compared to all other phones I've ever owned. We both find the volume is too low, even when maxed out. The call quality also leaves me frequently straining to understand what the caller is saying.

My other complaint is the battery. If we use the phones for very long, calls or internet, the battery charge drops dramatically. I would suggest if you are going to get this phone to have a car charger in the least, a second battery would be even better. The battery also becomes quite hot when using the phone. The longer the phone is in use the hotter it gets. You can actually feel the heat through the keypad while you are talking. It becomes uncomfortable to actually use the phone if you are on it for very long.

The phone itself is quite sturdy and well made. It doesn't feel like it would break easily. It is a bit heavy for my liking but for $19.99 it's expected.

If you aren't very concerned with call quality or volume then this may be a good phone for you. If you are looking for an actual phone then I would suggest moving on to other models.

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Mostly good

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Overall I think this is a very solid phone. My only complaints:
1. The phone looks kind of cheap relative to other Moto flip phones - especially the interior (when flipped open)
2. I find it difficult to open with one hand
3. There's a degree of lag when using the operating system
Besides these issues, the phone works very well - good sound quality, reception, and features. I'll probably keep it.

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Moto won me back too!

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I am truly impressed with the W755. The size is fantastic, call quality, and features are just what I was looking for. The camera is decent and great for at-the-moment shots (easier than hauling out the

My only con, and this is all moto's...I wish they would adopt the 0 key to be the "next" button when texting (like LG's, Samsungs), rather than using the directional keys...but not a bigge.

Great phone...definitely recommend to those looking for a new phone!

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Excellent Motorola won me back!

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Let me start with that I am a big fan of Lg Phones. I had the Lg 8000 lg 8300 the lg 8600 and the envy which is now is my sons. Well I upgraded from my 8600 to this and I can not be any happier. It has all the features I want and need. Great call quality, camera, and music. I love the music and bluetooth buttons on the external of the phone. My lg 8600 had this. Also the price is awsome. For the features you get you can not go wrong. For a mid range phone this is high end. My wife loved it so much she upgraded hers to the purple one.

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Great for Moto

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When you think about it, this is just a replacement for the Razr. They have identical features, but the w755 is excellent...especially with signal strength. I had the pleasure of taking a demo for a spin ( a buddy of mine works for VZW ). The outer "touch" buttons was a nice feature but beware of bumping the side buttons and holding them in.... you don't wanna activate the mute or something. Other than that, this is a sweet phone. It has almost the same design as the Razr but is a lot better looking and much more reliable. One big flaw though: The picutre quality on the camera is horrible.

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After having the Alias and Venus, I'm back to Moto and couldn't be happier. This phone is easy to use, has everything I want or need, I prefer itapen to Word when there's no qwerty, and the purple color looks fantastic too! I love the soft paint instead of the high gloss fingerprint magnet (hmmhmm, Venus...) there's nice new themes and sturdy, quality build. I am very happy with this phone so far...

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Awesome Phone

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I recently returned the ENV 2 because I was constantly dropping calls and had a hard time with people hearing me. I have had this phone for a few days and it has been working fantastic. This phone alows me to carry on a conversation in my basement without breaking up or dropping the call. The features on the phone are all I need. It is smaller than my old razr V3m which is nice. Also, it has a very nice internal display. I highly recommend this phone. Especially if your top priority is call quality and signal strength.

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I haven't owned many phones, but this really is a perfect phone. I can't think of anything that bothers me, or is a con. GET IT!

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