Motorola MOTO W755 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Don't Buy!!!!!!

Phone owned for more than a year

Don't buy this phone! My dad bought it in Black Slate 2.5 years ago to replace his broken Motorola (MOTO) RAZR V3m Gray and was told it was badically the same phone! It's not! It freezes all the time and call quality is poor! The battery dies within hours! I hate this phone!

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Never buy this

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Never buy this phone! Worst service and call quality, not a very long battery life. There may be full bars on the service bars but you get sucky call quality.  My mom and I went through so much stuff with this phone between new batteries and new phones. I also had a problem were my phone would just shut off in my pocket. Last my phone will just die over night or in 6hrs. My advice get something else!!

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It's Alright

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My dad has this phone, and loves it, and I love it as well. I would've gotten it, if only I didn't want a QWERTY keyboard. It's easy to dial on and text on as well, and my dad has dropped it numerous times, once cracking the front display and getting a replacement, and he currently has a crack in the front display, but it's not big so he isn't getting a replacement (his contract is almost up). The only things I would say are bad with this phone is that sometimes my dad accidentally activates the front controls, but no big deal. But the big deal is the mediocre voice quality. I wouldn't recommend this phone to people who care about that, but, for people who want a simple phone, or if this is their first phone, I would recommend it.

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good overall.... not for all people

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This is my first phone...  I got it about 20 months ago and I loved it just because it was my first phone.  It gets really boring. Camera sucks.... I had a problem with the texting being slow to but i brought to the verizon store and they updated the software for free and that fixed it.  Also... on mine after a while if i took a picture sometimes it will freeze when i take a pic and then it will restart.  When it is back on i will not have the picture.  In February (When i had contract for 20 months) I am getting a new phone most likely the LG Chocolate Touch.

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Wireless Sales Rep

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I work for an authorized retailer who carries Verizon, and this just may be our best selling phone.  We always have this cheapest for upgrade as well as free for new contracts.  The phone is easy to navigate and functions fine, but he has its quirks.  The appearance is a little goofy to me...I don't know what to make of the chrome trimming, the front has a strange overall appearance.  The screen has great color and clarity to it, but not much is needed with the 1.3mp camera.  As I write this review the phone has been on the market for nearly a year and a half, so I know not to compare it to what is new.  Nonetheless, it still has its shortcomings.As easy -to-use and simple as this phone is, it may seem like a great recommendation for someone looking for a "basic" phone to just make calls and maybe take a few pictures.  HOWEVER, it has terrible reliability.  I have never seen a phone that seems to have as many problems as this, especially with the battery.  We get an average amount back from things like glitchiness or software malfunctions, but the amount we see with complaints of battery problems is astronomical.  It only lasts a won't doesn't hold the randomly shuts off.It's a nice phone to use, but I would recommend something like an LG VX8360 any day over this.

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it's alright......

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i'll say this.. the phone has a lot of nice features. like the front touch keys to put the bluetooth on and the vibrate feature.  but if your a texter, this is not the phone for you. it's very delayed.  i'll text a whole message and not have it pop up for 20 seconds. and with that, is a bunch of mispelled words! and now with a couple friends, the phone wont even ring when they call. it's very weird, but the call comes in, and no ring with it. just little things that keep happening to it that are weird. if your a heavy cell phone user, i wouldn't recommend it. but if your a standard call maker and occasional text messenger, it's a fine phone.

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Phone owned for

this was a great phone i like  it overall. the only problem i had with it was txting... it hadf the worst memory i have ever seen. all in all tho it was a great phone. it just isn't rugged enuf for my day to day life cause i broke the glass outta the front in my pocket while operating an excavator so i plan on trying the boulder c waht happens there. but for an everyday phone this phone is graet!

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for a free phone

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wel for a free phone its not to bad i have had mine about 3-4 months already had to replace it...freezes constantly poor picture quality and has an odd place for a memory card that is really a pain in the ass...the call quality is ok...not great but def better than some...

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Great phone

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I have had this phone for 5 months with no problems. The design is great and I love the controls. It also has a really good camera and battery life. I would definitley recommend it.

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Phone owned for

Okayy I Have Had My Phone Since October 24th 2008. Its A pretty good phonee.. I just HATE how it freezes, and the battery life SUCKS.. but if you are a big texter its easy too textt withh.. Butt Other Than all that i love my phone! it was my first phonee. and it really hasnt gave me any trouble.. I Love Its Color Mine Is purplee. (= If You Have A TIN roof you want gett that good of signal.. ): When You Call Somebodyy You Can Hear Them VERRYY good (: butt other than i will prefer you thiss phonee(: thanxx (=

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User Manual

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User Manual is awful - some instructions are simply wrong. Verizon store and Customer Service suggested that it was Motorola's issue. I told them not to blame someone else; that they sold the phone as part of a package deal and Verizon name is on phone. From my conversations I believe they are aware of the problem but do not care. Too early to comment on phone itself except that I have noticed what others have said - reception not great.
I may return the phone. What a pain in the ass.

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Do NOT buy this phone!

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I'm telling you, if you're looking for a new phone you don't want to ignore this. People sometimes pay the price for not listening to reviews. Well I bought this phone the day it came to my local Verizon store, May 23 08 (purely coincidental, didn't know it was a new arrival). As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it, so I paid the full price and received the $50 rebate. It is stylish, attractive, and user-friendly, but believe me it stops there. Well in a few days I experienced a few problems. I didn't receive calls at all (not dropped them, I never RECEIVED THEM. PERIOD). I quickly realized sound quality of calls was HORRIBLE. At max volume it's terribly distorted, so I have it down to medium volume, which is inconvenient since I'm slightly hard of hearing. A few weeks later, I began experiencing lag when typing text messages. About 20 seconds for my message to pop up when using iTap setting. Nowadays, when the phone doesn't lag, I don't get text messages on average for 20 minutes. Verizon-Verizon texts are okay, but Verizon-U.S. Cellular texts are the ones that are delayed (and not all of my friends' texts are delayed, only certain ones). The Verizon rep told me it was U.S. Cell's fault (which is hard to believe, since I'll get one text from a U.S. Cell friend but won't get one from another U.S. Cell friend...). I tried to take the phone back a few weeks ago to the Verizon-main-hq-whatchamacallit place in the next city from me and the customer service rep didn't even look at my phone, examine it, anything, she told me "there's not a problem with that phone!" and pretty much told me to get out of her face. I wrote a letter to Verizon Customer Service in Texas about a month ago. Did I get a reply? No. I called the warranty factory to get a replacement, well they only send out REFURBISHED phones, which are NOT of "like or comparable quality" as the brochure a Verizon Rep gave me said, because common sense would tell you that a refurbished phone isn't worth full price I paid for the dang paperweight. Well they can't even do that right, they sent me an old, out-of-date POS LG brick of a phone. So I'm stuck with a phone I can't get replaced, and I don't want to pay for a new one. Verizon is full of cheap SOBs that want you out of your face when they have your money. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM, AND DEFINITELY DON'T BUY THIS PHONE.

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I bought this phone in June, mostly loved it.  Reception could be better.  Easy to use though.  Don't use it for music as I prefer my ipod for that.  I love the purple colour.  Bought a 2nd one in July slate colour for my husband.  He loves his also although the reception is also bad.  Not great battery life on either.  We do not have a land line, so this is our connection totally.  Looking very carefully for the next set of phones, maybe upgrade to blackberry next time since we have no landline.  For the price of these, can't really complain a lot.  Another con is the vibrating, or should I say LACK of vibrating.  Can't feel it vibrate at all, even in the pocket.  Works great for texting though.  Don't really use the camera much.

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Phone owned for

My Razr broke and I asked for another one. They said that they didn't have it, and I asked what was similar. They said the W755 in black slate was the most similar, and they never, ever talked me into another phone, which was very good :) I said I'd buy it and did, and this is better then the Chocolate II 8550. :)

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Phone owned for

I have had this phone for several months.  I like the design, sturdiness and feel of the phone.  I have had no problems with the features or functions of the phone.  However, the call quality leaves much to be desired.  I finally got tired of pressing the phone through my head, winding up my windows in the car, and turning off the radio just to hear the person on the other end!  Enough already.  I have just upgraded to the new motorola Rapture vu30 and so far the sound is good.  Now that I can deal with.  I don't know if it is just the phones that I have had or just the phone as a whole, but I switched this phone out 3 times trying to find one with good call quality.  So if call quality is as important to you as it is to me, then you may want to entertain the thought of another phone.

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moto w755

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only had the phone for couple days. worked good for a little bit. I get poor quality of sound wen i'm trying to talk to people. internet was good. texting is not working properly when i am typing words. i'm pushing the buttons but it's not registering as quickly as it should and sometimes i have to go back after waiting 20 seconds for the phone to catch up before i can even try to go back to the error :( but when i go to call someone the #s pushed register quickly-that works fine, jst not wen i'm texting.  scrolling down connections list also slows me down. phone will also freeze no matter wht i'm doing. i will end out everything to main screen and it glitches outon me. very disappointed. one more thing about the texting, every once in a while i will get a msg from a contact but its showing tht a difft contact sent me the msg. closing out the txt fixed the glitch. i shouldve jst stayed w/my last cell phone company. camera works fine i like all the extras ex: night time or more white.  taht's neat.  also downloading from the net worx well for me too. Dont get this phone, i've heard nothing but bad things. do like the look of the the texture of the case too.

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Phone owned for

When I first saw this phone on this site, I thought, what is the W755, another one of "those" cheap camera phones for Verizon? Then I thought, it looks a lot like the V3m RAZR, is it an updated version? It indeed is. I got this phone, and it is basically a RAZR3, but Verizson doesn't call it that since the RAZR2 V9m just came out for Verizon. It is really cool! I have the black slate W755. It is nice! I have to admit, I love it!

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1st phone

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at first when i had it i was like what the heck is that!? cuz it loked really ugly to me! but as i started getting new things on it, it got better. the music quality was great but the head phone model wasnt.. you have to buy your own head phone thats exrrememly small and most other headphones are too big for it. one other bad thing was the hearing on the phone.. even when you call someone in the same school during lunch to find then or what not.. it still sounds bad, even if they are in a quiet place. other than that i started to like the design and its smooth texture and also liked the touch sensitive feature. the txting is easier than alot of triple letter phones and an good camera and camcorder. i really like the vapor menu design too x3 and yeah.. im an early teen so this is great for one.

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Back to the drawing board!

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I should've listened to the bad reviews on this phone before getting this piece of junk!  Let me just say that this is my 3rd phone on my upgrade for my New in Every 2 so I am not just being petty or picking on this phone!  I started with the Venus, after 4 days when my phone would ring, I couldn't hear nothing and the Speakerphone button on the touchscreen mysteriously disappeared!  Sent that back and got the Chocolate 3, had it on for a day and everyone sounded like robots.  Sent that back and got this junk, Moto W755 in purple!  I am not sure what is going on with the phones now but it seems none are good anymore.  I am coming from an LG VX8300 which I call the Superman of phones, this phone sounded great and had been through the war zone, being dropped and even thrown, the whole phone came apart and I popped it back together and it still works!  My only issue is that the pins are breaking where you charge it and it is becoming harder to charge or believe me I'd keep this phone!
Back to this junk, I literally had this phone activated for less then a half hour!  I made one call and they said I sounded like I was in Alaska, that was with my plug in headset, however, they sounded clear to me.  I took off the headset and they said it was better but now I couldn't hear them.  The sound was set to the highest setting.  I immediately called Verizon and the rep was able to experience this problematic phone first hand when it cut out twice while we were talking, she could hear me but I couldn't hear her until suddenly her voice came back after about a minute of saying Hello, Hello, Hello.  She immediately told me that she wanted to activate my old phone.  How is it possible to get 3 bad phones all different types from Verizon, are they bad or is it just my luck.  Is it that a small amount are actually good and the good majority suck??!!
I am frustrated beyond belief and have no idea what phone to get now!  I have to now wait again and hope they reset my online account so I can get this online with the instant rebates, though Verizon says it won't reset, they said it wouldn't before and it did.  I know even though they say the store will honor the online price and instant rebates that they will give me a problem.  Here is a bit of advice to anyone looking for a phone, read the user reviews and if you read anything bad that has to do with call quality, battery, or signal, run away and find a review that is positive or has a stupid bad review like the web is slow or something that is bearable!  I paid for not listening to the reviews here!

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Phone owned for

What can I say about this phone?????? Great phone, and that's pretty much it! I would recommend it to anybody who has a RAZR or KRZR and looking to upgrade. It's only $19.99 (subject to change) and that is an EXTREMELY good price!!!!!!

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Phone owned for

I have improved reception over my previous LG phone.

My only gripe are the controls on the side. the vibrate response & speaker phone turns on from "in the pocket" contact. I've missed calls due to this. the vibration is very weak.

The original battery lasted less than 30 days.

My next phone will be a Nokia!

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Good phone but i have some personal issues

Phone owned for

Pros: The phone is a good phone, its fairly new to the market and it hasn't glitched on me once, which is a first. Seems durable and can do lots of stuff.

Cons: Really its the small stuff that is important to me and that is where the cons lay: In order to put music on your phone you have to use Rhapsody Vcast software which does not work on MACS. I was not aware of this and have yet to be able to use this feature which is frustrating.
I use my phone as a watch, so its aggravating that the front screen on the phone goes black only after a few seconds instead of dimming (so you can still read the clock) like my old phone.
I read a review saying that it had a mean vibration setting, this is not true. Unless it is right next to me on hard wood I do not notice it vibrating at all. There has been a few times when it was laying it on my stomach and I thought it was indigestion before I realized my phone was ringing lol!
A huge annoyance with this phone is you can't set predictive text as default for text messaging!!! So anytime I write a message I have to manually set it as predictive text. It also doesn't have much memory to memorize new words. I feel like I have to type in names and slang and such waayyy too many times after it has already remembered it in the past.
One more quick gripe is that there is no way to turn off 'voice commands' setting, and too be honest Im not positive how it gets turned on sometimes, but it has turned on in my purse and im afraid it will call someone and it has already deleted something (but I don't know what it deleted).

Other than all those things its a decent phone! lol

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We have two W755s - and love them!

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The W755 has been a great phone for us! We got them about 2 months ago - black for my husband and purple for me - so we only had to "learn" one new phone setup, but we can tell them apart easily. The reception in our area, which seems to "change with the wind", is much better with this Motorola than my last one - and we haven't lost a call yet. Some users commented about the poor sound from the handset, but I found this was easily fixed by adjusting the volume DURING A CALL (the switch on the left side adjusts ring volume when you are not on a call, but during a call the same switch adjusts your earpiece volume). I love how easy it is to change the ringtone to vibrate, and back again. Another user comment said the battery life was poor -- I really think they had a "lemon", because the battery life has been great on my phone. Overall, I am really happy with it!

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Newbie likes it!

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This is my 1st cell phone, and after trying every option and customizing where appropriate, I'm super pleased. I'll never use all of the 2 gig micro SD card (famous last words), but it's handy to have it available - in my case for less than $18.

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Phone owned for

I am regretting my purchase of the W755... I'm simply dissapointed with the quality of the phone. It is an attractive phone (i have the purple one). Although attractive, it runs EXTREMELY slow! I have also had Many instances where the phone will freeze up or turn itself off completely. It drives me nuts! I haven't loaded any of my music or pics onto it becasue I'm afraid it will run even slower.
I hope that maybe it's just me and I got a defective one. We'll see what Verizon has to say. As a recently acquired customer, I would hope they see how this phone is affecting my faith in their company.

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