Back when I was in my early teens my mom took me by surprise when she told me I could browse the internet on this phone. Although it was tedious, I was able to visit my forums of interest and check my emails without having to be glued to the Library's computers for about 3 hours of my day.
I dont get all these neg reviews...I LOVE MINE! works great,never a problem!!the price was/and is right..never ever a worry...I dont know what happened to yours, but sorry for your bad luck.NO complaints here...The only thing I wonder is how to send a personal picture to my phone :)
Started my service out with Crikett with 2 of the cheap Samsung U340 flip phone, yeah the refurbished one that offers no warranty. Both phones broke within a month DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PHONE. Since there was no warranty but liked the $40 a month rate I had to buy another phone at full cost. To my dismay I am now stuck with VE240. I must admit the MP3 player and Bluetooth is nice but this phone has some serious bugs. It always shuts off on me, freezes on some bios screen. People have difficulty understanding me due to poor mic and digital encryption. MP3 player locks up and the whole phone news to be power cycled. I use the Motorola stereo headset ( very nice) but cant seem to get the volume up all the way. If i at least got the phone with an introdutory offer I be somewhat satisfied, But thanks to the refurb phone I had to pay $135.00 for this piece of poop.
It's a piece of poop. You get what you pay for. A cheap phone. It's a hassle to get your music onto it and when you finnally do figure it out, the volume is so low you cant hear it when you're on a subway. It freezes constantly. Mine has now frozen completely after about a year. It starts off with minor glitches and over time they become more frequent and longer lasting until finnaly the whole thing just dies on you. It's not a flip phone so don't try keeping it in your purse or pocket. The battery guage is completely unreliable. It will tell you the battery is full and 2 minutes later your phone is beeping low battery and dying. Also don't try turning off the phone when you are in a meeting and trying to be quiet. Turning it off automatically plays the annoying 'shutting down' tone on absolutely full volume even if the phone is on mute.
Bought the phone off the MetroPCS website. It was being promoted along side their $30 a month unlimited plan. (which is perfect for me)
I put it together when it arrived and poked around in the menus and such. I sat down to dial *228 and get it activated and figured out I need the serial # under the battery! Took it back apart, wrote it down...then the battery cover wouldn't go back on! Spent 2 hours trying to get it back on. Even searched YouTube for any advice on it...offered my brother $20 if HE could get it wouldn't budge!
Took it to a MetroPCS store the next day....they told me I had to take it to the corporate office. (WTF) Drove to the other side of town and they gave me a new battery cover.
Got home - talked to a lady who took my info to setup the phone - THEN she tried to tell me that this phone was not able to be on the $30 a month plan. I tried to give her the web address of the pages online that showcase THIS phone WITH the plan....she still said no. Told me to take it back.
I called back 10 minutes later and talked to another woman. I explained the problem and she put me on hold to "check if the phone works with the plan".....waited...waited...and figured out she had hung up on me.
Talked to a NEW guy who (for whatever reason) set me up on the $30 a month plan. (after several resets of the phone..ugh)
Now the phone seems to be able to make calls...but WILL NOT SEND TXT messages! I go to sleep tonight furious..knowing I have to call again in the morning!
Im scared to buy a micro SD card for it.....worried about that damn battery cover screwing up all over again!
I BOUGHT 2 OF THESE PHONES AS X-MAS GIFTS FOR WIFE & DAUGHTER...they like to text...these phone's had the annoying habit of FREEZING UP(have contracts with cricket,both under warranty).had to take each one to cricket,they take the phone's and give you replacements(at $35 X 2 thats $70.00 dollars.and then send the originals to motorola,and tell you ,you will be credited(your account $70.00)if the phones are found to be defective.each time my account was credited $35.00 each time,so to make a long story short,bought two other phones(THAT WERE NOT MOTOROLA)and had them flashed to cricket.with those experiences i will not even look at a motorola phone...when given a chice to choose.because you know why ?,it's my money.and i will not spend it on inferior product's like the MOTOROLA VE 240 THANK YOU,FOR READING THIS darayl b.
i've spent forever..trying to find a stupid speakerphone button because one night it apparently turned on when i accidently must have pushed something. It will not go off, and it makes it truely difficult to talk to friends because they can barely hear me. i am very upset with this phone also because the lock pad locks, but then sometimes unlocks when u were at a point in time when having a phone on was not a good thing. it has no camera, and vibrates hysterically. i do not recommend this phone if you have issues with those types of things.
The phone is a value phone. It is light weight and the screen may be a little small but for the money it's a good quality phone. It has a good MP3 player for the value. This is a good starter phone or for someone that is just about making calls and texts.
The battery door is tightly put on there but you would only need to open it if you need to remove the Micro SD Card. However, its preferable a battery door that wont pop out for any simple reason, so it adds security to your phone.
No camera, but you know that before you buy it, so you know what you are getting.
Im able to surf the internet and receive all my texts and calls, it does what I expected to do and the added bonus of the MP3 is great.
Good little phone for the price!
this would be a good first phone or a phone for a kid, since it's so durable and easy to get used to. i've had this phone for almost 7 months, and it's still working like it did when it came out of the box. it's had a lighter taken to it, has slight water damage, been dropped about 20 feet onto rocks and concrete, flung into ditches and so much more. however, saying it works just like it did when it came out of the box isn't necessarily a good thing. ever since day one, it would randomly shut off, freeze up, and lag. about 3 or 4 times a week, it will mess everything up. i'll be getting a text message from john and it says ian. the text message box will get really small and will take forever to display what i'm typing. the vibrate is reeeeeeaaaaally loud too. you can't hear ANYTHING when you're talking on the phone either. also, the person on the other end can't hear you. texting isn't too bad, but the keys were really small, which may be hard for someone with bigger fingers. also, it took some time for me to get used to how small everything on the front screen was.
This is my first cell phone and, if it worked correctly, would be great for any first-timer or a kid, since it's pretty durable, the battery lasts forever, and has all the basic features (minus a camera).
Unfortunately, though, I've had it for less than two months and it's given me trouble almost from day one. It freezes constantly - I'm talking three or more times a week, often several times in a day. Sometimes the freezing is random or when I send a text, but most of the time, it happens when I receive a text while I'm writing one. Guess it just can't handle that much at once, which is ridiculous. Also, the service is abysmal - my phone won't have service, but my boyfriend's will have four bars, and both phones have the same provider.
Much as I hate to knock it, I just can't recommend this phone.
very cool phone. good for first timers. Has great quality, features and duration.
Ive had this phone for a couple of weeks now and dont like it. quite dissapointing since motorola usually comes out with really good phones. I'm going back to LG phones.
I had this phone for about a month before it got stolen. I replaced it with the Samsung Messager. The Moto VE240 had some really cool features. One feature not mentioned is that it has the capabillity to speak digits as you dial them and it also will say the name of the person dialing you, if they are in your contacts. It states the person's name then rings. Cool! What I miss most about this phone is the excellent sound quality, and very thin and light farm factor. You could easily forget it in your pocket or purse. The VE240 also had amazingly long talk times, easily exceeding the 4hrs. listed. Things I did not like about this phone: Micro SD slot was very hard to access. It is located under the back cover, under the battery, and under a plastic support arm.Yuck! Again, Sound quality on this phone as well as through my cheap bluetooth were exellent. No drops, echos, or crackle. I sometimes got this with phones costing far more than this one, CDMA or GSM. I am on Cricket's Network in St.Louis, Mo. and CDMA sound quality is pretty good, but the verdict is still out on Cricket's Cust. Support!
I've had this phone a little over a month and I hate it! Before I got it I had a Motoslvr for 2 yrs! But my memory card is useless. Ive tryed downloading mp3 and theyre no where to be found. It's slow and it's already useless because it froze up on me and won't work at all now! Turns on and stays on the M screen. I bought this phone because I wanted a new phone. Going back to my slvr now and staying there.
the phone works decent.....for a low to no frills phone. the music player in this MOTOROLA VE240 will NOT work with the MOTOROLA H350 earpiece(guess you have to have a stereo bluetooth to listen to your music wireless and privately) grrrr(i miss my NOKIA 6265i for that feature. the VE240 does have a VERY long standby time for its size(even with a few short calls(5-10 min) in there
this is one of the better phones that i have had. i had the moto razor for two years and this phone beats in many different areas. it is a fast unique phone. the music player was a very nice addition to thhis allready great phone. i thought it would be fragile when i first got it but i have dropped it numerous times getting out of my car and it runs just like it always had. overall this is a great phone for anyone!
I'm over 50 and have had three phones in twelve or so years. This is the the fanciest I've ever had.
I use it to talk on. I don't play PacMan, I don't check My Space, I don't text my homies. I just talk. Well, I do one other thing. I use the MP3 player.
I love the MP3 player. The sound is fine. It sucks that the earbuds are 2.5mm. A good set of earsbuds with the 2.5mm plug are hard to find. I ordered a Motorola Bluetooth set, but they haven't arrived yet.
This brings me to the Bluetooth. I have tried linking to my laptop a couple of times. It seems to drop connections quite often. It could be me though.
I have had it a couple of weeks so far. I have gone to the Motorola site for tips and help. There appears to be nothing that I can find on this phone. Perhaps it is too early.
This little entry phone is actually good! System is easy to use and uses all features nicely. Aside from the small tiny screen, the music player is awesome and the call quality is better than other phones ive had. if you love mp3s then choose this phone! not recomended for heavy texters however.
this phone is nice!