Motorola DROID X2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Love it

Phone owned for less than 3 months

It is a great first phone to have and the internet is fast but sometime the internet might freeze but only for about 30 sec. But overall it is a good phone to have love the picture on it. On the flip side outgoing call could be a little faster but as of right now i can dig it side it is my first phone.

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Keep looking

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I hate this phone. Here's why:

Lag issues:
-Have to tap the button several times to get the flashlight to come on. Sometimes flashlight will turn off a few seconds after I've turned it on, because I tapped several times, but it takes a couple of minutes to register. Yes, you read that right. A couple of minutes.
-Failure to let me accept incoming calls.
-Takes way too long to make outgoing calls. I just hope I don't need to call 911, because it could take me FIVE STINKING MINUTES.
-Generally unresponsive behavior-- web page scrolling, placing calls, opening apps, closing apps, etc.
-Music, whether played via streaming radio (like Pandora), or from the SD card, stutters, and that is incredibly annoying.

Nice bits:
-I have an extended life battery, and it lasts all day with heavy usage.
-Bright screen
-Comes with Swype

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Phone owned for more than a year

Worst phone i have ever owned. within the second week i had it the screen started locking up and it would have to be powered off and back on. Now that ive had it for a while, the keyboard never works, the screen locking up is beyond awful, and it won't charge. bought a new battery which did not help. It powers off randomly at 100% battery. It also will not charge on a computer, only a wall outlet. really, don't waste your money. This phone gives me intense migraines.

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Loved it!

Phone owned for more than a year

I loved this phone! It was great! The lack of numbers on the tops was the only annoying thing. I went to Droid 4 and its horrible... went back and got a Droid 3! AMAZING! I wish They would have left the Droid 3 alone!

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This phone is terrible, all the other reviews are wrong besides the negative ones!!!!!!

Phone owned for more than a year

The droid x2 is by far the worst phone ever. The first month it was fine, but after that it was god awful. You cant download any more apps, music, e.t.c. I would rather have a flip phone from 1999! The phone always resets on me. I charge the phone all night and unplug it in the morning and go on an app and it dies right away... no warning at all! The camera is embarrising. The touchscreen does not even registrate that my finger is on the screen. The droid isnt all that bad tho, actually i lied. It sucks so much! Whenever i try to call someone it takes 30 seconds to call someone, and half the time it doesnt even call the right people. I'd rather go to war with russia all by my self then keep the droid x2 another day! Like straight bullets to my chest any day of the week as long as that droid x2 is gone!

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This phone is crap

Phone owned for more than a year

This phone is absolute garbage. Within a month of getting the X2, it began to exponentially degrade. It freezes at least 3 times a day. It overheats after about ten minutes of use. It will randomly shut down without notice. The battery life is about 1/2 a day assuming you can make it to the end of the battery life without the phone crapping out. Reception is just as bad as everything else, along with overall speed. Speakers are extremely quiet and the camera is worse than the camera on a 1990 nokia.Do not buy.

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X2 is mediocre.

Phone owned for less than a year

What started out as high hopes for this phone quickly turned to head shaking mediocraty.

First impressions were not good as the phone rebooted nearly a dozen times in the first half hour of ownership. The UI was sluggish and sometimes unresponsive. Which I believe was from what is called a memory leak. Where the phone lags and freezes and then crashes because of lack of RAM. Partially (mostly?) due to wonky or badly coded firmware. Phone overheats constantly too. Not uncommon to hit 118 degrees doing nothing. Battery life was on par with the Droid X I had.

Phone improved slightly when upgrading from 2.2 to 2.3. Random reboots went away completey (in my case). Phone UI slightly improved speed wise for a little while. But the biggest failure was the camera software. After the update it would take 15-30 seconds or more for the camera app to open up, if it opened at all without crashing.

After a few months the memory leakage came back and the phone became almost unusable. Freezing up when doing the simplest task or even just trying to unlock the phone.

Buyer beware when considering this phone. Software seemed rushed and hardware isn't much better. Phone is also on it's last legs because Moto says they are not updating it beyond 2.3

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Uprgraded to the x2

Phone owned for less than a month

I bought my first phone on a pre-paid with lg and loved it.... for the first few weeks then the data speeds went down, and the phone itself slowed down. I bought this phone and love it now i get very good battery life, usually i get about 5 calls a day, a lot of texts and a very good amount of emails, and i still have about 50% left of the battery at midnight. The tegra 2 is amazingly fast, if you have a droid x its not really worth the upgrade but if you want a good/pretty cheap phone this is amazing to get.

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Rawr! Why did I break my Droid X and get stuck getting this one as its replacement?

Phone owned for less than a year

My overall thoughts on this phone have been mostly towards the software which its currently using android 2.3.1 With updated software or alternative options currently available on the android market they have improved many of the issues I have had with this phone. Though the market is not a complete savior of the phone's flaws including that I don't see much of a performance increase with the dual-core chip over the droid x's single core chip. Whatever improvements the hardware in this phone can do, it certainly does not show in its stock UI performance.

The camera is another major issue for me. It picks and chooses when it wants to take a photo or video. This problem was not found on the droid x.

My only hope with Ice Cream Sandwich if it show up on the X2 is that it will improve many of the handicaps OS 2.3 inhibits on this phone. With so many alternative apps at our disposal, the apps have improved the phones basic functionally greatly.

A great phone with the right software!

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Ok phone

Phone owned for less than a year

I purchased this to replace my original Droid; while the X2 is an improvement over such a dinosaur...I really expected better. I've had to download several apps to compensate for poor quality apps on the phone. Wish it were unlocked / rooted so that I could remove the pre-installed software.
No matter what app I've tried.....the camera still sucks.

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Phone owned for less than a year

VZW upgraded me to the DX2 after my DX kept crashing after the GB upgrade. As it turns out the cause was the initial GB releases from Motorola - the DX2 would crash at least daily also. The GB patch from Moto in October fixed the stability issues after much pain.

The phone can be rooted, but the bootloader is locked so it is hard to customize.

I compared the DX and DX2 screens side by side. The DX2 is much brighter but noticeably pixelated. When using small red or green fonts (like many of my widgets) the pixelation made them unreadable.

I also noticed that even with dual cores, live wallpaper makes screen response sluggish.

This was a disappointing phone

- Large, bright screen
- Great reception
- Solid build and don't even need a case
- Turn by turn nav

- Unstable
- Locked bootloader
- Poor quality screen
- May not get ICS upgrade (may already be obsolete)
- poor camera

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Decent phone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

the droid x2 is a pretty good phone. it may not be the most durable phone out there. very speedy, there is never any lag with this phone. the build quality isn't the best though, the digitizer is coming up around the bottom of the screen. The screen is pentile so it is not the best display on the market, it trails when you scroll down a page and certain colors look bad.

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Ok Phone... Has several issues though.

Phone owned for less than a year

This phone has lots of features..... Unfortunately, Motorola went for quantity over quality when it comes to them. Photos are fuzzy if you use the zoom feature at all, even on the highest quality setting. The UI reaction time has a lag which is annoying sometimes. I have personalized ringtones set for different people, and it will often play the wrong ringtone for people. Sometimes when choosing a contact from the recently called list, it will bring up the wrong contact. The swype feature is cool... When it works right. You have to keep an eye on what you type on the screen though, as the auto-correct will change your entire message if you're not carefuI. I think it is a very buggy phone, and needs better software, firmware, or both. Very sorry I bought it, as other Droids have far better reviews.

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It's Going Back

Phone owned for less than 3 months

As a precursor: I've had the Original X since launch day and have never had such a strong, reliable, smartphone. My fiancee was having problems with her phone, so I figured I'd upgrade and give her my trusty, awesome, X. What better replacement for me, than a dual-core, monster upgrade, right?

I was wrong. I know many X2 users are happy with their phones, and that is awesome. I just can't be one.

My first X2 overheated so much (unplugged) that it irritated a burn on my hand from 4 hours before. It went back. The second one froze up too many times, and the radio seemed weaker. Shipped back. The third, I was prepared to enjoy. Until I used the camera. There was a tiny dark smudge on the internal lens.

Verizon is doing me right and allowing me to switch up. Droid3, here I come.

That said, if I take away the issues, here's my take:
Screen: Great, just make sure you don't view it too close (Pentile) and you'll enjoy it.
Battery Life: Great, on par with teh original X, if not, a little better.
Speed: Yep, it's there, however, the motoblur can sometimes require a longer redraw than desired
OS: 2.2?!?! Probably one of the reasons it's not fully performing. 2.3.4 is the release that is supposed to support dual-core on the OS level. I'll know when I get the Droid 3 tomorrow.
Camera: A hair better than the original X
Signal: disappointingly weaker than the original X.

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Good all around phone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Switching to this off of the Thunderbolt (Terrible battery life & poor reception).

Strange, the first few days, the battery wouldn't last through the day. Now I can get 3 days sometimes! Haven't had that kinda battery life since the Nokia 6015i :-). Overall I love the phone. The reception is the best I have had. The screen is huge and looks great, yet the phone is very slim and fits well in my pocket. Visually, the phone looks cool. I am glad Motorola removed the camera button. They have made big improvements on Blur. I still prefer stock Android. The phone is VERY fast and I love all the accessories that go with it (car mount, desktop cradle, HDMI cable).

I wish Blur came with better calendar and messaging widgets. The camera is not very good. I have a problem getting it to focus and there is a delay when taking pictures. I also wish it had a front facing camera. I hope the make a Droid X3 with 4G.

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Keeps locking up.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Phone is freezing up, shutting down, wont connect to bluetooth, and cant hear my phone calls but on speaker phone only until i take batter out. Have to take battery out like 3 times a day to reset. Other features are good. Just unhappy with the phone due to the flaws. Verizon did a master reset and it worked for a couple days just fine but them started messing up again. And its not what I downloaded to it because I didnt download anything to it at that time.

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Great well built phone

Phone owned for less than a month

Had A Droid Incredible 2 for a week. Traded it in on this.Incredible2 cant hold a candle to the Droid X2. Bluetooth in my car wouldnt work with Incredible2, plus poor reception, and terrible battery life right from the start.I have expierienced none of those problems with the X2.

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Good Phone But Needs More Work

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I got me a Droid X2 as a replacement for Droid X (was having serious audio problem during calls). Honestly, I think it is a good phone and not the greatest. The dual core processor needs further update to reduce lag time in opening apps and downloading internet contents. Importantly, the qHD display somewhat produces nearly washed out photos and media playing experience. I think if these two could be corrected in a future software update then we would be saying otherwise.

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Very Unhappy with phone

Phone owned for less than a month

It is not much different than the original X. Phone locks on me and I cannot unlock it. I've had to bring it back to Verizon a couple times because of this problem. It is a very big inconvenience when it will not unlock, not to mention unreliable. Also does not have a front camera which I wish it had.

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Motorola Droid X2 - Excellent

Phone owned for less than a month

I've had the Droid X2 for a few weeks now running it through it's paces and have been very happy with my findings. I don't have 4G in my area and don't expect it anytime soon so that is not a factor. The lack of a front facing camera for video chatting is no loss for me, more of a gimmick. Overall the phone is fast with good battery life, a very pleasant screen, and well designed user interface.

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Droid X2 review

Phone owned for less than a month

Ok i got my DX2 in the mail today, now mind you i had the DX1 before, its not a great up grade to it but definitely a good one, just by browing through the phone the speed is noticeable the qhd screen is brilliant ,texting is so responsive and fast,moto blur is nice i like the little change is the phone, its definitely a great phone , minor things why they lowered the memory card is beyond me and they should of def added the front facing camera , other then that im happy!!

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Droid X2 - Not Bad MOTO

Phone owned for less than a month

Nice phone! Fast and good battery life, 14 hours of hard use and battery still 30%. Sold Tbolt to buy and I'm very pleased. Front camera would have been nice but no deal breaker most front cameras over rated anyway. Don't miss the four 4g of the Tbolt, it "s fast but not reliable. I carried four batteries for the Tbolt and used three daily. Nice job MOTO but where's the BIONIC?

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