Motorola DEVOUR User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

not the best phone!

Phone owned for less than 3 months

so back when i was in 9th grade, My dad bought me this phone at first i loved it until it started acting weird. it wouldn't go to the home screen at all. i went to verizon 3 times and explained the issue with them, they said, " it was the battery." which it wasn't, as a matter of fact. it was the wiring that fried the circuitry of the phone.

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My first and worst android phone

Phone owned for more than a year

The build quality of the phone is great. It is all made with this sturdy aluminum that can take any fall, I also like that it had a battery opener on the side. The reception on the phone is alright. It fluctuates way too much and sometimes drops down to 1x even if I'm in a 3g area. The call quality is a little better than bad. Everything is real clear and crisp if your in a quiet room, but when a noisy you cant hear anything even with the volume on max. The internet on the phone is straight out bad. It lack full flash support, to zoom in you have to do by a little icon which means no multi touch, the pages render slowly, and it's really laggy with it's movement. The multimedia is alright, my only complaint is that in force closes on many apps and doesn't use any apps that don't support android 1.6. The camera on the phone is really horrid. The shots has really bad light balance and the shots come out really grainy. It also takes a good 3 seconds to take the whole shoot. The U.I speed is descent. It lags a little but not as extensively that your not even able to use it. The text input is very good because of the keyboard. The on screen keyboards are really laggy and doesn't hit the letter your finger is pressing on. The display is actually really pleasant in my opinion. It has really good brightness and everything looks nice and crisp. The battery life on the phone is really bad. It dies really quick with heavy usage and your lucky if can even get through half of the day with the phone.

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Phone owned for less than a year

This phone has brought nothing but pure stress to my life. For the first month or so this phone worked fine, an occasional glitch, but not a big deal. Then one day it started to freeze, shut down anytime I would set an alarm, calendar event, or set it down wrong. Another thing that it started doing was, it would randomly not receive text messages. I would then force the phone to shut down, by removing the battery, and then start it back up (which took a while) and then I would have about 16 missed text messages. There was another occasion where the SD card was in place, and the phone was working fine, and then I went to make a call and I had zero contacts, the phone had just deleted them all. I shut the phone down, let it sit for about 5 minutes, restarted it, and then all my contacts were back.

The phone is sturdy though, and can handle being dropped, and the keyboard is very nice. The phone sounds like a good idea, but then once you start using it you realize what a mistake it was.

I also live in an area of very very poor cell phone reception, for any service, and this phone always managed to get at least a bar, so it has great reception. The internet on this phone though is VERY slow, and it takes a while for it to start up.

I personally do not like this phone because I text often, and I use the internet just as often. I need a phone that will be reliable to keep up with what I do, and this phone is just not doing it for me.

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The devour is a great phone!

Phone owned for less than 3 months

This is a great phone. Very user friendly. I have no idea why people have so much bad things to say about them. I am very picky about my phones. I go through 5 different phones within 1 month. This is one of the phones i have kept longer than usual. As well as the HTC Incredible.

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Good phone. Don't see what all the hate is about.

Phone owned for less than a year

I've had this phone for about 8 months now and it has yet to break or become unusable. This bad boy is cased in solid metal so my clumsy self can drop it all day long without worrying about it breaking.

The MOTOBLUR software isn't very good at all. I'd say that, along with the 3MP, are the only drawbacks to this phone.

If you're having stability issues with this phone (I.E. - Turns off randomly or Camera won't work properly.) just bring it back to Verizon and exchange it. It's that easy... If anybody finds a phone that NEVER bugs on you, let me know. Because as far as I am aware, they don't exist.

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Horrible Phone!

Phone owned for

 When I 1st got this Phone I loved it, but less than a week i had it the Battery Slider Holder thing. just broke! So i got a New Phone and now it Freezes, Turns off, The Camera wont even work, It gets dents and scratches in it SO easily and it's just not worth it at all. The only thing i like was the Moto Blur but now instead of just Status Up dates and New Profile Picture, it now has all of the Question Apps in Facebook, like So and So answered a Question about you and "does this person have nice eyes" and the person who answers it says yes or no, but they are posted on OTHER people's wall! Bad Phone over all!

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Don't get it.

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Freezes, get's hot. Not worth the money, spend your money on something else. I read reviews online that said it was good, but it's horrible probably the worst verizon smart phone out there. I will never waste my money on an motorola, moto blur phone. I had to spend $350 to cancle this phone and another $200 to get another phone!

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I really like it

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BatteryEveryone says the battery life sucks.. well to be honest, it depends what you do with it. You have to remember it is surfing the web, downloading different things constantly, uses motoblur which takes alot and so for what it has you cant expect a battery to last you two days. If you say that you just use it for calling or for texting then obviously you are useing it a lot for that battery to be dead. they have a battery manager setting if this really becomes an issue for you. When the battery is low and almost empty it will tell you and bring up a "why" key and it will tell you how long stuff ran for and can give you an idea of what to use less of to keep the battery alive longer.Apps&GamesApps on this phone are really cool. they have hundreds maybe even thousand of apps both usefull and useless. Even still it reminds me of the Ipod touch. The games are similar to that of the Ipod Touch and i think they are cool too. Some of the apps do freeze up and time out but if you retry it should be all set. it all depends on the internet connection.. it does run off 3G so verizon cant cover everywhereTouch ScreenThis is great also. very easy to use and responds to your movement.. i guess this means if you drag the grey arrow on your home screen half way and dont let go it stays where your hand is and moves with you, it doesnt just go automaticly up, which i like. When people say that it touches multiple buttons at once (or types where they dont want to go) this could just be your hands are too big, or it could mean that you are rushing.. it isnt allways the phones fault they cant design it to fit everyones needs. CallingCalling on this phone is easy and cool. you have four options to choose from when you call someone. You cab just use the dialer to dial the number, you can dial the recant phone calls, the frequent phone calls or go to the speed dial.. this works out well because if you want to find someone you dont have to go searching through their contacts and it is very organized.messageingThis phones qwerty keyboard is great for texting! i love it i just switched over from the voyager which has 4 rows for the keyboard. most new phones only have three but the devour was a lucky one which has 4 also so it is easy for me. the touch screen is great too, it does take some getting used to.DesignExtremely modern. black and silver and the buttons light up white and blue. If you look close on the back it shows lines that u think are there but it is built into the actuall back of the phone it isnt bumpy which is good. the settings, home, and back keys are touch screen but are seen all of the time.mouseI dont use the mouse much but it is a cool feature. i usually just scroll with the touch screen and i like how they didnt make it huge.. it is good though when you are on the internet and the link is small. just scroll over and click with the mouse.InternetThis is good to me. i feel like it is a little slow but that also depends on how good of a connection you got goin on at the time. my room is in the basement so i obviously get less service down there so it is slower. If you are going on youtube or facebook or skype or ebay  they have apps for that so you dont have to search through it.Securitythis is the best phone for security!! you can make your own design to secure the phone or use numbers. they have a bunch of settings of when this security feature kicks in like when display goes off, 1 minute 2 minutes 3, 5, 10, 15 or even 20 minutes after phone is inactive. this is especially good if you loose it. if you create an account you can even track your phone online if you loose it.motoblurthis is a great feature! many people may not like it but im telling you it is the best thing, especially if you have email, facebook, or myspace, twitter or any of those types of things. it updates constantly to keep you going and not have to stop at a computer to check if anything updated.navigatorThere is a vz navigator that you pay 9.99 for a month OR you could get the FREE OF CHARGE app called maps! this is the same thing but it is free.. like the vz navigator, it will take battery life away from your phone so plan accordingly.IMingthere is a mobile IM app i think you have to pay for but there is also skype and twitter that is free that motoblur takes care of for you, and there are multiple apps for AIM and others that are free you just got to look for them. keep in mind this will depleat your battery.Orientationyou can rotate the phone obviously. and when you rotate it to the right, there is a setting that responds to that and it will go with you. so if you hold it verticly and it shows the screen, and then you turn it horizontally, it will go with you. it does this in about half a second. Also, it already does this when the keyboard is out but it can do this when it is closed also.PerformanceFrom what i just said, the performance is unbelieveable.. for what it does, it is great and cant ask for much more..FINAL JUDGEMENTDO NOT LOOK HERE FOR EVERYTHING LISTED ABOVE! that is why i seperated it into seperate sections for you so you could read it individually and not have to read what you dont want to hear.Anyway this is a great phone and if you are looking for a phone that can do all of the above and is a great time saver that does well on internet, emailing, messaging and calling, then this is the phone for you!I serusly hope this helped it took me an hour to wright all this for you, so if you could write if you like it or not, please do.. ill know right away with motoblur and yahoo messenger!  Pet peeve of mine is when people rate ten out of ten or 5 out of 5.. nothing can actually be legit perfect..   

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Phone owned for

Phone is amazing as is any device that has android on it.  The Devour is like the little bro of the droid. the motoblur system is ehh.  The reviews for the technologically retarded as the 0 reviews on this site, wow i mean could you sound more like a 70 year old using string and cups.  The apps work great, battery is as expected 1 - 2 days.  these phone just take time getting use to them, you impatient, inept technology rejects need to sit and get your a.d.d. under control and learn the device because it can be frustrating with anything new the first couple days.  Verizon gives 30 days to try the phone. use the whole 30 days and then write your review. phone gets a 9 from me

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Phone owned for

From day one this phone has done nothing but give me problems. freezes trying to text!!!freezes opening facebook!!!always error msgs!!!force closes apps all the time!!!apps available are limited!!!!pic quality could be better!!no accessories for phone yet!!!!!!blur is annoying!!!we doesnt run like droid!!google maps is ***!!!!!

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devour is a no

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Other than Facebook taking forever to load and the phone freezing all the time. then you have force closing going on all the time. i would say this phone is terrible as far as androids go. i would not recomend this phone at all. i have used almost everyphone out on verizons network and this by far is the worst. if it had better software it would be ok, it needs the same software that the moto droid has to even compete in droid merket. also touch screen does not always work. you have to touch several time for it to do action you want.

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:) pretty cool

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**I think someone said there isn't a directional pad.. There is one... It is the little black square on the right.. It's not technically  on the key board but with a swipe of the thumb it lets you move left/right/up/down with the text cursor... You can also just tap on the screen but its handy if you want to just go back a letter or two** Ok, last time I posted a review it was for the samsung glyde after having had it for 3 days.  That was a huge mistake, I went through 5 of them and it was the biggest lemon ever.  First things first, this phone is available at retailers like w@lm@rt and beztbuy.  The verizon store told me last week that they wouldn't be released till the 15th of march.  So if you want one you can get one.On to the phone.  So far it has been mostly great. The few things that I have found are that I tend to put my hand over the microphone when I talk so I need to learn to hold it right.  Other than that the call quality seems very good.  The key board is great, it is very usable unlike the droid's.  It may not be the absolute best but I think it is definately one of the better ones I have ever used.  The touch screen is very responsive and the screen looks pretty great.  I have gotten pretty good service in terms of downlaods.  I have been able to watch youtube without too much buffering.  setting up my gmail was a breeze.  The calander built into the phone could be nicer, but I am sure there are other options.  There are tons of aps out there, the first thing I dorked it up with is the tricorder app.  Very cool in my opinion.  It's easy enough to use to be addictive.  The glyde was almost painful to use even when it was working right, but this is so easy that it begs to be played with.  I took the facebook widget off my screen.  I didn't want it to be on there all the time... The motoblur interface is cool by me.  It's easy to use once you get the hang of it.  One thing that threw me off was how little documentation came with the phone.  It would be nice if it came with a booklet like most phones do (maybe it does my package look liked it had been opened before I got it)..  It is a very solid phone.  It feels durable... One thing also is that there are not many voices to choose from in the voice synthesizer.  Basically american or british unless you want a foriegn language... Everyone says that this is a kids phone but it does sync up to outlook... I have had trouble with this though and will need to talk to IT about getting it to work.  but in theory it does work with outlook...

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Love this phone

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I have been using this phone for a few weeks now and I love it.  I like the design layout and love Android OS.  I like the keyboard and the phone is very responsive.  If your into social networking, Motoblur does an awesome job integrating the services all into one.  The battery life could be better as my batter lasts about 9 hours give or take a little. 

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Moto Blur

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    One of the best technology inventions ever, has Moto Blur, which allows you to use all your social networking on one device. From updating all, Face Book, Myspace, And Twitter updates through just one update, to viewing all your friends updates and moods right from your phone book.     Also has the ability to track your phone through GPS and lets you know exactly where it is on a map, and if is out of your hands to get it, you can wipe all the information on your phone right from your computer. And when you do get your replacement device, log in, and everything shows up as if it were your old phone. All walpapers, widgets, and apps are right where you left them.Moto Blur...

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Phone owned for

 Got this phone the day it came out and absolutely love it. Yes, I am a member of the younger targeted audience for this device. (16-24). I have previously used both the eris and Droid and this phone seems to be a middle compromise of the two. Yes, the processor isn't that of the Droid, BUT it is FAST and loads web pages and applications quickly. *though i did notice a slight lag when sliding open the keyboard, but this is very subtle.BATTERY - The battery life is pretty good, on the day I got the phone I charged it then used it pretty heavily with high screen brightness, wifi, and full 3g coverage and got a full 15 hours out of the battery, which is amazing. On days with normal use and power saver mode on I get it to last almost 2 days, probably would last the full 2 days if I were able to stay in complete coverage the entire time.SCREEN - The lower resolution screen than the Droid is only noticeable when placed side by side, holding this phone you appreciate the great screen.KEYBOARD - This keyboard is awesome! It is very spacious and provides good click feel. The phone lacks a directional pad but does include a touch sensitive directional selection area. (i forget what they actually call the thing). Honestly, this is almost useless, it can be used in all situations, but it is just easier to tap the screen or slide the page on the screen.SIZE - The size of the device is basically the same as the Droid, because of the fact that the bottom side of the device curves inward the phone does not feel quite as big and square as the Droid does. It is heavy like the Droid too. The overall size of the device isn't taken advantage of in the screen size, there is a lot of room for the screen to have been larger.BLUR - The blur interface is pretty cool, if you use social networking like it's your job that is. I mean who really needs to know what's going on in all those places on your home screen? Not me. The happenings widget is basically all the blur interface is, and blur's other feature; the universal inbox, just makes clutter. (easier I think to just open email or text separate). Thankfully these features can be turned off and removed from your home screen. And by removing them you get more of a regular android feel to the phone.I recommend using the "advanced task killer" app from the marketplace (free). This allows you to quit applications that might be running in the background. Though I have noticed that several applications will open themselves, even if you don't use them. Such as visual voicemail, alarm clock, voice commands, and happenings. Some of these applications cannot be removed, along with the applications added by verizon. But according to battery usage they don't affect the battery life too much.Conclusion - If you are looking for an android phone and don't mind the fact that the software isn't the latest 2.x software. The phone as a considerably better keyboard than the Droid which is great for texters and email. I would recommend this to a teen or someone highly involved in social networking.

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avoid this phone!!!!

Phone owned for

this piece of junk has been one problem after another!!!!

1-you can't transfer contacts
2-you can't get the back up manager app
3-app attempts all fail
4-system is NOT user friendly ..this is a kid phone

bottom line wife is taking it back after 2days and ditching it

avoid this phone verizon customer service is useless on the phone and in the store

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Phone owned for

This phone is NOT the droid, not even ment to be compared to it, and thats what alot of people are not realizing.  Its an android, yes.  Its a motorola, yes.   BUT it does'nt have 2.0/2.1....for a reason.  It has MOTOBLUR.  Motorolas own type of android software.  Its more for the social person.  Its a solid phone with pretty good battery life, great touch screen and a little more spred out keyboard.  Its not going to have all the features the Droid has, and the Devour is not going to have all the features the Droid has.   So before you judge and accuse that its not the Droid, remember that its not.  They are two totally different phones.  

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Motos Devour vs. its older sibling, the Droid

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CONS * Camera is very average and has no flash. Battery is average. Some options aren't present here like on the Droid. Older software than the Droid. Cant delete contacts from Facebook from your phone if Facebook is synced up. You have to filter them. Bummer. Get a rubber cover as soon as one is available because if you drop this phone or lean on it, it may scratch and with this silver color I know it will be very noticeable. Hard plastic snap on covers are available right now but thats not my style.

PROS * RF. Touch screen is very responsive and a tad better than the Droid. Volume. Feels solid. Texting is accurate. Better keyboard layout than the Droid but not the best either. When the keyboard slides out, it feels very solid. Good job on the mechanics on this phone MOTO! The Droids slide out character feels somewhat sloppy. Some options not here like on the Droid BUT ... there are some options on here not found on the Droid. Battery/SD card on the side of the phone. 5 home screens is nice.

OTHERS * APP STORE ( The Market ) is getting better each day. Its not communist like Apples App store! Motoblur. I'm not a fan of this. This is my opinion though. Like I said feels solid but silver is not my style. Optical track pad is useless to me. The track pad works fine but like I said is useless and makes the phone look silly. This phone is heavier than the Droid. Notification light is on the bottom left and is blue. Silly position to me. FYI. I couldn't play with this phone at the store and see all its options because you have to set up a Motoblur account before you can mess around with this phone which is another drag.

I own both phones and if I were to choose, the Droid would win by a yard. All though the Refs might need to bring out the chains just to be fair :) You be the judge. The Devour is a teenage version of its older sibling, The Droid.

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